First off i would like to thank Geoff and all of Terrible Minds for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine
How did the band come to be named Terrible Minds and is there any special meaning behind the band being named this?
I just thought of a way in which people would describe people like me, or any of my friends. Whether it be religious, political or whichever kind of view we have on things. If we aren't thinking and doing the same things as the people around us...you are nothing to them, and you are automatically wrong or a "terrible" person for thinking or saying something against the grain. It's all a sad story.
for someone who has never seen TM live before and is planning on attending a show what can they expect to see?
Four kids spilling their heart and soul on stage...not for just the crowd but for themselves.
who are some of the bands main musical influences?
I'm not going to put some big elaborate list here like a 14 year old girl on myspace would trying to rival her friends with. So here's just a few.
Judge. Minor Threat. Ignite. Municipal Waste. Radical Attack. Operation Ivy. Chain of Strength. Sick of it All. Madball. Blood for Blood. Guns Up! Our local bands like: Wisdom in Chains. Strength for a Reason. Barricade. Not Without Resistance. Rival with Honor. The Pipebombs. Thy Ruin Approaches. Counter Corruption. Each and every band we've grown up listening to and watching. There are plently more we could list. THANKS FOR THE INFLUENCE.
are any members in side projects other than Terrible Minds?
No. We are all 100% dedicated to this one for the time being.
what are your views on the kids who bitch about getting hit at a show for standing too close to the pit then bitch about it for a week on the internet?
Well. It's what anyone would say. Don't stand there. Quit bitching.
how long has the band been together?
It will be a full year in september.
how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?
We are releasing our first on September 20 in Altoona. Check our myspace for more details. www.myspace.com/terriblemindspa
The whole show isn't fully dealt with, or I wouldn't have put that lame plug-in there,
what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?
We write about anything and everything that simply pisses us off on a day to day basis. Not little things, but things we wish people could see from our side.Our songs are short and to the point, so we try to put a huge opinion in a small amount of time. I don't write to offend. I write songs about how I feel/see things.
is there a large and thriving scene in the Altoona area as well as throughout Pennsylvania?
Yes. Altoona has been getting a good turn-out for some really big shows coming through the area. We have the luck of getting GREAT bands into town on a monthly basis. We try not to overdue them though, as in book too many small shows. We also have the advantage of having some great promoters who have the connections and time to put into their work.
what is your favorite song to cover during a set?
We only do one song right now. We've only played it once.
Blood for Blood- Wasted Youth Crew
We're debating on another soon.
is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?
Yes. The original. It will NOT change. We have the best chemistry out of any band any of us have ever been in. We agree on everything musically, mentally, and artistically. It's not often you find a group of kids that can listen to opinions, and actually give them a shot, talk them out, and then agree on something. To me, it's amazing. I love these guys from the bottom of my heart, and I have no intention of any of us going our separate ways.
if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why?
This is so tough for me. I have a list of probably hundreds of vocalists that intrigue me. Right now, it would be Ian Mackaye vs. Jesse Michaels. They seemed to have been expressing themselves how I think it should be done. They didn't talk about senseless bullshit.
in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before ?
Fucking pissed.
when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player?
Well we don't have a van. We can't find someone to book a solid tour. Away shows we listen to everything. It's like having a 2984732 disc changer.
how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band?
I can't speak for the other dudes in my band on this one. I know that my big sister (Stacey) took myself and my man Birtle to our first show when we were in 7th grade. The energy is what got me. NOTHING beats the energy of a hardcore show.
when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest shit you have seen happen or pass by?
Shit. You know, it's not even in the big cities you see the good stuff, but the little farm towns in PA that provide the best sights. I honestly can't answer this one.
where do you see the band in 3 years from now?
Together. Whether we're signed or not.
who are some of the up and coming bands from the Altoona area as well as throughout Pennsylvania that we should be on the lookout for?
Not Without Resistance. Barricade. Weight of the Crown. Can't Win em' All. Drain the Sorrow. Expect the Worst. Petition. We Are Forever. Those are most of the main bands around here left. Check out Vengeance too. They are from VA Beach which doesn't pertain to the question...but they're awesome. SORRY IF WE FORGOT YOU.
the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you?
A lot of people don't know of it, and a lot of us don't speak to them about it. To me it means my place to get all the weight off my shoulders from the bullshit we all have to deal with. I don't want some ignorant asshole coming in and trying to take it over for money or reputation. It's our movement. It's something that shouldn't be bought out.
How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise?
What is your most memorable show and why?
Our first show was my favorite. We played 4 songs, and the set was no more than 8 minutes. The crowd was great and it was just a ton of energy coming from us since we hadn't been on stage with a band for awhile.
what is your favorite city to play shows in and also your least favorite and why?
Altoona,PA... NO out of town show is a least favorite. If we can get booked out of town, that's a great show to us whether there's 250 through the
door or 2.
Who are some of the bands that you enjoy sharing shows with?
All locals. Bigger bands we've played with like Barricade(on Eulogy) or Know the Score( on Double or Nothing) because they don't treat us like the new kids or some dumb shit like that. They give us advice, pass out our demos, and fully support us. It's nice to get those pointers from bands that have been around longer than yours and know what they're talking about.
where else besides myspace can the readers go to to findout about upcoming shows and other band related information?
Really, that's all we have right now. http://www.myspace.com/terriblemindspa
What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up?
Keep going. You'll find your sound whether it's what you thought it'd be or not. As long as it's what you agree on then stay together. If not, yeah ......it's time to split.
where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene?
Who knows. School at some lame-ass college soccer training camp.
what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the band when playing a set?
Well...I had a choking accident that fucked up my throat therefore limiting my voice. During our cover my voice slipped away from me. I felt like shit standing there quiet during one of the best songs ever made.
why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?
I think the violence is because people walk-in expecting to take over a place, with no conscience of where they are actually at. If it weren't for people like that, every show would be like the great nights we have here when we don't deal with bullshit like that. That's not to deter people from coming, because obviously we always want our shows to be growing in numbers and adding to the excitement. Come out and support us or any band you know. Just don't be an idiot about it.
Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?
Sept 20th. Here in Altoona. It's our EP release with Under One Flag who are willing to make that drive here to play. Come out and support...you won't be let down.
Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about?
We aren't here to impress anyone. We simply are doing what we love, and saying what we think. Listen to us. Contact us. Book us. We will play ANYWHERE for ANYTHING. For free. For food. For a place to stay. Whatever. If you have a band and want to be booked here, CONTACT US WE WILL GET YOU ON A BILL. Thanks to those of you who read this. It means something to us.