First off i would like to thank Keith and Ligeia for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine
How did the band come to be named Ligeia and is there any special meaning behind the band being named this?
We got it from an Edgar Allan Poe short story called 'Ligeia' go figured, but we also heard its a porno from the 80's and female fronted black metal band from sweden.
who are some of the bands main musical influences?
Guns'n'roses, slipknot, JT
are any members in side projects other than Ligeia?
Naw, we haven't really gone platinum with ligeia yet so we've been just sticking to our day jobs for now
what was it like being able to do your recent tour with I Wrestled a bear once and how did that tour go?
It was awesome! Let me tell you it was such a nice change touring with a different sounding group. We have been touring with metalcore, hardcore and mosh bands for years now, so it was a nice change to hear breakdown after breakdown everynight.
what was it like being able to play the New England Metal and Hardcore Fest and how did the crowds react when you played your set?
Yes! It was incredible! Granted its the best metal festival in the US and we are from new england, so it was fucking packed and the crowd responded awesome.
how long has the band been together?
Well myself, ryan and phil started the band in late 2003, early 2004. So
4 years
how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?
We did a couple 8 tracks and 7-inches instead of release cds because we figured people could play them in there cars...Well we recorded a 3 song demo after being
a band for only a month in 2004 then in 2005 we began writing and recording our debut album 'your ghost if a gift'
what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?
It all depends honestly, the first record was definately a punching bag for me so I was venting about a lot of shit that was going wrong in my life at the time. With bad news, I wrote more of an overview of what my life has become post-crisis, post teenager angst, which I feel more people can relate too. Bad News is about hard times and the good times and overall it's a more accurate portrayal of my life.
how did the band come to getting signed with Ferret Records and how have they treated you so far?
Well when we first started recording 'your ghost is a gift' prostetic records was going to release the album, but ferret heard some demos off the album from ken susi and basically we ended up going with ferret because we felt it was a better label for us stylistically.
is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?
Yea we have the orignal line up now, it's ryan, phil and I, we started the band in 2003 with the addition of brandon whipple on bass.
if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why?
Honestly I really want female vocals in a couple songs on our next album but off the top of my head, I think itd be amazing to have Lajon from sevendust or aaron lewis from staind. They both have amazing vocals and it'd be rad to encorporate them into our songs.
in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before ?
Big tits, B-dass, Intense, catchy, somewhat fun
who are some of the up and coming bands that you would recommend for the zine to check out ?
For heavy stuff check our out boys in Recon, they are good friends of ours, and they are extremely heavy.
when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player?
Wellll....we aint got no cd player, we got dem ipods, but to answer the question, I can't really answer the question becuase we listen to sooooo much different music, each one of us have different tastes and favorites but sadly enough lately we've been playing out new avenged sevenfold, lil weeezy, and the new hopesfall.
how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band?
As far as the scene is concerned my first hardcore show was seeing 'peacemeal' in my hometown of palmer, ma. Peacemeal featured the singer from the hope conspiracy which made a huge impact on me as a frontman and lyricist.
Besides that when I was in 2nd grade I saw the video for paradise city from guns and roses on mtv (back when they played videos) and I was hooked, been a huge gnr fan ever since, but I used to sing and play guitar in grunge bands when i was a kid and I also became a huge deftones fan as i got a little older so I decided to focus on just singing like chino.
when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest shit you have seen happen or pass by?
Jeeeez soo much shit honestly but off the top of my head this one time after heading to our friends house in montreal after a night downtown at several bars in montreal, we saw this dude ass naked passed out facedown in the middle of a sidewalk...it was prety funny
the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you
Honestly I'd say bands without breakdowns are the real hardcore bands nowadays.
what are your views on fighting at shows?
It sucks, but its life, fights happen, you gotta get over it. I hate drama in general, so I think its faggotry when kids fight at shows just to get attention or becuase they're bored.
How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise?
We need you support! Please pick up our new album 'BAD NEWS'
What is your most memorable show and why?
Most memorable? Hmmm not really sure, but I love to play our home are in massachusetts
what is your favorite city and country to play shows in and also your least favorite and why?
Favorite spots are all of new england, ny, nashville, west lake, ca
what are your views on kids who talk shit on the internet?
Its funny, I mean it sucks becuase people end up taking them seriously but I love lambgoat, I check it everyday, I think its hilarious. But yea people get bent out of shape becuase of comments kids leave about bands and such, overall I think people overreact to kids talking shit, theyre just havin fun in between halo sessions.
Who are some of the bands that you enjoy touring with?
Well we recently toured with on broken wings and recon and we got along with those guys very well.. Just worked out everyday and i got to drink whiskey and hang out at the merch table.
What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up?
Honestly if you are thinking about giving up, then give it the fuck up, obviously you aren't committed to what you believe.
where else besides myspace can the readers go to to findout about upcoming shows and other band related information?
Sorry no where else is as informative and available
where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene?
Filling in potholes for the dpw still or sitting in a cubicle like the guy in office space, hating my life
what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the band when playing a set?
Ummm...nothing really...we aim not to suck
what is the worst injury that any of the band has had happen when playing show?
Hmmm I dislocated my shoulder stage diving one time, but pulled off the
entire set in pain
why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?
Well they associate violence with shows becuase violence happens at shows, maybe not a majority of them, but a few incidents can ruin the reputation for the rest.
Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?
More so tours, weare hitting the road from october 1st to the
middle of november, so please check out our dates at myspace.com/ligeia
Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about?
Please pick up our new album 'BAD NEWS'! We need your support now more
than ever!
Thank you Keith and Ligeia for taking the time out to do this interview
with Worldwidetakeoverzine