First off i would like to thank Scott and all of On My Side for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine
How did the band come to be named On My Side and is there any special meaning behind the band being named this?
-Well, I've always said that I'm terrible at coming up with band names, so whenever we got together to try to think of a band name, we just went to one of our favorite bands for influence and that was the band In My Eyes and the song was on the record Nothing To Hide. Also, we thought it was really cool that IME got their name from Minor Threat and we got ours from IME. Kind of like a "grandfather straight edge" thing, I guess.
for someone who has never seen OMS live before and is planning on attending a show what can they expect to see?
-5 dudes. 3 that are of hispanic descent and 2 that are white. There will hopefully be lots of jumping, moshing, stomping, etc. and people will, hopefully, be having alot of fun. I feel like the style that OMS plays is a solid genre to just have to...whether that be standing and nodding or moshing it up. We're down for whatever just as long as everyone has fun.
what are your views on fighting at shows?
-Fighting at shows is downright STUPID and leads to ruining venues and even scenes. If you're going to fight someone, have some respect for the scene and others around you and go settle that elsewhere. I wouldn't say that as a band we're a bunch of pacifists, but if something has to be settled with fists, do it away from the venue. Ironically, we have a little bit of history of fighting happening during our sets (which is weird...) and we were playing with like Bitter End or something. Pretty ironic, but hey, whatever.
who are some of the bands main musical influences?
-Well, I'm proud to say that whenever it comes to influences in the grand scheme of things, all of us listen to alot of different stuff and are general fans of music as a whole. However, whenever it comes to direct musical influences for OMS, I'd have to say that bands like Mouthpiece, Underdog, Beyond, the Cro Mags, Supertouch, etc. Honestly, I could list out tons of bands but after a while it would just get redundant. Basically, we're influenced by hardcore ranging from 77-08.
are any members in side projects other than OMS?
-YES. Well, currently Eddie and I are in a band together called Year One (www.myspace.com/yearone08) that we do with 2 of our friends. Think Kid Dynamite, Lifetime, etc. Fun stuff. Year One will probably tour with OMS this winter time so keep your eyes open for that... Matt is in a band called No Return (www.myspace.com/noreturnhc) that is like a modern fast hardcore band. Steve and Eddie started a band with some friends that was called "Oppressed"...I don't know if they're doing anything anymore, but I know they were for a while. It was like a Vio-lence/Merauder hybrid. Let's see...Steve and I did something with a friend of ours called Muzzled which will probably never record anything or ever play a show. It sounded kind of like Unsane but alot grittier with songs that were like 15 minutes long. Lastly, I wrote some songs for a demo for a straight edge band that I was going to do all the vocals and play bass/guitar for with Eddie drumming. I think we had 6 songs and a Lifesblood cover. Think Straight Ahead and Youth of Today. Definitely a cool vibe. If we ever play a show, it'll be a special occasion. I think we just enjoy starting bands all the time, ha. Oh yea, and I tour with Bitter End occasionally.
how long has the band been together?
-We've been together now close to 3 years (3 years in December).
how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?
-Well, we released the "Redefinition EP" that was originally going to just be a demo, but turned into a 7" EP whenever Words of War came around and wanted to release it. Our next release will be an LP entitled "Grow" that'll also be out on Words of War. Keep your eyes open for that. It's seriously going to be awesome.
what are your views on kids who talk shit on the internet ?
-I think too often kids write checks that they can't cash when it comes to message boards and the internet. It's like, don't say something that you know could get around to someone who you're talking about be it bands, labels, people, etc. I've seen some people say some dumb stuff and even their friends catch the backlash from it. However, I don't know what is worse, dudes who talk shit (which can sometimes be mistaken as speaking your mind, which I have no problem with) or dudes who put up fronts like "OH MAN THIS BAND RULES!" and then when it comes to talking in person, they just talk behind their backs. Whatever, the internet rules, but sucks at the same time alot of times.
what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?
-Well, I don't write lyrics so I don't feel like I can necessarily answer this question super adequately, but I'd say that Carlos really writes his lyrics on life experiences be it the past, the present, or the future.
is there a large and thriving scene in the Louetta area as well as throughout Texas?
-Haha...the Louetta thing is a big joke because Louetta is the street that we all live off of...probably about a crew of 20 or so of us. It's cool because there are a bunch of musicians within our little "crew" which explains why we all have a ton of bands. We always like to talk about our little suburban heaven, Louetta. So yes, I'd say it's thriving whenever all home from college because on any day, you could have Louetta dudes practicing for one of our many bands. We're even talking about building a venue on Louetta and starting Louetta records. Gotta love the suburbs.
what was it like playing fallcore 2007 ?
Fallcore 07 was awesome. Easily one of our best shows. We always look forward to Fallcore because it's always a great time with all of our friends and we usually have a pretty solid reaction. TXHC.
how did the band come to signing with Words of War Records and how have they treated you so far?
-Zak kind of found us randomly and dug our stuff and wanted to revive his label with us being his first release in 10 years. We said yes and it's honestly been one of the best decisions we've made. Zak is an excellent guy, has treated us really fairly, and is doing an awesome job with his label. Please support him and Words of War...definitely the best up and coming label right now.
is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?
-The original line up was just myself, Eddie, Steve and Carlos, but in the past year we've added a second guitarist, Matt.
do you find hit hard to tour and share shows with bands who are not straight edge ?
-Not at all. I'd say that we are a straight edge band, but that doesn't define who are friends and bands we play music with at all. Actually, the majority of my friends are not straight edge and the bands I love playing shows with usually aren't either. So yea, we're a straight edge band, but more importantly, I'd say, we are a unity band.
if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why?
-I dunno...maybe like Tim McMahon or something. That'd be tight. However, we just settled with Daniel from Bitter End, ha.
does the band have any plans to tour the east coast this year or possibly sometime during 2009?
-This winter time, we should be touring to the west coast, but this summer you should see us venturing to the east.
in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before ?
In your face straight edge hardcore that takes influences from all generations of HARDCORE.
when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player?
-Probably something not hardcore like Minus The Bear or something. I know Eddie likes them. I'd probably want to listen to like The Melvins or something.
how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band?
-I was first exposed to the scene by a friend of mine in high school. He showed me Youth Of Today, GB, etc. It was true love and I knew I wanted to be around for a while. When it comes to bands, I always thought about starting a band but never thought I could do it...I eventually wrote some songs and the rest is history!
when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest shit you have seen happen or pass by?
-Well, we actually haven't been on tour yet so I can't say anything. Sorry.
where do you see the band in 3 years from now?
-I'll be honest and say probably broken up. Not because I feel myself "moving on" or anything, but we're all getting older and a few of the dudes would like to get more education after college which means probably no time to focus on OMS. If we're not broken up, then we'll probably be touring and releasing records. But yea, we're not really the "sell myself to hardcore" types and will probably working real jobs or going to school. Bummer.
who are some of the up and coming bands from the Louetta area as well as throughout Texas that we should be on the lookout for?
As far as Louetta, just keep an eye open because our suburb is going to blow up. As for the rest of TX, FEED. They are the BEST band in TX right now and will hopefully be touring arenas one day...with me roadie-ing and living the good life.
the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you?
-Hardcore to me is real music. Fast, hard, and in your face. To me, hardcore is only hardcore as long as your playing from your heart while still looking to the roots of the scene for guidance.
How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise?
-Go to our MySpace...we should have some merch up eventually. It's www.myspace.com/onmysidehc
What is your most memorable show and why?
-In recent memory, probably Have Heart/Verse in Houston. The set was just perfect. However, a close second would be both Fallcore 06 and Fallcore 07.
what is your favorite city and country to play shows in and also your least favorite and why?
-Well, we've only played in TX and Mexico, so I can't really say a least favorite, and I know that the guys enjoyed playing in MEX. Shout out to the Monterrey Crew...ora le guey!
What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up?
-Well, I'd just say, don't be afraid to grow. In the words of Breakdown "DON'T GIVE UP!", but at the same time if you're doing something that was fun but turns into monotony, don't be afraid to grow from it and move on to something else. I feel like growing and having a change of heart in hardcore is looked down upon often times, but I feel like that is the essence of being; growing and changing constantly to better yourself and others around you.
where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene?
-Probably a really boring guy who likes playing beer pong alot and doesn't have many hobbies, haha! Actually, a friend of mine and I discussed this, kind of like the whole idea of never finding hardcore and how life would be so much different. I think the only thing that I can really say is this: life would be so BORING! Hardcore is great.
why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?
-I think this stems from the aggression that hardcore exudes. It seems like people equate aggression with violence, however hardcore is just an aggressive form of music and even violent, aesthetically. However, ignorance and unnecessary violence has nothing to do at hardcore shows. Having an outlet to channel frustration and anger is fantastic, but channeling that into ignorance that in turn leads to violence can get the fuck OUT.
Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?
-Fallcore in September, should be good. I know we're playing Sudden Death's last show this Friday which should be fun. Eventually we'll be playing a record release show for our LP, Grow sometime in the fall. Should be excellent...if you live in TX or surrounding areas, GO!
Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about?
Man, nothing at all. Thanks for the interview! It was comprehensive but alot of fun. Looks like you have a great zine going for you guys. Keep it up.