How did the band come to be named Cant Win Em All and is there any special meaning behind the band being named this?
I (Eddie-vox) always use to say this after anything shitty happened ya cant win em all. and then i was like it would be awesome if we used it as a band name and here we are. you can always use that for anything that happens in life.
how did the band come to get signed to Filled With Hate Records and how have they treated you so far especially with merch and recording the upcoming ep and cd?
It was kinda crazy really. I was in the hospital after getting kicked in my tumor at a Knock em dead show in Altoona, and it caused me to get blood clots in my lungs. i got an email from axell and niles from FWH records on my sidekick. i had met them when i toured with CDC in europe in 06 on the RAID OVER EUROPE TOUR 06 W/ IN BLOOD WE TRUST AND CDC. the email was just like "eddie, you slacker why didnt you tell us you were in a band." I was just like i didnt think to. After hearing our 3 song demo we put out in 07 they asked us to do a record on FWH, which is gonna be a split with our good friends DLS from germany. they are very good people, and i've known them for a while. They truly go out of their way for bands on their label. CWEA is still pretty new to FWH though. We had sent merch over there a while ago and from what we know it seems to be going well.
who are some of the bands main musical influences?
our biggest influences would be E-Town Concrete, Candiria, Swear to god, Rage agaisnt the machine, Irate,Round for Round (r.i.p),and Blood for Blood
what are your views on fighting at shows?
We think its dumb. It ruins shows everywhere. The scene today is very young everywhere, you get these tough guy kids who dance like someone just stabbed their mom and a fight happens. next thing you know it takes 18 kids to fight one kid, then the younger kids see that shit go down and think thats cool.
nothing against dancing hard and having a good time but there is no need to act like an asshole all the time. fighting at shows is just retarded and uncalled for.
are any members in side projects other than CWEA?
No one in the current line-up has anything going on. we are all doing CWEA full time.
how long has the band been together?
This band has been together since early 06 we have been through 7 line up changes before finally playing shows. we'd be ready to play then our drummer would quit everytime.
how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?
We just have our 07 demo released at the moment. our EP will be released in NOV
what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?
We write our lyrics on the scene today, message boards and how we hate that shit, good and bad times, and fallen friends.
is there a large and thriving scene in the Altoona area as well as throughout Pennsylvania?
Altoona has its moments, both good and bad. all depends on our venue. but with every scene we have our ups and downs. The PA scene is awesome! there is a lot of awesome bands throughout PA. everyone is holding it down in their areas.
is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?
The originals are Jeremy - guitar, eliot-guitar, eddie - vocals, ben p -bass and the newest members rocco -drums and bryant backup/tour fill in. We couldnt be happier with this line up!!!
if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why?
hahah this is a good question big anthony money the singer of E-town concrete. his vocals are sick! he is someone i for sure look up to as a vocalist. and the other two we got em. Hamlet from Knock em dead (feat. on CWEA and DEATH FIRST on our 07 demo) and kenny pounds of Pound for Pound, one of my all time fav bands (feat. on DEATH FIRST on our new upcoming EP due out in NOV, FUCK YOU AND THE MESSAGE BOARD YOU WROTE IN ON) both those bands are good friends of ours and we are glad to have there guest vocals on our tracks.
in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before?
when on tour what is the most commonly eaten fast food for example Mcdonalds Burger King etc and why?
Our tour in june got cancelled due to our old drummer backing out on us 4 days before we left. his reasons were that he wouldn't be comfortable in our RV and he isn't cut out to be on the road. more or less he wont leave altoona or his mom. but when we play out of town shows or do weekends. mc donalds cause its cheap. or bar food cause its good!
when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player?
Damm theres too many to name. E-town concrete,jedi mind tricks,snoop dogg,wu-tang, alot of hip hop nothing heavy, sometimes but mostly easy listing too.
how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band?
Another good question. my first show was in Altoona,PA i was about 12 years old. it was a bunch of locals and the headliner was BAD LUCK 13 RIOT EXTRAVAGANZA. it was nuts i loved it! 3 of us from CWEA were there jeremy, myself and ben. Another show after that i can remeber one of my first to wanna make me be in a band was IGNITE/GOlDFINGER after seeing those two play i was just like this is something i wanna do!
where do you see the band in 3 years from now?
Hopfully touring 6 months outa the year and do what we love to do best...play music.
who are some of the up and coming bands from the Altoona area as well as throughout Pennsylvania that we should be on the lookout for?
In the Altoona scene : Terrible Minds (fast pissed off h/c) We Are Forever (pop punk for fans of lifetime and set your goals) Ten on One (straight murder h/c) Like a movie (huge in our pop punk scene and touring across the states) as for PA bands we'll be here all day but i'll name a few : STRENGTH FOR A REASON,WISDOM IN CHAINS,CDC,STAND FIRM,SMOKE AND MIRRORS,TASTE THE STEEL,PATH TO MISERY,WEIGHT OF THE CROWN,MTG,NOT WITHOUT RESISTANCE,BREED THE KILLER,ENEMY MIND, like i said we'd be here all day theres to many to name!!!
when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest shit you have seen happen or pass by?
Nothing we havent seen in everyday life. nothing too crazy.
the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you?
The way we feel about it is as long as we've known about Hardcore its always been about unity, family, friends, and music.
ya really dont see that anymore. everyone is too busy making fun of someone cause they dont dance right they dont have the "IN" band shirt on or are trying to be the cool dude and or tougher then the next guy. H/C shows from what we remember were all about the music a place to be where no one would jugde you! cause we were all there for the same reasons whether you were picked on, pushed around, you had shitty parents or whatever. for that 20 min the band was playing, there wasn't a care in the world no matter what your problem was. you were in a room filled with your friends enjoying the (MUSIC) jumping around stomping around a way to let out your aggression of all the stress of this sick fucked up world OUT!. a place to step outta reality for a few hours. anymore its drama filled cool place to hang out. but you cant win em all right...
How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise?
What is your most memorable show and why?
The most memorable show for us was our first. also it was a in loving memory show for our good friend and our guitar player jeremy's cousin, Hank Miller (R.I.P)
what is your favorite city and coutnry to play shows in and also your least favorite and why?
I'd say our favorite right now is Erie,PA the kids up there are legit kids and the bands we played with up there are awesome.
smoke and mirrors, stand firm, and taste the steel. love those dudes! we dont have a least favorite. A show is a show to us.
Who are some of the bands that you enjoy touring with?
Like i said before our tour in june was cancelled due to our awesome old drummer. that was with SUFFER THE LOSS from Las Vegas. good fucking dudes!! we did a weekend with DIE YOUNG.
a fun and legit band to be around.
where else besides myspace can the readers go to to findout about upcoming shows and other band related information?
What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up?
We are a newer band. we've had our ups and downs 7 line up changes we got dragged through some shit!! if this is something you love and wanna do stick with it. in time things will look up. It takes hard work and you gotta be devoted to it.
what are your views on kids that talk shit on the internet or bitch about getting hit at a hardcore show?
Internet thugs hahahah!! we think people that take the time to post shit and talk on message boards are lame! our old drummer is into that shit. if your gonna talk shit or do something tough dont post it on the internet DO IT!!! thats stupid your stupid! as for the kids that bitch about getting hit, if you stand on the line of the pit or in or around the mosh pit expect to get hit. stand in the very back or away from the pit dont bitch about it its a hardcore show!!
where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene?
Damm never really thought about that.. i'd say in college or a desk job. as for the rest of us ben is in his 6th year of college, eliot just finished college, and the rest of us just work and play music!!!
what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the band when playing a set?
HAHAHHA being drunk and forgetting words is always awesome. one time at a show my voice blew out completly. i was just getting over a sore throat nothing too crazy yet!
tell us about your upcoming split with DLS from Germany how many songs are you putting on the cd and how did you come to be doing a split with them especially since they are from Germany?
Our upcoming split with DLS will be relased on FWH records in late dec 08 early 09. just getting the art work and the name together. So when i toured with CDC in europe IBWT merch sandro which is the singer of DLS, i hung out with him alot he's one of the funniest germans i know!!! we kept in touch since then they came to the US not too long ago and did another tour with CDC and i put them up in PA which they did the same for us when we were over there. so once we both realized we had bands the idea came to us. us being a US band we'd help get their name out here and the same for us over there. looking forward to it!!
what is the worst injury that any of the band has had happen when playing show?
no injury's yet but our name is cant win em all so i bet its coming soon enough.
why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?
Well one i always hear older people being like thats 666 music just cause its mean sounding, and the singer is yelling. and during breakdowns when kids dance it looks like everyone is fighting one another. so just seeing that they assume the worst and wont give it a chance. Like we were saying earlier you got those sweet kids that think its cool to be tough and start fights (etc) dumb kids do dumb shit = drama, fights, bad outlook. the older kids should handle that shit but sometimes they are even too cool too ya know. not everywhere tho. in our scene its like that.
Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?
Thank you Eddie and Cant Win Em All for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine