how long has the band been together?
Suffer The Loss has been around for about 9 months.
how did the band come to be known as Suffer The Loss and is there any special meaning behind the band name?
The name is actually taken from a song by A Death For Every Sin, one of my favorite and most influential bands. Look up the band, read the lyrics, you'll see what I'm talking about.
is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?
We've had a drummer replaced, and we're in the process of having our guitarist replaced.
are any of the members in side projects other than STL?
Our bassist Cricket plays in a local death metal band, Implements Of Hell.
is there a large and thriving scene in the Las Vegas area as well as throughout Nevada?
I haven't been outside of Vegas in Nevada, but I'm proud of my scene. Shows can be big, shows can be small, but everyone out here always makes the best of them. It helps that everyone knows each other and it's so tight amongst us all.
in only one sentence describe your bands sound to someone who has never heard you before?
Fast, pissed off, heavy, real, not-so-positive-hardcore.
when the band is in the van on the way to show what is usually playing in the cd player?
We usually travel separately to shows since we do not have a van yet, but myself and Josh usually bump some off the wall stuff, but lately Steel Nation bring the jams.
what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?
Myself and Josh collaborate on the lyrics. I'll write something, he'll throw in his ideas and vice-versa. But, whatever is on my mind at the moment is what I write about, like if I have something to get off my chest. It's always easier for me to put my agression on paper and helps me get over whatever I'm angry about.
how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band?
Um, I got exposed in the scene a while ago through friends and got in free to some show and fell in love with it. I always wanted to be in a hardcore band, but it just never happened, or I never really motivated myself to start one. But until recently, Las Vegas had a large lack of hardcore in Las Vegas (outside of Folsom and Wintch Mob). So myself and 4 friends got together to bring a breath of fresh air to the city.
who are some of the bands main musical influences?
xDisciplex definitely. Old Hatebreed. Shockwave. A Death For Every Sin.
for someone who has never seen STL Live before and is planning on attending a show in las vegas what can they expect to see during your set?
We cover One Life Crew!
how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?
We released a 3-song demo in September, and we just recently got our new 5-song "Demonstration 2008" cds available.
the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you?
To me, hardcore is about the shows, the lyrics, the message. Going to a show where you know everyone there, being surrounded by all of your closest friends. It isn't about who can have heavier stuff, or all that. Sure, breakdowns can be catchy, but it's inside the lyrics that make it what it is. Building the relationship between the people on the stage, and the people singing along.
who are some of the up and coming bands from the las vegas area as well as throughout the state of Nevada that we should be on the lookout for?
I'd say Wintch Mob and Folsom, if you haven't check them up. But our dudes Stay Cold are coming up in the city. Good stuff. www.myspace.com/staycoldlv
where do you see this band in 3 years from now?
Hopefully touring the country, bringing our music, message and fun times to other cities.
How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise?
For right now, prolly hit us up on our myspace would be your best bet.
what are your views on fighting and violence at shows and does it make it difficult to find venues to book hardcore shows?
I've done shows for a while out here in Vegas. I'm not a fan of fighting at shows, especially over pit beef. It makes it harder for the venues to want to do shows. It's hard enough already finding places in Las Vegas, but the fighting and violence doesn't help. Hardcore is a violent genre of music and fights can be expected, but it's a lot easier to have them prevented.
What is your most memorable show and why?
Definitely our first show, at the Hammer House with Folsom, Full Blown Chaos and Wintch Mob. Nothing better than playing with 2 of your best friends bands, and having all of your best friends there going off and throwing things.
if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why?
Josh from Misura. Easily some of the toughest and rawest vocals I have ever heard.
What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up?
Keep it fun, don't let it become a priority. When it stops being fun, it's not worth it anymore.
Who are some of the bands that you enjoy sharing shows with?
Definitely Wintch Mob and Folsom. Always fun times. The Atrocity Complex was fun to play with while they lasted. Props to End Of Time from SoCal and Captivity from Vegas too. I enjoy playing with them.
where exactly is the infamous Hammer House Located in Vegas and how many shows has STL played there?
The Hammer House is a small wooden shack, located inside of a junkyard, which is next door to the local women's prison. Funnest shows in Las Vegas, no doubt.
where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene?
Doing all of the boring things in life, with less friends and even less fun.
Is Suffer The Loss going to be a part of Tons Of Fun 2008 and is this one of the biggest shows that you will have been a part of?
Yeah, there's a good chance we'll be playing this year. I'm hoping to have this year's Tons Of Fun be the biggest one yet, and have it serve as the biggest real hardcore festival on the west coast.
why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?
Like I said earlier, hardcore is a violent genre. From the outside looking in, it might look like a violent thing that nobody should ever want to be a part of. But people will never understand the connection, the bond that people at shows all share. They wouldn't ever think that everyone at that show are close friends, and will all go get some legit Mexican food after the show in a huge group. It's just something that if you're not apart of, you wouldn't understand.
where else besides myspace can readers go to to findout about any upcoming shows throughout las vegas and Nevada?
do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?
Our next show is on Sunday, April 20th at Jillian's in Las Vegas. We're playing with Evergreen Terrace. Easily our biggest show yet. We're also doing a little west coast tour in June with our boys Can't Win 'Em All from PA, check them out. www.myspace.com/cantwinemallpa
is there anything else that you would like to add to the interview that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers would like to know?
You just about covered it Sean. Thanks for the interview, mad props to you and what you're doing. Thanks to all my close friends, the almighty DFC, for the support and love. Mad props to Born To Hate and Secrecy Clothing too. Support them. Check out the Victorious Company,
Thank You Dustin and Suffer The Loss for taking the time out to do this interview with worldwidetakeoverzine