First off i would like to thank Pete and Setback for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine
how did the band come to be named Setback?
G and me were trying to figure out a name for a while and one day one of us just shouted out SetBack and that is where the name came from.
how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?
We put out our demo in 1995, we put out the No Hope CD in 1997, we have a song on the Satisfaction Guaranteed comp and a song on the whole 9 yards comp, I do not remember the years of the comps but the whole 9 yards was a long time ago. We will be on several comps in the near future and we will have a new CD out sometime this year with all new songs.
what do you base your lyrics on when it comes time to write new material?
We just let Bundy write about whatever is on his mind, our lyrics are about things like beatdowns, drug use, hunting Rats down and being loyal to your boys and your crew.
for some of the newer and younger kids learning about hardcore can you explain to them what D.M.S. means and stands for ?
DMS is our crew, Drugs Money Sex. DMS still running shit 2008!!
what was the bands most memorable show and why?
I would have to say the last time we played at CBGB's because as you know CBGB's is gone and that club is where NYHC started.
in only one sentence describe your bands sound to someone who has never heard you before?
The hardest shit out of Queens NYC SetBack/NYHC/DMS!!!
what is the bands lineup from the beginning of Setback to right now 2008?
G and I started the band in 1990, we have had few lineup changes since then. We now have our best lineup ever with G on guitar, the incredible Harry Minas on the drums, Bundy Blunts on vocals and I am still on the bass. We don't want to dwell on the past, we are looking to the future!!
how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in a band?
I started going to hardcore shows around 1990 and was hooked, soon after G and I started SetBack.
when the band was on tour and driving from state to state what is some of the weirdest shit you have seen happen or pass by?
We were so blazed we don't remember a lot, but we had a lot of fun!!
the term hardcore has become so over used that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you?
To me Hard Core is a way of life, an attitude along with hard pull no punches music.
who are some of the bands main musical influences?
Some of our influences are AF, Madball, Cromags, Sepultura, Slayer, MIsfits and a whole lot more.
How can the readers outside the USA contact you about ordering merchandise?
Our website is www.setbacknyhc.com it is still being built and will have merch very soon so check often, you can also email us on the website or hit us up on our myspace page at http://myspace.com/setbackdms357
what is your favorite city and state to play shows in and also your least favorite and why?
We love to play everywhere but our favorite place to play is NY, NY (NYC)!!
What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up?
I would say man up and stop crying, keep playing hardcore music and shit will be good!!
Thanx for the support and for the interview!! Also thanx to everyone worldwide for the continued support!!!
I again want to thank Pete and Setback for taking the time out to do this interview with worldwidetakeoverzine