off i would like to personally thank Spyderdog and Out For Revenge for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine
When did OUT FOR REVENGE start?spyderdog: out for revenge started in late 2004 out of the security crew from the former neckbeards soda bar venue. we got really sick of seeing screamo bands like 6 nights a week at the club and wanted to actually pollute that place with stuff we enjoyed. we took a few years off when i went off to do a hardcore oriented TV show called feedback video magazine that was pretty much sucking up every spare second i had. we loosely got going again about 8 months ago or so, and were trying to get shit in order as we speak
Is it currently still the original lineup?spyderdog: no, and that is by far one of the biggest obstacles we've had. the constant line up changes have been nothing short of crippling for this band in a lot of ways. there have been 26 people in this band since we started. we are also currently seeking a new bass player, as our guy kino had to head back to nebraska/st louis to handle a family emergency. please keep his family in your thoughts
Who and how did you come up with the name OUT FOR REVENGE?spyderdog: we basically wanted to come up with the dumbest, most meathead retarded hardcore sounding name possible. that was our first choice, and fortunately it was available. we feel that we have always had a great sense of humor about this kinda shit. frankly if you can't laugh at yourself in one capiticy or another you totally suck, and you might as well spend your days lifting F-150s, getting fuck bag kottonmouth kings tattoos, and doing keg stands with blown out beer whores
How many records/cds does this band have?spyderdog: we did a demo in 2005, and have appeared on a wide variety of comps including 2 comps, and the hardcore troop support comps on 8 piece records out of texas. we are also currently finishing up our new cd called "gladiator academy" which is 6 new real songs, and a bunch of blatant jackassery. its also a super cameo disaster party. we got some cool guest apperances from guys like rick ta life, and danny northside, and a bunch of other friends of ours
Which is your favorite and most personal one?spyderdog: im really really proud of the new shit, and hopefully everybody will get a chance to check it out and enjoy it. its been a giant pain in the ass to finish, and hopefully everybody appreciates the shit. i like every single song on it, and i think its gonna be great when its finally done
Are the lyrics collaborative between the entire band or spyderdog: does only one member write them?i write all the lyrics, so send your blame this way. no seriously.....
What is the main idea of your music and lyrics?spyderdog: i try really hard to write non tough guy lyrics to contrast our kinda tough guy sound. im so completly sick and tired of "fuck you bitch, ill break your skull" kinda dumbed down bullshit. not everybody is from the fucking hood, and needs to express themselves in some sort of bullshit fake 50 cent kinda manner. if thats your reality, then great, that shit comes across, and its legit, and i totally appreciate it. but im about at the end of my rope hearing kids go on and on about how fucking west brentwood is so fucking hard, and how their made up peach pit crew from beverly high is gonna skull fuck everybody. i hate to break it to a big part of the scene, but its cool that your parents love you, and its cool you get three meals a day, and its cool that you got money for college and shit. those things are huge blessings, and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, and i don't understand why people sometimes try to bury that kinda shit, in leau of some kind of gold toothed, bentley driving, im so hood fantasy. sure, life is in one capticy is fucking hard for everybody, and making a good life is expensive and difficult, and being poor fucking sucks ass. but, you can totally tell when it doesn't come from a real base. my point is peoples REAL lives should provide more then enough inspiration for their music, and they need to understand that this hood shit is in no way glamourous, and that shit doesnt serve any kind of purpose when its not who they are, and thats why i try to write about things like attempting self employment, and dealing with personal failures, and moving beyond being broke, and not taking shit from people that you shouldnt (like your fuck bag boss at the shitty call center job you work at, or your idiot republican dad when you are clearly smarter then both of em), and personal responsibility, accepting your flaws, and your friends flaws, and keeping your shit together, and being yourself (and people that totally ignore that) and paying attention to your surroundings, and learning from them and shit. on the flip, i always try and write one song positive everytime we record. now, by no means do i write posi shit, cuz frankly that shit is totally flawed and totally unrealistic, and it makes you fucking annoying to everybody thats not some stinkey hippie within ear shot. but i like to express how i feel about my friends, and the good times we have together. honestly what justifies all the bullshit you go through better then that?? our song "brotegrity" that we did with danny from the northside kings is that song on our new shit. its basically 3 minutes of nothing but shout outs. none of the situations have been exaggerated, and jack shit has been changed cuz everything is real and everybody is guilty as fuck of everything in the song.....hahahamusically, i like stuff that hits hard, i like fast shit, and i like stuff that grooves. in my personal opinion, hardcore should be largely a cross between punk rock and metal, with a clear hip hop influence. the parallels between the hardcore scene and the hip hop scene are so apparant to me, i think its a horrible misrepresentation to not demonstraight them, and i think a lot of rappers these days do a lot better job then a lot of hardcore bands outside of the dress code. you look at guys like ill bill, danny diablo, or RA the ruggedman and you really see it. those are dudes taking the influence of a hardcore kid and keeping shit straight into hip hop, and i think its only right to do things from the other end too. i really really love bands like madball, skarhead, maxium penalty, and biohazard for that reason. on the newer side of things i love furious styles for that reason too. also i really think that dre stewart from donnybrook is kinda the perfect medium. sure, that band grooves under him. and the punk rock and the breakdowns and shit are all there, but he does his vocals with a sick ass flow that easily could get thrown over a hip hop beat (and id love to hear that record). i think a lot of bands kinda dont do that anymore, and they just go for the throat with basically no form on every single part of their songs, and the idea is to get kids dancing as hard as possible, and that i think sort of makes the focus crack. we really try hard to write songs that are actual songs, with verses and choruses and shit. not just endless strings of dance floor madnesslemme also add that puerto rican myke is a god
I'm fairly new to the hardcore scene, so how would you describe your music to me, and any other new comers?spyderdog: id say were a good mix of punk and metal, with fast vocals that flow
How is the scene in Arizona? Is it big, small, successful?spyderdog: the az scene is fucking tricky. its really segragated which is kinda both good and bad. the screamo scene and the breecore scene were and still are so huge here, that a lot of the kids here sort of got tastes of shit, but didnt really take a bit to a certain extent. that shit is certainally dying here finally, but it seems the kids have gone one of two ways. they have either encompassed the cokehead, alt porn indie punk wanna be scene, or they have become uber posi kids, which have kinda left us in the dust. we have no venues and basically no sympathetic promoters (who dont have shitty backgrounds), but its kind of ok. the posi kids are orginized, and have a great central venue, and a new website, and they deserve it. they have done the work and achieved things, which i totally respect. the rest of us have which is a great resource. the indie kids have become shitty bar fly drug addicts and continued their wrath on apathy, which they sorely deserve, as sad as it is. that scene took such a strong hold on our town that i dont feel to sorry for them. the scremo scene was so negative for these kids. i've never in my life seen something so drustive for the youth. it only seems that its the ring leaders that are falling victim to their own dumbness and i dont feel too bad for them. basically here in phoenix, we have no venues unless you wanna do business with alleged white power parties, and no promoters willing to take the risk, so ultimately we have no tours, and nothing going on, and basically out for revenge has no desire to play in phoenix for the most part. however cities like yuma are keeping shit right for bands like us. jeff from beg for life has gone totally d.i.y. and books great shows in public parks, and does what needs to be done, and he is super worthy of massive respect as a result. tucson has a few venues that are getting it done too.the other issue here is violence. ive had band after band tell me that they are afraid to play here, and its sad, but its some what warranted here. one of the things i have always respected about here is kinda the whole "fuck you im from texas" shirt thing. people in this scene flat out dont take shit from "rockstars" acting like douchebags. in more then one genre, and medium, ive seen fucking "celebrities" facelessly threaten people in this scene and ive seen people here basically say "fuck you.......smack" (including myself) and i take a lot of pride in that. this scene stands up for this scene, and i think thats awesome. if you dont respect your neighbors neighborhood, you deserve to get thrown out, and ive never undertood why people come here and routinely seem to wanna start shit. i certianlly wouldnt ever do that to one of my neighbors. my point is, that you're in somebody elses yard. keep your shit together and act like a fucking guest. i promise we will return the favor....and we'll BBQ and it will be awesome (and yes i BBQ tofu too for all the vegan kids). this is a fun town, and we will hook you up.the other thing i cant get over here in the fact we have so many living hardcore legends here in this neighborhood. im not gonna go into detail, but basically all my heros live within a few miles of me, and thats amazing. you never know what kind of history lesson you are gonna get here just by going to the grocery store, and that shit is fucking priceless.the weather is great, and everyday is a life changing eventthats the 4-hate-0
If you could sign with any record label, which would it be and why?spyderdog: i dont wanna sign with anybody bigger then a basement label if any. i do this for fun, and i dont give a fuck about money. the internet is such an easy way to get your music heard anymore, that that goal is easily achieved, so long as you work a little. thats all i really care about, and thats all this shit should really be about anyway. relaying a message, and having a good time, and making friends
I know you're pretty inactive right now, are you guys planning any tours or anything else?spyderdog: bottom line is that im getting old and im falling apart. i turn the big 3-0 march 18th, and im definitely feeling it. i got a bad hand, a bad back, bad knees, a bad stomach, migraine headaches, im suddenly allergic to basically everything ever, etc. im not built like these 300 pound diesel thug motherfuckers, regardless of how ive lived my life. as far as tours go my whole goal basically boils down to weekend kinda shit. we have a lot of friends in cali, vegas, colorado, tucson, yuma, texas, etc that we dont see nearly enough, and my general idea at this point is to, be like verizon use this band as a catalist to be with more friends in more places. id love to do the east coast with this band, but honestly its gonna be some kind of specal engagement kinda shit if anything. i have a lot of health problems these days, and a lot of responsibilites here, and i dont see huge nation wide tours as any kind of immediate future for us. life is funny though, and you never know. i never say never to jack shit
What is the oddest experience you've had while on tour?spyderdog: well we've only had one planned tour, and it didnt go off, because two days before we were supposed to go out with our friends avoid serious injury (LA), and come and get it (orange county) some drunk sorority bitch with no insurance blew through a red light, bounced off the side of a dodge dakota, and took the front end totally off my truck, and i fucked up my back pretty good. even if i wanted to go out at that point, the doctors highly advised against it, and clearly they know more then me, so......
Where is your favorite place to play?spyderdog: neckbeards soda bar (RIP). we used to practice there after hours
What bands/which musicians are the most influential to you guys?spyderdog: im hugely influenced by madball. i find so much beauty in that shit that its insane. i really feel that everything thats really right about hardcore can be found in madball. as far as live shit, i find terror to be totally amazing. scott vogel is such a great frontman. it seems to me that everytime ive seen them that everybody has a great time, and thats really what its all about. i also love all the victory bands from the mid to late ninties. thats kinda when i came up, and that shit still totally hits me the right way. agnostic front and the cromags and such are also huge on my list of influences. sick of it all was probably the biggest influence on the new record
Do you have a favorite band to play with?spyderdog: nobody ever plays with us....hahaha. were actually somewhat infamous for not showing up to shows. this band is insanely unlucky, and it seems like shit always goes down just as soon as we start booking shit. someday when shit falls in line, id love to play with terror though. their shows are crazy fun, and they are nice guys. locally, i love the almighty northside kings, and the dudes from beg for life are super hunks. i would also kill to roll back up to denver someday where im from and do a show with killing kings at their new venue the underground. they are some of the best people ever, and id love to play a show and have my parents show up. they have never seen me play live before, and ive always kinda dreamed of having that happen
Where do you see OUT FOR REVENGE in 3 years?spyderdog: i would love to see us doing frequent weekend tours, and still pumping out records every year or so. this lifestyle has given me basically everything i have in my life right now, and i plan to make it part of my life in one capiticy or another for a long long time. aside from my parents, the morals, and thought patterns i have gotten out of this shit have really shaped who i am up to this point, and i dont have any hesitation in saying that i have a great life, and i am really proud of who i am more or less now, and in large part i owe it to this. because of this i have met all my heroes, and i have turned myself into a pretty smart, well informed, solid human being, and im really proud of that considering what i could have become. i still have a long way to go, but i firmly believe that what i have learned in this life will certainally contribute to me being the kind of person i want to be down the line. a big part of this is that i wanna pass the core ideals of what this is (although at times they have been blurred by cocaine for some, and gradiousity for others, and a glorification for violence for even more) to younger kids, because despite all the bullshit this is an amazing lifestyle that will create the leaders of tomorrow. and frankly paris hilton, and fucking collin ferrill, and like traditional fuckbag type role models cant even blink at shit like that. i think thats a big lack of focus for a lot of the older sect of this scene that sort of takes for granted what they have become. the kids are the future and they look up to you, and you are an example, whether or not you like it. sorry guys, but you shape the future. this is a kiddy sport to an extent, and we need to start acting like team captains, because like it or not we are
What would you being doing, if you weren't making music and playing shows?spyderdog: id probably be doing what i gotta do to make a living, chilling out with my dog, and doing democratic party shit just like im doing now. id really like to get back into drag racing, but i cant afford it. building model cars, and bitching and moaning on the internet about totally unimportant bullshit is really fun. im gonna run for city council someday too
Do you have any advice for bands just starting out?spyderdog: the single most important thing is to find the right people. the single biggest mistake this band has made is to take people at face value and settle. the bottom line is that you are part of an organization, and you are only as good as your weakest link. it doesnt matter how hard you work, if somebody on the inside is there to fuck you completely. i'll tell you with out question, its no fun to look like an asshole when you work your ass off, only to have some slacktastic fuckbag totally derail you. second, i would ad that it is obserdly important to actually understand that a band equals work. bands that dont work get nothing and thats the bottom line. ive seen good band after good band fall over because they simply didn't do shit. on the flipside, ive seen shitty band after shitty band blow the fuck up simply because they went outside of myspace, and they promoted, and they met people, and they made new fans. bands that work have great things happen to them. there are shitty screamo bands, and bree bands all over MTV from here that no less then totally suck, but busted their balls, and they totally deserve the success they have achieved as a result....a little food for thought. in the last ten years ive seen great hardcore bands work ethics basically totally disappear, and you get what you deserve. ultimately running in a band is fun, but if you wanna do it right, its not that different then running a business, and that takes work if you wanna do it right. think for a second why p diddy is such a craptasitical household name
Do you have any memories of the band touring, playing, or anything that stick out?spyderdog: our friend boston eric punched a bunch of whiney fatwreck type punk kids at our last show. people still bitch about that. thats pretty funny. also, doing gang vocals on our new cd, with all the blatant homo lyric jokes flying around was a lot of fun. also having rick ta life do vocals on our new shit was pretty surreal. he kept sticking his head out of the sound booth and asking if he did a good job on his shit, and i kept telling him i thought he could do it better....hahaha. im kinda still freaking out about that. 25 has been one of my favorite bands since i was a teenager, and growing up where i did in colorado, where there was basically no hardcore, and no hardcore kids, i would pretty much sit alone in my room and think about how awesome it would be to actually see somebody like 25 play live. but to have the real deal rick ta life singing on a song i wrote, was fucking amazing, and it was such an honor that ill never forget as long as i live. thats one of those experiences that i never in a million years thought i would ever have when i was a kid, and i will cherish it as long as i live. for the record, ricks vocals turned out awesome
Do you have any merchandise that fans can order, if so how would they go about getting some merch?spyderdog: we dont have shit right now. were broke as fuck. play no shows, you get no dough....hahaha. best bet is to keep checking out myspace or (which hasnt been updated in like a year). we do have a free ringtone up you can download from either place though
Is there anything else you'd like fans of OUT FOR REVENGE to know?spyderdog: were trying our best, and thats all we can dobe nice to your brothers and sisters were all like minds there for like reasons, and theres no point in battleing people that ultimately agree with you
What do you think of the candidates this year, both democratic and republican?i really like obama, but i have some pretty strong concerns that this country isnt ready for somebody like him yet. i was a pretty strong john edwards supporter before he dropped out, and honestly i think he would have been a great way to ease into somebody like obama. my concern is mainly that some shit for brains crackerfuck ex bushie redneck is gonna take a shot at him if he gets elected, and the country is so polarized right now that shit would just flat out kinda go bonkers, and thats not a good thing at all. in regards to hillary, im basically hoping and praying that she goes the fuck away soon. the last thing we need needs is another polarizing, skitsaphrenic fucking shit pig running this country, like we have right now, and i really dont see her as being a whole lot different then bush....only on the opposite end. i dont see her ever getting anything done other then pissing everybody off that our current dumb fuck administration hasnt already pissed off. one positive aspect of hillary however is that im more then a little sure if she got elected she would pretty much start handing out indeitments to former members of the bush administration like a child molester hands out candy and puppies, and i sort of dont see obama really doing that. i can safely say that nothing on this earth would make me happier then to see that smiley faced, crooked ass, shit for brains we call a president taking a long perp walk, and his darth vadar wanna be sidekick attached to some 300 pound brothas inside out pocket on dateline lockdown raw. cuz frankly, they both totally deserve it. as for the other party, i like john mccain, and hes been the only republican that ive ever actually voted for, but i think hes too wrapped up with the douche bags on his side to honestly be a good president. however if it comes down to maccain vs. hillary, im breaking party lines, and im voting for mccain. theres no fucking chance in hell ill ever vote for that cackeling fucking she turd. i think best case scenerio would be obama, with edwards as a running mate. obama can do all his shit, and restore our image in the world and all that bullshit, and edwards can work on rebuilding the middle class, and restoring the american dream for anybody that wasnt born with a gold spoon up their ass. also a little note.....ralph nadar just announced on tim russerts show that hes going to run again.DONT BE A FUCKING RETARDED AND VOTE FOR THAT GUY!!!!ALL HE IS DOING AGAIN, IS STROKING HIS OWN DICK, AND THROWING SHIT OFF, AND YOU ARE A SUCKER IF YOU BUY INTO HIS BULLSHIT, AND YES YOU DO HURT THE REST OF US WITH YOUR KINDERGARDEN IDEALISM
Who do you want to win the election for president?im going to vote for obama if he is the nominee, and mccain if hillary is the nominee
Who do you think will win the election for president?i think it will honestly be pretty tough for the democrats to blow it again this time around. but if there is a will there is a way for this party. im really concerned that the super delagate situation is going to ignore the general wishes of the american public, and in return find a way to fuck the whole thing up again. howard dean has gone on record saying he wont let that happen, but theres so much fucking inside handjob bullshit with the clintons and the democractic party, and she seems to be enough of a cocky cunt, that shell throw all the shit to the wind, and leave us all hanging. bottom line is that i firmly believe that if obama is the nominee, the dems win, if hillary is the nominee, they fuck it up yet again, and again prove why its been so painfully easy for the republicans to totally ruin this country for most of our generation