First off i would like to thank Wayne and Gravemaker for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine
How long has Grave Maker been together?
we've been working at it since early summer of '07
What is the current line-up? Who are original members?
current is baily-bass, jon-vocals, brian-guitar and myself(wayne) on drums. Christopher Mcrae started this band with us, he had a HUGE influence on the style and sound of the band, but unfortunately he left the band in early 08 on good terms, we all miss him. this band just wasn't what he had his heart set on at the time. also, Andy Rice was the original singer, and jon was playing bass, but again, andy had other things he was working on at the time.
How did you come up with the name Grave Maker?
not sure...sounded kinda unique and a little off, so we liked it.
Do any members have side projects?
im in a street punk band based out of seattle called "Poverty Bay Saints"
Who are your musical influences?
we write music we would want to hear, we don't try and pull things from certain influences, we all listen to a verity of music, and we just write what come out, its never a situation where we are saying to each other "it needs more cro-mags" or "it needs less madball" what comes out comes out.
How is the Canadian hardcore scene?
amazing, we're just finishing up month long canadian tour, and it has been so rad. the shows are off the wall and the people are incredibly nice. more bands need to tour canada.
What has been your favorite tour?
we did a west coast tour with pressure point, ill intent and masterpiece and it was so much fun. so many friends and al those bands are really fun to watch. it was a blast.
What have been your best and worst show moments?
worst would have to be breaking 9 sticks in a set. not only did it sound bad, sticks cost a fortune these days. the best show moment might have to be in Squamish, bc in canada, when we played in a shack to a strict audience of metal heads, and they loved it. so many head bangs.
What's in the cd player on tour?
Ruiner - Prepare to be Let Down
Paramore - Riot!
Blacklisted - Heavier than Heaven, lonelier than God
H2O - Nothing to Prove
CCR - Greatest Hits
If you could set up your ideal show to play, with anybody you wanted on it, who would you put on it?
H2O, good riddance, bouncing souls, cro-mags
What sets Grave Maker apart from other bands?
not sure man, all we want to do is tour, so thats what we do.
How would you describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before?
hardcore punk rock.
Do you guys have any plans for touring any time soon?
yeah, were on tour now until july 1st. we have some shows coming up on the east coast with KTD, Ruiner and The Carrier. and the rest of the dates are all with Decades for dallas. we will take a little bit off to work for a month or so, then we will be back on it again, keep your eyes peeled.
What CDs and records have you guys released?
a demo 7" on copper lung records, and july 22nd our full length cd come out on Think Fast! records.
Is there any music coming in the near future?
july 22nd "Bury me at Sea" on Think Fast! records.
What got you into hardcore?
good riddance
Where do you think you would be if you hadn't discovered hardcore?
id probably have a job, a house to live at, college degree, maybe even a girlfriend and a ton of useless shit. haha. i don't want to think about that.
What do you think about the way the media portrays hardcore?
they can see it how they want. as long as the people in hardcore keep the right perspective, it shouldn't matter what the outside world thinks.
Is there anything that you want to accomplish as a band that you haven't done yet?
i want to play everywhere i can, and see everything i can, i wont be satisfied until someone fores me to stop. haha.
You're on Think Fast! Records. How has that been so far?
i love it, those dudes are so rad, we are all really stoked for the opportunity to work with them
Where can people go to get Grave Maker merch and cds?
cd's out soon. you cna get merch from our myspace page, and im sure there will be some up on think fasts site soon.
Anything that you want to say that I didn't cover?
i love skateboarding and swimming.