First off i would like to thank all the Tomas and Foundation for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine
How long has Foundation been together?
Foundation began in the summer of 2006.
What is the current line-up? Who are originals?
Nome on Guitar, Champion plays drums, David on Bass, Matt playing Second guitar, and me (Tomas) singing.
Our very first line up consisted of two kids named Josh and Billy. Billy left to concentrate on Overdose his other band, and Josh left after a mutual agreement that we should move on without him.
How did you come up with the name Foundation?
Well the bands original name was going to be Turnstile, which we all really liked, until Champ took over on drums and completely disliked it, so we came up with Foundation, something strong, and concrete, not in the literal sense, but to coincide with our feelings on hardcore, straight edge and the community as a whole.
Do any members have side projects?
Yes. Nome is in a new hardcore band from the area called Deal Breaker. They just recorded one of the most blazing demos I have ever heard, and should be playing shows by the time this comes out.
Matt also founded and played in Overdose, another Straight Edge band from Atlanta. Sadly as I type this they are calling it a day. I always get sad when local bands hang it up. We dont have alot of hardcore bands here in Atlanta, and good ones at that, but with Deal Breaker getting to start up, its a case of one chapter ending a new one starting.
Who are your musical influences?
Thats a big question. We get influenced by alot of bands and music.
I would say in the begining it was Outspoken, then we started to dabble in victory style bands Snapcase, Strife, Indecision, etc. Now with our newer stuff its just getting heavier over, an all thickness, but still really fast, insert any bands that sounds like that here.
Where do you get the inspiration for your lyrics?
Honestly, where wouldn't you get inspriation for lyrics?
All you have to do is open your eyes and look around. That may seem vague, but Im just singing about what I see and feel.
I get so upset at the things I see and hear, and I think about how I used to align myself with these people and beliefs and I get even more heated, so Id have to say that most the songs I write, may seem like I am pointing a finger, but underneath it the finger is pointing right back.
I mean Ive always considered hardcore this awakening, so alot of that has to do with waking up, the shock I feel about being so blind and now that Ive taken this course in my life there is no going back. I mean this is going on ten years now that I have made most these decisions, its just now I can scream and shout about it.
How is the Atlanta scene?
Amazing, with its own handful of issues. Id say its like most communities out there, the only difference maybe being since Atlanta is fairly Isolated unlike the North East or West Coast we know each other really well here, truly a family. These arent the kids you just see at shows, these are kids I run into everywhere I go. The "scene" right now in Atlanta is going Strong, lots of kids coming out, doing their parts making flyers and zines, starting bands, I love it. We were going through a really dark period a few years ago but we really pulled it back together. Im happy about that. It had gotten to the point that even bigger bills were having spotty turn outs, and smaller ones were having NO turn out. If we can keep our heads on straight and not let little things chip at us, who knows where Atlanta could be in a few years. I will say this though, ask alot of the touring bands out there about Atlanta, and you should get a good response. Im not trying to be boastful but I am damn proud of where I live.
What has been your favorite tour?
We've never really toured as a band. We have done weekends here and there, and this past winter we did like 10 shows with Have Heart, Down To Nothing, and Wake Up Call. So based on that I would have to say that "tour" was my favorite, but thats just personally speaking. We (everyone in the band) had always been friends with HH and DTN before this was ever a band, so finally getting to hit the road with them and play some shows was a big deal for us. I want to say Thank you right now to all three bands from that trip, we couldnt have done it without them, and seeing them every night was like having someone run electricity through your body.
What have been your best and worst show moments?
One of my favorite show moments was our first show, when our roadie/6th member Ryan did a front flip as soon as we started playing. That was kind of a big deal because it set the mood for the entire set.
Worst moment is hardest. Anytime I get wrapped in the cord and fall over or run into David I feel awful, because I dont just tap him I always come down hard. Other than that I would say we have been fairly lucky.
What's in the cd player on tour?
Either the most annoying sad bastard shit you have ever heard or the most ignorant hardcore known to man - depends on who is driving. I would say Nome is my favorite DJ in the van. There was a brief period where we listened to Bitter End Climate of Fear alot and Samiam on repeat.
If you could set up your ideal show to play, with anybody you wanted on it, who would you put on it?
The most ideal show is the one that all my friends are at, and playing, so I can go off for them. Were getting ready to play an all locals show this weekend, and Im most excited for that.
But if you want to get fantasy, maybe something like this:
Chain Of Strength, Unbroken, Silent Majority, and Buried Alive.
Any one of those bands on a bill would be great...I wish Sick Of It All still did those monster hardcore tours like they used to. I think it was like 99 or 00 when it was Sick Of It All, Afi, Indecision, and Hot Water Music on one tour, plus whatever local acts.
What sets Foundation apart from other bands?
I cant answer this without making some type of joke, so Ill just say this: I dont think we do anything better than anyone or worse. We just do what we feel is right as a band and put our hearts into it.
How would you describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before?
Ive heard us compared to a few bands, but when someone asks me who doesnt know or understand hardcore I just say Rage Against The Machine. Its a simple answer and it gets the point across. Brutal.
What CDs and records have you guys released?
We have a demo released and a self titled seven inch on Eightfold Path Records.
Is there any music coming in the near future?
Yes we are releasing a two song single this summer with Triple B records entitled "Never Stops Raining" it should be out by our full US with Forfeit.
What do you think about the state of hardcore today?
Its getting bigger everyday, and with that its becoming more accesible and people are getting into it for the wrong reasons. Not to say people havent been doing that since day one, but the percentage is higher and at an alarming rate, with the interent these days, what bored, unmotivated teenager cant get into hardcore?
I love seeing tons of kids at shows, but how long is it going to last? Actually thats not even it - I hear about tons of kids being into hardcore but I can still go to a show and only see 20 people there. But if I go home after the show and check a messageboard I can literally see their footprints from sitting at home all night on a computer talking shit on some record or discussing the finer points of sneakers. So although its getting bigger, I can not honestly say its becoming any more sincere than its been.
Is there anything that you want to accomplish as a band that you haven't done yet?
Reach someone - I know that sounds hoaky but the message of hardcore was always what was so important to me. There were so many times when I was younger that I wanted to just run right up to the singer or guitar player of whatever band and just pour out to them how much the band meant to me, and how they had helped me at some point in my life. Music is amazing in the way that it does that to people, it personifies emotion. It can make you feel so low or so high, and turn you completely around in the same listen. That was what got me so stuck on hardcore and punk in general is that it didnt just move me it shoved me. This music is about connection and I want to feel connected to every person listening to it, understanding it, and loving it just as much as I do.
Going back to reaching someone, I honestly dont know how I would take it if someone told me that Foundation was so important to them. I would probably be very passive in the conversation, and left wondering what just happend.
Id rather it be an unspoken bond, if that makes any sense.
In another way I do really appreciate the fact that this band has taken me out of Atlanta and to different cities and places. I have always loved traveling, but now I really have a feesable way of doing it. I mean I saw NYC for the first time after X-Mas because of this and it was amazing. I was like a little kid freaking out and yelling in the van. So I definitely look forward to more of that.
How have you liked your label, Eightfold Path, so far?
Eightfold Path is a good label. Erika and Nicky really got the job done as far as getting the seven inch out. They also promoted it well, which is all I could ever ask for, as far as a label is concerened. They have been putting out decent records since day one and I hope it continues for them and they are able to take the label as far as it can go. If you havent done so yet, check out the Unforgiven EP they just put out. VERY solid release.
Where can people go to get Foundation merch and cds?
Either from us at our shows, or Eightfold Path Records. As we get closer to Mid Summer you will be able to order the new single and merch from Triple B Records.
Anything that you want to say that I didn't cover?
I just want to say thank you for the interview, and if anyone has a spare minute please check out these bands:
Hard Luck, Overdose, The Holy Crows, Deal Breaker, The Bukkake Boyz all from Atlanta, P.S.Eliot (AL), Lie and Wait (TX), Forfeit (NY), Unforgiven (CT), and Downpresser (CA).
Hardcore: live it, love it or leave it.