December 21, 2008

Catalepsy Interview with Ben Sutton drummer for Catalepsy Interview By Sean WWTO

Catalepsy - Trust

First off i would like to thank Ben and Catalepsy for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine.

How did the band come to be named Catelepsy and is there any special meaning behind the band being named this?

Well The name "Catalepsy" was given to the band by Rob Walden, the guitar player and founding member of Catalepsy. He got it from a song performed by the red chord. Catalepsy is a physical condition that is often cause by muscular rigidness. It allows the limbs of the body to go limp and they stay wherever they are placed. Someone with catalepsy could be an example of how people in our society are unwillingly placed into religions and/or beliefs.

What was it like being able to be on tour with Hatebreed Emmure and Soilent Green and how long was that tour?

The Hatebreed tour was amazing. It lasted for 13 days, from September 1st - september 14th. We were so thankful to be touring with some of our long time favorite bands. Although, it was also nerve wracking considering the high volume of the shows and also considering I was drum teching for Hatebreed for the tour so i had 2 drumsets to set up everyday and tear down after our long drives... It was tuff but i did it with a smile. It was truly a BLAST.

how did the band come to get signed to Stillborn Records and how have they treated you so far especially with merch and the amount of touring that you have been doing so far this year.

Catalepsy had been a band for about 2 years when we first started to really pick up the pace and start booking tons of shows. We had some demo tracks with old members up on the myspace. Rob was doing his usual internet biz when he added jamey jasta one night at 4 in the morning. Jamey shot us a message that said "cool shit". We were startled as to why he would even notice us and good things started to arise.
Stillborn has treated us very well. Jamey jasta who owns the label, and Mark V, the label manager are very persistant in getting us where we need to be in our career. They definitely don't bullshit around. We try and do whatever we can to follow in the direction they point us in and we are thankful to be on board.

who are some of the bands main musical influences?

This one is gonna be tuff. We all have different musical preferences and also some of the same. Some of the bands who have influenced us in the past couple years.. Bleeding through, Hatebreed, The Acacia Strain, lil wayne

what are your views on fighting at shows?

Although amusing at times, we dislike fighting at shows as it can shut the show down, people can get seriously injured (has happened many times), or the cops can get involved and thats never a good thing.

are any members in side projects other than Catalepsy?

None of our current members are in any side projects. John the guitarist and i have thought of doing a side ambient project for fun considering we both love that type of music. We'll see what happens i guess.

how long has the band been together?

4 years

how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?

One demo in late 06'

what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?

For our last album, we let our pure hatred for religion spill out. We didn't think about holding back or about what christians would think, we just acted. Trying to build a question mark in christians minds and help them be open minded about the many possibilities of the world.

is there a large and thriving scene in your area as well as throughout Florida?

It really depends on the types of shows. Florida sometimes doesn't have the best scene for more underground bands, such as bands barely getting by in the DIY touring circut. The more commercial shows do very well in the orlando area considering they are promoted much better and more ime is put into making sure the show is successful.

is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?

This is not the current line up. We have had a few member changes in the past year. Our current members are as follows

- Josh Anderson(vocals)
- Rob Conover(vocals)
- Rob Walden(guitar)
- John Stephan(guitar)
- Daniel swartz(bass)
- Ben Sutton(drums)

if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why?

It would more than likely be Nate Johnson considering we all love his mid range scream.

in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before?

Catalepsy will bring out the hatred in you and leave you with an unexplained sense of motivation after your first listen.

when on tour what is the most commonly eaten fast food for example Mcdonalds Burger King etc and why?

Pizza would have to be the most frequently eated food. Promoters usually buy it for us before or after we play. We often eat our pizza with a refreshing beverage of mountain dew or pepsi.

when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player?

We only use ipod's or the radio but recently we have been playing the new Acacia Strain (buy it, it's amazing), Rhianna, M I A, or Hatebreed.

how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band?

I was first exposed to the Daytona hardcore scene when i was about 14 years old. Me and my brother would go to shows almost every weekend. Usually there would be straight edge vegan bands playing. We loved how everyone got along and had fun. No one ever got in fights and sometimes random drunk guys from the street would wander in and dance around, everyone would just laugh at them. I had already started playing drums at the time and when i saw my first "heavy" shows, i knew i wanted to play heavy music because it seemed to allow a lot of aggresion to be let out in a non-violent way.

where do you see the band in 3 years from now?

I try to be a very optomisic person so i see us touring the world playing sold out shows everynight, selling tons of records and having the time of our lives.

who are some of the up and coming bands from your area as well as throughout Florida that we should be on the lookout for.

There are so many and i feel bad not mentioning them all. One band that stands out in my head is "ABOLISH" They are some of the coolest most genuine dudes ever, and aside from that, they put on an awesome live show. Check them out!

when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest shit you have seen happen or pass by?

We passed by a "tiger" truck stop in baton rouge LA. It actually had a real caged live tiger. It freaked us out but it was awesome because we were all bored out of our minds from driving 12 hours from FL.

the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you?

Hardcore to me has always just meant aggresive music that contains a message. I try not to think of it as being a really complicated thing. I don't agree with people bashing kids for the way they dress or the specific type of music they listen to.

How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise?

Come to a show near you and buy it in person. OR WWW.MERCHNOW.COM

What is your most memorable show and why?

Probably our cd release show. Mainly because young jeezy's body gaurds were there and a kid got hurt really bad from falling off the stage. It was insane...

what is your favorite city and coutnry to play shows in and also your least favorite and why?

My favorite would be NYC. There are so many awesome people there and such an amazing scene.
My least favorite is Pulaski VA. We had a bad run in with the local inbreds.. it's a long story.

Who are some of the bands that you enjoy touring with?

Hatebreed, Emmure, American me, Rose funeral

where else besides myspace can the readers go to to findout about upcoming shows and other band related information?

or type in "Catalepsy Iniquity" in google and a bunch of crazy stuff will come up.

What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up?

Keep practicing non stop. Keep booking as many shows as possible. EVERYONE wants to give up at some point. Keep touring, keep trying. Anything is possible.

what are your views on kids that talk shit on the internet or bitch about getting hit at a hardcore show?

I've never seen kids bitch on the internet about getting hit. If i did i would probably laugh really hard and lose interest shortly after.

where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene?

Probably working construction or doing some shitty job that i hate.

what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the band when playing a set?

One time on tour with hatebreed i stopped playing for a split second in the middle of a song because i blacked out. That was my most embarassing but im sure everyone has their own.

what is the worst injury that any of the band has had happen when playing show?

Our old guitarist hit our old vocalist in the head with his pointy headstock. He had to get stitches in his head.

why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?

More than likely because hardcore music is aggresive and some people who aren't too bright don't realize there is a message behind it and it doesn't mean anything violent in most cases.

Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?

We have a december florida tour coming up called the "Dominate The Sunshine State" Tour. It's 2 weeks long. Go to to check the dates!

Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about?

We care about our fans! Come to a show and talk to us. We always love talking, hanging out, and goofing around with everyone.

and thank you for everyone who read this!

Mr. Hyde Interview by Sean WWTO and Rob Davio

First off we would like to thank Mr. Hyde for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine.

When did you and Necro begin working together.

1997. I first met Necro at a hip-hop show in nyc. He was the only artist that I knew of at that time rapping as brutal and evil as I was. I was also impressed with a beat he did for Non Phixion's first single "No Tomorrow." I could see us working together and it coming out really dope. We linked up and ended up having much more in common than just hip-hop... We became friends and the rest is death-rap history. Lol

When did hip hop become a big part of your life.

I was into Metal at first. I listened to some Hip-hop, but for me, it was all about Slayer and Metallica. When I first started writing actual song lyrics, it was very evil and violent but it didnt sound like it would fit with metal. It was in more of a rap or poetry structure. It was in 1992 in junior high school when I first starting rapping/battling in the lunch room and in the school yard. I was always good at abusing and making fun of people so kids would crack up laughing when I would kick my crazy raps shitting on them. By 1994, I was writing 5 or more verses a day and knew I wanted to put an album out. And I was ready to punch anybody in the face who said I couldnt. I would say I was pretty serious at that point.

What was it like finally recording your first studio album.

It was like a parent giving birth to a first-born child. Except my baby was the fuckin' The omen. An evil baby. I was a proud father.

First horror flick you've ever watched.

Trilogy of Terror with Karen Black. Classic. I was very young and was checking under my bed for that african war doll for a while every night. Lol.

Favorite horror flick of all times.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This Movie Is madness personified.

What have you been listening to lately.

The Jerky Boys. Frank Rizzo and Sol Rosenberg.

Esoteric or Cage.

Who cares

Funny tour/recording experience.

We were in a tour van driving from Bulgaria to Romania. We stopped at a gas station. Necro started feeding dried apricots and raisins one at a time by hand to a chubby, bulgarian, mentally retarded gas attendent through the window. The guy didnt say anything . He was mute an apparantly hungry. His face was expressionless. He just kept taking the apricots and eating them with one hand while continuing to fuel our vehicle with the other hand. The situation was so crazy and akward that I laughed so hard I almost threw up.

what made you want to start doing death rap.

My lyrics were violent ever since I first put a pen to paper. My brain was shredded from watching the most fucked up low-budget gore flicks at a very young age. I mean I was watching flicks like "I Spit On Your Grave" at 6 years old. I was also a very violent kid. I would fight in school and in the street almost every day. I used to bring my mother's kitchen cutlery to school in 3rd grade. In 4th grade chopped my friend's pinky off with a meat cleaver. (He got it sewed back on and we are still friends) It was only natural for me to rhyme about death and violence.

What MC's got you wanting to do hip hop.

Rappers like Kool G rap, Kool Keith, Getto Boys and N.W.A. were all rapping violent, bugged out, hard-core shit at that time. I figured if they were being successfull with their fucked up lyrics, there might be ears out there for my psychotic art.

Whats your feelings on rappers like Kanye West who think they deserve it all and everything should always be about them.

They reek of shit. I dont have anything in common with them.

Who are you top 5 MC's of all time.

Kool G Rap. Nas. Necro. Ill Bill. Mr.Hyde.

Who would be the one person you'd like to collaborate with.

My girlfriend Karine is an incredible piano player and lyricist. I wanna combine My vocals with her piano, Kerry King's guitar, Necro drum track with Ozzy Ozbourne and Fiona Apple on the Hook.

What would you say to cats wanting to come up in the hip hop world, what advice would you give them.

If u aint ready to pay dues and put your blood sweat and tears into Hip-hop, Dont quit your day job.

what was it like doing a song with Freddy Madball and Hoya.

It was great to have those cats in The Killer Collage Video. They're my homeboys but they are also my favorite Hard-core band. So it was dope.

Interesting recording/tour story.

Goretex was so lazy and such a difficult ass hole during the recording for Circle of Tyrants that at the end of the last session, Necro beat the shit out of him right in the studio And told him that he would never work with him again.

When touring, what is usually on the radio.

Who knows? We all usually have our seperate head phones on listening to our own shit or writing to beat cds. Whoever is driving gets listens to whatever they want within reason. We wont allow The Village People or anything like that. Lol

how did you come to signing with Psycho+Logical Records PLR and how have they treated you so far.

I was down with Necro before he created the label. I never actually signed anything. I had his back and helped him with anything needed regaurding P.L.R. This label is my family. If it was the show "He-man," Necro is "Skelletor" and I am "Beast Man." And all we want to do is take over the world and infect it with evil.

What do you hope to get across to your listeners with your music.

That they will always get most brutal, aggressive, lyrically technical, psychotic music possible from a Mr.Hyde record.

What are some of the main influences of the lyrics in your music.

True life experiences, Sick, demented movies, my own personal psychosis and Micheal Jackson's nose.

If you had the chance to give a kid 5 albums from your personal collection to influence them, what would they be.

Master of Puppets, Reign in Blood, Illmatic, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, Morrison Hotel.

When you are playing a show and you look out and see the faces of these people who you can tell are really into it, how does that make you feel.

Honestly, it is one of the most gratifying parts of my life. Knowing that my music has that big of an effect on kids and it makes them want to release their aggression in a mosh pit or beat the shit out of eachother... That's why I still do what I do. I know that feeling. And I relate with them on it.

what are your views on fighting at shows.

I'm the wrong person to ask about that because you are not gonna get a mature, politically correct answer. I totally condone fighting for good reason. or almost any reason lol. I do it. so I cant say that others shouldnt. But then again fighting is sport to me. I boxed for years and I enjoy it. I dont care about people getting hurt in fights. I believe in Darwinism. "Only The Strong Survive", and "The Food Chain." Dont fight if you aint tough and If you are a wolf, dont fight a lion, and you wont get hurt.

what are your views on kids who talk shit on the internet.

If sticks and stones can break my bones and names can never harm me....What the fuck can typing do?? lol. I encourage these kids to type shit about me. It only blows my name up bigger and gives me more exposure. They know not to ever talk shit to my face in person and to stay dripping with pimples and hate in their mommy's house hiding behind a keyboard. They are dumb, but not THAT dumb. Haters have a role and they will play it. I have MY role. While they wake up early to go to work for 10 hours packing groceries for 6 bucks an hour, I make life changing brutal music, tour the world, make money and dont wake up til mother fuckin' 2 in the afternoon with a hot girl next to me. I Write Rhymes watch movies, do push-ups and chin ups, hit the punching bag eat, fuck and play video games all day.

do you have more hip hop or hardcore metal kids that attend your shows.

Its a mixture I guess. I cant really even tell anymore. I dont even care. As long as they show love, get pumped up and start a pit, I'm happy.

what is some of the weirdest shit you have passed by when on tour throughout the world.

In Belgium, We were attacked by a real life flesh-eating zombie. 28 weeks later style. He chased us for 18 blocks we kept pushing him away, kicking him and knocking him down but he just kept coming. Unhurt and hungry. When we made it to the hotel, He camped outside for about an hour and waited for us until he found a less elusive human meal I guess. He was gone when we checked out the next day.

what are your 5 top favorite cities to play and least favorite as well.

The best shows in my opinion would have to be. Moscow, Paris, Melbourne, Toronto and Auckland. Any city too pussy to book me are my least favorite.

how can the readers from around the world order merchandise and is there way for the readers to still order merch if they do not have a paypal account.

They can use their (or their parent's) credit card or debit/atm card and go to or all the available merchandise should be up there. They can also message me on myspace directly and arrange a money order or payment through western union for what they need.

favorite food on tour and least favorite.

Favorite; Veggie burgers with chile con carne or kebab spots for sharma and gyro and chicken skewers. Least Favorite; fast food/anything unhealthy.

what advice can you give to any newer bands starting out being they are a hip hop or hardcore band and having a hard difficult time and thinking about.

Dont bite our style! Be original. Never Quit or let anyone tell you that you cant achieve your goals. And never compromise your art for any reason. Always have a backup plan in case music doesnt work out for you.

what were your thoughts and feelings on the closing of CBGB's in New York City.

I was fortunate to be able to perform there before it closed down. It is such a legendary venue. It should have never been shut down because it gave so many great artists their start and a podium to get the early exposure they needed.

who are the top 5 new hardcore metal bands that you think will make it big in 2008.

I'm not too up on a lot of the "new" Hardcore shit. I listen to a lot of the older classic stuff. But 5 bands that I feel have talent that have not gotten their due respect on a world-wide level yet are; Subzero, Blood clot, 100 Demons, North Side Kings and Moja.

is there anything else that you would like to add that we may have forgotten to ask that the readers might want to know about.

They Might want to know that if they dont have my new album "Chronicles of the Beastman" that they need to go buy it in order to become a complete, fully-functional person, have true inner-psychotic harmony, be one with the universe and to truely be friend to all beast-creatures of the earth and outer planets. Also, as a disclaimer... I had nothing to do with the Huck-o-buck.

Thank You Mr. Hyde for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine




September 14, 2008

New Morality Interview with Ferdinand By Sean WWTO

New Morality @ Light The Fuse 2008

First off i would like to thank Ferdinand and all of New Morality for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine

How did the band come to be named New Morality and is there any special meaning behind the band being named this?

We like to thank SFA for our bandname. No meaning

What are your views on fighting at shows?

We don't encourage fighting, but hardcore is still violent music and shit happens in the heat of the moment. I'd rather stand and fight than run and hide.

who are some of the bands main musical influences?

We started playing in 2004 with the intention to do something like No Warning mixed with Breakdown, which you can hear on the No Future demo. On our new LP you can hear more influences, like Crown of Thornz and some rock. Main ingredient is still NYHC.

are any members in side projects other than New Morality?

New Morality is just a part of what we are doing. Be on the lookout for The Hiv demo. It's basically Thomas and me teaming up with some other guys to make faster trashy stuff. Old school stuff. There's the other hardcore project of our guitar player Mike and me and him doing some experimental stuff in our living room, Pure despair I would call the sound. We like to keep things obscure so no name here, go search Myspace. Plus three of us are working a new band with Gijs from State of Mind called 'Blunted on Reality', expect some tripping stuff.

what are your views on kids who talk shit on the internet about getting hit at a HXC show or just bitching about a band because they tried to speak there minds during a set?

That's the downside of internet. We don't like it.

how long has the band been together?

Since late 2004 I guess. That's Thomas, Jonne and me. Mike came in later to do the solos, and this year our bass player Noot got replaced by our RMS brother Joel

how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?

No Future demo, Light The Fuse 2006 comp, New Morality/The Awake split EP, the Trapped MCD and November 4th our debut full length LP "Fear of Nothing" will be released on Reflections Records. We are actually in the studio right now. Nico is doing the sound and at the time of writing Mike is recording his guitar tracks.

what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?

The 3 B's. Beer, Blaze and Bitches

is there a large and thriving scene in the Arnhem area as well as throughout The Netherlands?

Well, we have the new kids from Blaze Motel, they have a demo out, shows at The Stage that our singer is booking and of course Strike First. They will be releasing a new record real soon, be sure to check it out.

how long has the band been signed with Reflections Records and how have they treated you so far?

Don't know the exact date, but we got nothing but love and respect for them. Serious, we are very happy with Reflections doing our record it couldn't get any better for us.

is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?

This is not the original lineup. We have had a lot of different bass players. Noot, has been playing most of our shows. Currently the band is Thomas on guitar, Mike on second guitar, Joel on bass, Jonne on vocals and I play the drums.

if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why?

Martijn NTB, for everything they did for New Morality and RJ Strike First for being our first bass player and drugs supplier.

does the band have any plans to tour the USA in either 2009 or 2010?

Yeah we'd love to go there of course and we got enough ideas but we'll just see what the future brings.. I guess we'll end up there eventually.

in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before ?

An insane clown entering your head and smashing your dreams.

when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player?

Shattered, Black Sabbath, Orange 9mm and E-Town Concrete.

how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band?

I went to the East Side Hardcore Assaults in Elbekurkie (a local venue in my area), met some people there and went more and more to shows. I got asked to play drums in this band and did it. I'm still here, so it worked.

when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest shit you have seen happen or pass by?

I forget. Shit for brains man. I suppose the best is still to come.

where do you see the band in 3 years from now?

I seriously have no idea. Guess we will be releasing or 4th full length by then, playing shows in Japan. That at least is my big dream, haha.

who are some of the up and coming bands from the Arnhem area as well as throughout The Netherlands that we should be on the lookout for?

The Hiv. Giving positive youth a new meaning. Be on the lookout for a demo and live shows.

the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you?

Being close-minded enough to believe that you are better than someone not like you.

How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise?

What is your most memorable show and why?

The Hague with Kickback, our singer was so fucked up that night haha, ask him for stories.. He'll deny we ever played that show.

what is your favorite city and country to play shows in and also your least favorite and why?

Zaragoza, Spain. Making babies and fighting scum in the street. Love it!

Who are some of the bands that you enjoy touring with?

Strike First, State of Mind and Ozzy. Psyched on the upcoming tour with Deal With It! Check that band out.

What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up?

If you got anything better to do, DO IT. If not keep playing and don't give a fuck about anything.

where else besides myspace can the readers go to to findout about upcoming shows and other band related information?

Get signed up to the Reflections newsletter.

where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene?

I don't want to know, not much probably.

what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the band when playing a set?

Not much, if so i probably forget it anyway. Serious why feel embarrassed about a thing, I know I give my best every show and so do the others, so if anything would go wrong, it would just be too bad.

what is the worst injury that any of the band has had happen when playing show?

I think it was our first show when our singer broke his foot, from kicking the monitor. Beside that only a few stitches. Nothing too serious.

why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?

I don' t know, I love hardcore and don't care too much for other peoples opinion on it. All I know from shows in Holland is a total lack of aggression. Not much violence here.

Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?

Yeah we are on tour in September with Deal With It. I'm really looking forward to that one. Check our Myspace for exact dates and venues.

Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about?

November, we play our release show at The Stage in Arnhem NL, together with Bates Motel, Dirty Money and The Setup. Everybody should come and help us to destroy that place.



Stay Cold Interview with Ace Interview by Sean WWTO

First off i would like to thank Ace and Stay Cold for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine

how did the band come to be named Stay Cold?

Well one of my favorite bands is COLD AS LIFE and its kinda just a spin off of that cause i always thought they had some of the best lyrics.

who are some of the bands main musical influences?

COLD AS LIFE, Death Threat, Knuckle Dust, North Side Kings, Madball ect... there are just way to many.

are any members in side projects other than SC?

Yea we all are in other side projects together, Dirty Ways and were also starting another side project called Block Work

how long has the band been together?

a little over 2 years there has been some of the same members but i started it back in Ohio about 3 years ago.

how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?

Right now we just have our 6 song demo out. More material will be out later this year and early 2009

what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?

Honestly its what ever im feelin at the moment. some songs are about doin the best you can do and never selling yourself short. And some are about how shitty life can be, and how I feel like I might snap and end up in prison haha. Some are half and half cause it took me a month to write the lyrics and the first time I sat down to write them I was in a bad mood and when I sat down again I probably just smoked a blunt so I was doin pretty good.

is there a large and thriving scene in the las vegas area please tell us about it?

Im not gonna sit here and tell you our scene is the best like I hear from every band out there. It has its highs and lows just like everywhere else. I think there are a good core group of kids that always come out and always support. And the few that do everything they can to help the scene. But of course there is a huge turn out when some gay ass scene bands roll through. What ever they in turn help hardcore bands get some exposure haha.

is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?

The current line up is me(Ace) on vocals, Auskin on bass, G on drums and Brody on guitar. We have had 2 other drummers and i cant remember how many other guitar players.

if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why?

Bruce Springstien, cause hes the BOSS

in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before?

If I could describe our sound in one sentence then we dont have much substance to us and we might as well quit right now haha.

for someone who has never seen SC before what can they expect to see especially if seeing a show in las vegas?

Hopefully a good time, and if your lucky we wont be drunk.

how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in a band?

i was exposed through punk, i was like 14 or so a skater and just kinda fell into it. but not too long after hearing hardcore some guys started a band and said they needed a guitar player and i had already been playing so someone taught me how to play by ear and i havent looked at a music note since and havent played anything but hardcore.

where do you see the band in 3 years from now?

Touring full time.

who are some of the up and coming bands from the las vegas area that we should be on the lookout for?

Suffer the Loss

how can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merch?

through our myspace theres a button for paypal

the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you?

its always way more than just the music, its about life. i dont really know how else to put that haha

what is your most memorable show and why?

the ones we werent drinking at haha.

where else besides myspace can the readers go to to find out about upcoming shows and other band related information?

who knows anymore isnt myspace the only site people go on anymore?

who are some of the bands that you enjoy touring with?

we havent done a tour yet.

what advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that might be having a tough time and thinking about giving up?

if your thinking about it just go ahead and quit, you wont be around much longer if your already having doubts.

where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene?

Oh GOD probably not broke as fuck HAHA! But also id probably be some worthless drone with a bunch of douche bag friends.

what is the most embarassing thing that has happened to the band when playing a set?

playing like shit probably

why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it gives hardcore scenes and shows a bad reputation?

probably because there are more fights at hardcore shows than anywhere else. its not all the time. but what do people expect? you put a bunch of young males in a room whom most are pigheaded (like myself) and dont like to take shit from anyone and some random comes and does something stupid. Violence and hardcore just happens people say they arent associated but I wouldnt have liked hardcore or gotten into it at all if there wasnt a sense of violence and chaos. poeple need to grow some and stop crying. when there are 20 kids doing spin kicks someones gonna get hit and someone who cant take it is gonna start some shit and then...

do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?

sept 15th with Death Before Dishonor Blood Stands Still and Trapped Under Ice

is there anything else that you would like to add that i might have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about?

If we come to your town buy us beer and weed.

Streetwise interview with Jai and all of Streetwise Interview By Sean WWTO

First off i want to thank Jai and all of Streetwise for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine

How did the band come to be named Streetwise

Well, the band was originally known as Lucky Strike (like the cigarettes) and then later on as Gunpoint when it first started 4 years back, but after the original bassist, Orly, left the band, I (Jai) joined to fill the low-end, and after a few jam sessions, we decided to start anew, of sorts. New year. New name. New music. We had made a small list of possible names, and we all agreed on Streetwise.

what are your views on fighting at shows

Everything has a time and place. Albeit, the majority of fights that happen are over nonsense and have no place in hardcore, there are times when a fight is welcomed as a viable solution to an occurring problem. There will be times that people will come in with the sole purpose of picking fights and causing problems, and they are to be dealt with dually.

how can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise and music

We currently have DIY demo tapes available for mail order. They can visit our MySpace profile at , or they can e-mail us at, and we'll make arrangements.

who are some of the bands main musical influences

Jai - Madball, Biohazard, Agnostic Front, Crown of Thornz, D.R.I., Skarhead, Sheer Terror, Cro-Mags, District 9, Integrity, and Satan.

Vic - First Blood, Terror, Slayer, Death Threat, old Sworn Enemy, Donnybrook, Hatebreed, Sudden Death, Sublime and a lot of sex.

JJ - Hatebreed, E-Town Concrete, Shattered Realm, Blood for Blood, Nas, Psycho Realm, Biggie Smalls, and Sublime.

Bob - Charles Mingus, John Coltrane, Joe Pass, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Bud Powell, Max Roach, Fats Navarro, Gravediggaz, Wu-Tang, Andres Segovia, Vicente Fernandez, Los Tigres del Norte, Beto Quintanilla, Southside SKANKTONES

are any members in side projects other than Streetwise

Currently, Bob is the only one involved in other projects. He plays in a ska-punk jam band called the Southside Skanktones, and he also has a solo project of his own compositions that takes influence from a wide range of things.

how long has the band been together

About 4 years, but only about 8 months with the current line-up.

how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released

We've only recorded the 4 song demo we currently have out, and we're working on new material for a second demo/ep to be out soon.

what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material

life. struggle. social issues.

is there a large and thriving scene in the Laredo area as well as throughout Texas

The Laredo scene, as with any hardcore scene, has had its ups and downs. From the loss of venues, to the loss of bands, Laredo has had its share of bumps along the road, but we've managed to maintain a certain level of heart at our shows. We've thrived as a strictly DIY hardcore scene, always willing to help smaller bands on tour with shows, and the kids are always happy to go off and support the bands by picking up a cd or a shirt. Even opening up their doors to give the bands places to sleep if need be. We have had our share of bigger bands roll through, but we strive to keep up the DIY ethic that hardcore punk has always had roots in.

is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup

Not much has changed, but the original line-up was:
JJ on vocals
Bob on drums
Vic on guitar
Orly on bass

...but as Orly left to study in another city, I (Jai) was asked to join to take over bass duties.

if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why

Freddy Madball, Jamey Jasta, or Ezec.

Probably Boogie Capone (Underboss/Full Contact) or Southside Arturo (Five Families) because ever since any of us started going to shows back when they took us in and treated us like one of the homeboys. We grew up going off for Underboss, Full Contact and Five Families. Bob even played drums in Underboss for a short time.

George Hood (Flawless Victory) would also be one of our first choices. We got mad love for Flawless.

in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before

I was up in Austin, TX back in April for TXHC: The Way It Is Fest and was using this particular line to sell our demos amongst the show-goers:

"We sound like Madball but more Mexican."

how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in a band

Well I got into hardcore through punk rock. A lot of my older sister's friends were into all that, and they would give me mixtapes of some old school jams. Back then, I thought bands like Agnostic Front and Bad Brains were just punk bands. It wasn't until I found myself at local shows and talking to other kids that I found what hardcore was, and I found more hardcore bands that I liked more than a lot of the punk stuff I was listening to. I was still a punk rocker, and eventually cropped and became a skinhead, but I slowly became more and more involved in hardcore.

I've always wanted to be in a band, but, for whatever reason, people never took me serious when I brought up starting a band. I played in a punk band for a short while, but that didn't last, and I just concentrated on booking shows and whatnot for awhile until these dudes asked me to join Gunpoint/Streetwise.

where do you see the band in 3 years from now

No clue. Hopefully still going, but I, unfortunately, will not be a part of it. I'm gonna be moving to Austin, TX around January, and so I've told the dudes to do what they do with the band whenever I leave.

the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you

Hardcore is the absolute essence of an angry youth. People express that differently, but it's all the same. Chugs and breakdowns or raging fast riffs and blast beats, it's still hardcore.

These mosh metal bands that play a 3 minute long breakdown are weak, but if that gets one kid to look beyond that breakdown and look into real hardcore, I'm cool with it.

What is your most memorable show and why

Probably playing with Hoods and Grave Maker here in Laredo. Aside from a buncha bullshit that went down for the show to even happen that I won't go into detail about, kids were goin off the whole show, and by the end of the night, everything was cool and everyone was just hanging out. The Grave Maker dudes rule. Bailey and crew know how to have a good time.

where else besides myspace can the readers go to to findout about upcoming shows and other band related information

the actual site is down now, but it redirects to the forum which I help moderate. We keep it posted with all shows going on, amongst other things.

who are some of the up and coming bands from the Laredo area as well as throughout Texas that we should be on the lookout for

I know you already know Flawless Victory and Full Contact, but those dudes rule. They rep Laredo hard all over this nation of our's.

Aside from them:

The Red Alert -

Tony Montana's Last Stand -

Determined to Defeat -

Power Trip -

False Reason -

Chop Block -

Who are some of the bands that you enjoy sharing shows with

Chop Block are our homeboys. Dudes rage hard and always show mad love. Flawless Victory is always fun to play shows with, too. Anyone who is down to rage and play some hard jams, we'll share the stage with.

where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene

I don't know, to be honest. I can't see myself in any other situation but the one I'm in. Hardcore plays a major role in my life, and if I didn't have hardcore, I don't really want to know where I would be…

why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation

Well hardcore is definitely a violent subculture. As I said before, hardcore is just an outlet for an angry youth. If you aggravate someone who is already angry about everything else, you can expect a reaction. That just happens to be a violent reaction in most cases.

People just like to concentrate on the bad things and talk down on it.

Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about

We have a couple of shows coming up in September with some awesome bands. Folsom, Lose None, Horizons, Ill Intent, Tiefighter, Grave Maker, ABHF, amongst others.

Also, we're planning on a week long tour through either Mexico, Northern Mex/South Texas, or just a week in Texas. We'll announce that soon enough, so keep an eye out for that.

Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about.

Support Hardcore to the fullest. It's all that a lot of us have. It's the only thing that has kept us sane in these insane days. Even when we're down and out, hardcore is there for us.

Never forget that.

Thank you Sean and WWTO for allowing us this opportunity to reach out and get our name out there. Much love.

Wreckonize interview with Fede interview By Sean WWTO

WRECKONIZE-wreckonize @c.s. mezzacanaja Senigallia Ancona from federico giungi on Vimeo.

WRECKONIZE-here to fight @c.s. mezzacanaja Senigallia-Ancona from federico giungi on Vimeo.

First off i would like to thank Fede and all of Wreckonize for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine

How did the band come to be named Wreckonize?

we were looking for a massif, stylish name.

what are your views on fighting at shows?

we think that everyone that comes to a show only to begin a fight is a shit. during the show should be no quarrels and everything should be solved outside the room. it's necessary to identify the real enemy

what is your favorite song to cover during a show?

Warzone-in the mirror. we think it's one of the best songs in nyhc especially for its meaning.

who are some of the bands main musical influences?

generally the best american hc from the end of 80's on, then MADBALL,AGNOSTIC FRONT,BREAKDOWN,CROWN OF THORNZ,SLAPSHOT,SICK OF IT ALL,WARZONE

are any members in side projects other than Wreckonize?

not longer

how long has the band been together?

almost 2 years

how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?

a downloadable demo from myspace (, a track in the compilation BULLETS FROM THE STREETS(hateunit-records), and in little time will be out the new cd.

what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?

everyday life inside and outside the scene.

is there a large and thriving scene in the Ancona area as well as throughout Italy?

ancona has a punk/hc background active from 1980, we're all friends and we try to continue our work

is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?

now we changed a guitar, we started with two guitars, but because of one's problems we had to continue with only one guitar. it worked and still works.

in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before ?

the wreckonize's sound is like a punch in your ear.

when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player?


how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band?

in the band we have different ages,everyone had a different approach with the hc, but we learnt from who came before us.

where do you see the band in 3 years from now?

we want to hold the same energy to become more popular in the italian/european/mondial scene

who are some of the up and coming bands from the Ancona area as well as throughout Italy that we should be on the lookout for?

there is a punk/oi group named Totalrevenge, and is almost out a mixtape hip-hop of two groups friends of us, Rasklatt5 and Neurogarage; they are very very good!

the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you?

we are loyal with the original punk/hardcore idea. the main question is to remain near the reality,with the feet on the ground without mental trips or like toughguys. hardcore is resist and continue, always.

How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise?

from myspace, or from FEDEHC@HOTMAIL.IT.

What is your most memorable show and why?

it was the first, because people who heard and saw our group for the first time became impressed, and they proved it in front of the stage!
p.s. there are videos on youtube

what is your favorite city and coutnry to play shows in and also your least favorite and why?

we don't have one yet, we don't have enough experience to say this

Who are some of the bands that you enjoy sharing shows with?

a few of italian ones. more with american and european ones

What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up?

we think that if members don't get on well is better to give up,and then, it's better to begin new projects.

where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene?

we are fine in ancona for that reason.

why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?

who thinks like this of hc like any other genre, is a closed mind dick and we don't even listen to those people.

Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?

of course, the 1st and 2nd of november we play in rome in the first TRAPPED IN SOCIETY FESTIVAL.

Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about?

firstly we thank the webzine and the attention that gave us,secondly we thank who believes in us, all the friends. check our myspace because in little time will be out the new cd and the merchandising.

KDC interview with Casper and all of KDC Interview by Sean WWTO

First off i want to thank Casper and all of KDC for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine

How did the band come to be named KDC and is there any special meaning behind the band being named this also what does KDC stand for?

Our original name, which was in spanish, was extremely long, so the kids started abbreviating it. KDC caught on way faster than our original name so we just stuck with it. It doesn’t really stand for anything.

who are some of the bands main musical influences?

As far as influences go, I can only speak for myself. Anything that’s energetic, fast and catchy is what I tend to like. Bands like Reach the Sky and Bane are some of my favorites.

are any members in side projects other than KDC?

Yes. Our drummer Victor also plays in For the Wounded and Hanamachi. I play bass in Bust a Move. The other members have no side projects.

i see that you have some upcoming shows with both Blood in Blood out and also First Blood and LOS are you excited to be able to share the stage with First Blood?

Hell yeah!! When we started the band I remember that we where really stoked off First Blood’s material. We can’t wait to see them here on the island! And ever since we heard Blood in Blood out, we haven’t stopped listening to them. We haven’t heard much material form Line of Scrimmage, but the guys from Know the Score told us they where really good.

how long has the band been together?

For about four years.

how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?

None. We’re about to release our full length CD some time during September or October.

for someone who has never visited Puerto Rico and is planning on spending a week there what sights and cities would you recommend for them to visit?

Most of the bands that come to PR like to go to “El Yunque”, which is a rain forest. But if it was up to me I’d take them to the beaches on the southwest side of the island.

what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?

It depends on what bands are influencing us at the moment. Most of the bands we were into began when we were straight edge. And even though we’ve never been a straight edge band, our first songs were extremely positive. Most of the material we’ve written lately tends to be more narrative. Most of the stuff that’s been happening to us lately has been worth writing about.

is there a large and thriving scene in the Del Café area as well as throughout Puerto Rico?

We’re actually from Yauco. We call it Del Café because most of the coffee produced in Puerto Rico is from Yauco. It’s a boring city on the southwestern side of the island that doesn’t offer much recreation when you’re a teenager. There are no hardcore bands that have come out of that place. But there are really good hardcore bands throughout the rest of the island. Every time bands come from the states and see that the island is legit they end up including Puerto Rico on their tour calendars.

how did the band come to be signed with Southground Records and how have they treated you so far?

Christian Olmeda, the founder, is a good friend of Victor and was looking to record a band a bit different from his other bands. He wanted hardcore and we wanted a recording so we both saw it as a benefit. All in all, it’s been great being able to record for the first time. We didn’t think it would be such long and tedious process.

is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?

No it’s not the original lineup. Right now we have five members: Juanki, David, Dalbert, Victor and me (Casper).

if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why?

I’d definitely invite Aaron Bedard, from Bane, to do vocals. His voice is one of a kind. Any voice that’s unique and memorable is a voice that I’m into.

does the band have any plans to tour the USA in either 2009 or 2010?

We’ve had plans to tour the USA since forever. We just haven’t had the opportunity. I wish we had more contacts. You can only play the island for so long before you start seeing the same faces. Hopefully in 2009 we’ll be able to hit the states.

in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before?

If you mix bands like Champion and Set it Straight with Puerto Rican hardcore/punk bands you’ll have an idea of what KDC sounds like.

when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player?

When Juanki is in the car we have to put up with all types of music. He always brings along these crazy mixes that include: Justin Timberlake, The Spice Girls, Ray Charles, etc.

how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say I want to be in a band?

I started going to shows when I was about 16 or 17. My sister’s boyfriend played in a local punk band. Every time I saw any hardcore band go on I was overwhelmed by the energy and how the kids would respond to these bands. From then on I knew that I would eventually form a hardcore band.

when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest shit you have seen happen or pass by?

One time this truck pulled up next to us and it was carrying a bunch rotten meat. It had a cow head hanging out. It was disgusting!

where do you see the band in 3 years from now?

Still together, playing the music that we live for. One of our main priorities right now is to play outside of Puerto Rico. We want as much exposition as we can get. All the guys in KDC have great work ethic. Their all young kids that share the same passion.

who are some of the up and coming bands from the Del Café area as well as throughout Puerto Rico that we should be on the look out for?

As I mentioned earlier, there aren’t any other hardcore bands from Yauco. But I’ll mention some of the bands I most like on the island: Bust a Move, With Open Force, Clear Convictions, Una Banda Mas and Tropiezo. That’s just off the top of my head.

the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you?

Hardcore has nothing to do with how many breakdowns are in a song. To me anything that has to do with playing loud, hard and getting your message across is hardcore.

How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise?

Hit us up on MySpace and we’ll do our best to send you anything you’d like.

What is your most memorable show and why?

One of the most memorable shows we’ve ever played was in this town called San Sebastian. It’s on the west side of the island. Some kids decided to do a show outside of this big coliseum. When you mix awesome bands, free food, and skateboarding all together it makes for a memorable night. I’ll never forget that show.

what is your favorite city and country to play shows in and also your least favorite and why?

Back then we really liked playing on the west side of the island; but hardcore is slowing dying out on that side. That’s why we haven’t been doing shows over there. Right now we love to play anywhere in the metropolitan area. It’s were the best shows are going down.

Who are some of the bands that you enjoy touring with?

I personally like sharing the same venue with Una Banda Mas and With Open Force. And out of all the non local bands we’ve played with, Everything Falls Apart and Graf Orlock have been the funnest.

What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up?

It’s not easy to grow up in a scene where you usually put in more than what you get back. In the long run you’ll notice that most of the bands that played the venues with your band are gone. And that’s when you’ll know who’s really in it for the long haul. Just keep at it and don’t give in.

where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene?

In some boring workspace, wanting to shoot myself.

what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the band when playing a set?

I remember a show where I yanked too hard on the microphone and all of the P.A. system collapsed. The show was stopped and the sound guy was really pissed.

what is the worst injury that any of the band has had happen when playing show?

We played a show called “The Last Hardcore Show of the Year” back in 2006 in a place called Blue Moon. The staged was really fucked up and a rusty nail was pointing out. When I jumped the nail went right through my right leg and tore it open. I couldn’t feel anything. All I can remember is seeing a big hole in my leg and white tissue hanging out. It was sick!

why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?

There’s no doubt that hardcore is violent; but most kids go to shows just to have a good time. Only a few go to pick fights. And it’s because of those few morons that people have a misconception of what hardcore is. Its human nature to overlook the good and notice the bad. I don’t blame them.

Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?

Yup! On September 27, 2008 we’ll be playing with 2 great bands from Buffalo, New York. They’re called Face the Panic and Able Danger. Be sure to give them a listen through MySpace. And of course, First Blood and Line of Scrimmage on November 2, 2008.

Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about?

If you’re looking to book a hardcore/punk from Puerto Rico then we might be your answer.

Contact us at:

i want to thank all of KDC for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine

Thank you guys at Worldwidetakeoverzine for interviewing us. Not many people take notice of hardcore bands from Puerto Rico. You guys are awesome.

Thanks again


Ligeia interview with Keith ligeia Interview By Sean WWTO


First off i would like to thank Keith and Ligeia for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine

How did the band come to be named Ligeia and is there any special meaning behind the band being named this?

We got it from an Edgar Allan Poe short story called 'Ligeia' go figured, but we also heard its a porno from the 80's and female fronted black metal band from sweden.

who are some of the bands main musical influences?

Guns'n'roses, slipknot, JT

are any members in side projects other than Ligeia?

Naw, we haven't really gone platinum with ligeia yet so we've been just sticking to our day jobs for now

what was it like being able to do your recent tour with I Wrestled a bear once and how did that tour go?

It was awesome! Let me tell you it was such a nice change touring with a different sounding group. We have been touring with metalcore, hardcore and mosh bands for years now, so it was a nice change to hear breakdown after breakdown everynight.

what was it like being able to play the New England Metal and Hardcore Fest and how did the crowds react when you played your set?

Yes! It was incredible! Granted its the best metal festival in the US and we are from new england, so it was fucking packed and the crowd responded awesome.

how long has the band been together?

Well myself, ryan and phil started the band in late 2003, early 2004. So
4 years

how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?

We did a couple 8 tracks and 7-inches instead of release cds because we figured people could play them in there cars...Well we recorded a 3 song demo after being
a band for only a month in 2004 then in 2005 we began writing and recording our debut album 'your ghost if a gift'

what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?

It all depends honestly, the first record was definately a punching bag for me so I was venting about a lot of shit that was going wrong in my life at the time. With bad news, I wrote more of an overview of what my life has become post-crisis, post teenager angst, which I feel more people can relate too. Bad News is about hard times and the good times and overall it's a more accurate portrayal of my life.

how did the band come to getting signed with Ferret Records and how have they treated you so far?

Well when we first started recording 'your ghost is a gift' prostetic records was going to release the album, but ferret heard some demos off the album from ken susi and basically we ended up going with ferret because we felt it was a better label for us stylistically.

is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?

Yea we have the orignal line up now, it's ryan, phil and I, we started the band in 2003 with the addition of brandon whipple on bass.

if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why?

Honestly I really want female vocals in a couple songs on our next album but off the top of my head, I think itd be amazing to have Lajon from sevendust or aaron lewis from staind. They both have amazing vocals and it'd be rad to encorporate them into our songs.

in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before ?

Big tits, B-dass, Intense, catchy, somewhat fun

who are some of the up and coming bands that you would recommend for the zine to check out ?

For heavy stuff check our out boys in Recon, they are good friends of ours, and they are extremely heavy.

when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player?

Wellll....we aint got no cd player, we got dem ipods, but to answer the question, I can't really answer the question becuase we listen to sooooo much different music, each one of us have different tastes and favorites but sadly enough lately we've been playing out new avenged sevenfold, lil weeezy, and the new hopesfall.

how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band?

As far as the scene is concerned my first hardcore show was seeing 'peacemeal' in my hometown of palmer, ma. Peacemeal featured the singer from the hope conspiracy which made a huge impact on me as a frontman and lyricist.

Besides that when I was in 2nd grade I saw the video for paradise city from guns and roses on mtv (back when they played videos) and I was hooked, been a huge gnr fan ever since, but I used to sing and play guitar in grunge bands when i was a kid and I also became a huge deftones fan as i got a little older so I decided to focus on just singing like chino.

when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest shit you have seen happen or pass by?

Jeeeez soo much shit honestly but off the top of my head this one time after heading to our friends house in montreal after a night downtown at several bars in montreal, we saw this dude ass naked passed out facedown in the middle of a was prety funny

the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you

Honestly I'd say bands without breakdowns are the real hardcore bands nowadays.

what are your views on fighting at shows?

It sucks, but its life, fights happen, you gotta get over it. I hate drama in general, so I think its faggotry when kids fight at shows just to get attention or becuase they're bored.

How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise?
We need you support! Please pick up our new album 'BAD NEWS'

What is your most memorable show and why?

Most memorable? Hmmm not really sure, but I love to play our home are in massachusetts

what is your favorite city and country to play shows in and also your least favorite and why?

Favorite spots are all of new england, ny, nashville, west lake, ca

what are your views on kids who talk shit on the internet?

Its funny, I mean it sucks becuase people end up taking them seriously but I love lambgoat, I check it everyday, I think its hilarious. But yea people get bent out of shape becuase of comments kids leave about bands and such, overall I think people overreact to kids talking shit, theyre just havin fun in between halo sessions.

Who are some of the bands that you enjoy touring with?

Well we recently toured with on broken wings and recon and we got along with those guys very well.. Just worked out everyday and i got to drink whiskey and hang out at the merch table.

What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up?

Honestly if you are thinking about giving up, then give it the fuck up, obviously you aren't committed to what you believe.

where else besides myspace can the readers go to to findout about upcoming shows and other band related information?
Sorry no where else is as informative and available

where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene?

Filling in potholes for the dpw still or sitting in a cubicle like the guy in office space, hating my life

what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the band when playing a set?

Ummm...nothing really...we aim not to suck

what is the worst injury that any of the band has had happen when playing show?

Hmmm I dislocated my shoulder stage diving one time, but pulled off the
entire set in pain

why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?

Well they associate violence with shows becuase violence happens at shows, maybe not a majority of them, but a few incidents can ruin the reputation for the rest.

Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?

More so tours, weare hitting the road from october 1st to the
middle of november, so please check out our dates at

Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about?

Please pick up our new album 'BAD NEWS'! We need your support now more
than ever!

Thank you Keith and Ligeia for taking the time out to do this interview
with Worldwidetakeoverzine