First off we would like to thank Mr. Hyde for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine.
When did you and Necro begin working together.
1997. I first met Necro at a hip-hop show in nyc. He was the only artist that I knew of at that time rapping as brutal and evil as I was. I was also impressed with a beat he did for Non Phixion's first single "No Tomorrow." I could see us working together and it coming out really dope. We linked up and ended up having much more in common than just hip-hop... We became friends and the rest is death-rap history. Lol
When did hip hop become a big part of your life.
I was into Metal at first. I listened to some Hip-hop, but for me, it was all about Slayer and Metallica. When I first started writing actual song lyrics, it was very evil and violent but it didnt sound like it would fit with metal. It was in more of a rap or poetry structure. It was in 1992 in junior high school when I first starting rapping/battling in the lunch room and in the school yard. I was always good at abusing and making fun of people so kids would crack up laughing when I would kick my crazy raps shitting on them. By 1994, I was writing 5 or more verses a day and knew I wanted to put an album out. And I was ready to punch anybody in the face who said I couldnt. I would say I was pretty serious at that point.
What was it like finally recording your first studio album.
It was like a parent giving birth to a first-born child. Except my baby was the fuckin' The omen. An evil baby. I was a proud father.
First horror flick you've ever watched.
Trilogy of Terror with Karen Black. Classic. I was very young and was checking under my bed for that african war doll for a while every night. Lol.
Favorite horror flick of all times.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This Movie Is madness personified.
What have you been listening to lately.
The Jerky Boys. Frank Rizzo and Sol Rosenberg.
Esoteric or Cage.
Who cares
Funny tour/recording experience.
We were in a tour van driving from Bulgaria to Romania. We stopped at a gas station. Necro started feeding dried apricots and raisins one at a time by hand to a chubby, bulgarian, mentally retarded gas attendent through the window. The guy didnt say anything . He was mute an apparantly hungry. His face was expressionless. He just kept taking the apricots and eating them with one hand while continuing to fuel our vehicle with the other hand. The situation was so crazy and akward that I laughed so hard I almost threw up.
what made you want to start doing death rap.
My lyrics were violent ever since I first put a pen to paper. My brain was shredded from watching the most fucked up low-budget gore flicks at a very young age. I mean I was watching flicks like "I Spit On Your Grave" at 6 years old. I was also a very violent kid. I would fight in school and in the street almost every day. I used to bring my mother's kitchen cutlery to school in 3rd grade. In 4th grade chopped my friend's pinky off with a meat cleaver. (He got it sewed back on and we are still friends) It was only natural for me to rhyme about death and violence.
What MC's got you wanting to do hip hop.
Rappers like Kool G rap, Kool Keith, Getto Boys and N.W.A. were all rapping violent, bugged out, hard-core shit at that time. I figured if they were being successfull with their fucked up lyrics, there might be ears out there for my psychotic art.
Whats your feelings on rappers like Kanye West who think they deserve it all and everything should always be about them.
They reek of shit. I dont have anything in common with them.
Who are you top 5 MC's of all time.
Kool G Rap. Nas. Necro. Ill Bill. Mr.Hyde.
Who would be the one person you'd like to collaborate with.
My girlfriend Karine is an incredible piano player and lyricist. I wanna combine My vocals with her piano, Kerry King's guitar, Necro drum track with Ozzy Ozbourne and Fiona Apple on the Hook.
What would you say to cats wanting to come up in the hip hop world, what advice would you give them.
If u aint ready to pay dues and put your blood sweat and tears into Hip-hop, Dont quit your day job.
what was it like doing a song with Freddy Madball and Hoya.
It was great to have those cats in The Killer Collage Video. They're my homeboys but they are also my favorite Hard-core band. So it was dope.
Interesting recording/tour story.
Goretex was so lazy and such a difficult ass hole during the recording for Circle of Tyrants that at the end of the last session, Necro beat the shit out of him right in the studio And told him that he would never work with him again.
When touring, what is usually on the radio.
Who knows? We all usually have our seperate head phones on listening to our own shit or writing to beat cds. Whoever is driving gets listens to whatever they want within reason. We wont allow The Village People or anything like that. Lol
how did you come to signing with Psycho+Logical Records PLR and how have they treated you so far.
I was down with Necro before he created the label. I never actually signed anything. I had his back and helped him with anything needed regaurding P.L.R. This label is my family. If it was the show "He-man," Necro is "Skelletor" and I am "Beast Man." And all we want to do is take over the world and infect it with evil.
What do you hope to get across to your listeners with your music.
That they will always get most brutal, aggressive, lyrically technical, psychotic music possible from a Mr.Hyde record.
What are some of the main influences of the lyrics in your music.
True life experiences, Sick, demented movies, my own personal psychosis and Micheal Jackson's nose.
If you had the chance to give a kid 5 albums from your personal collection to influence them, what would they be.
Master of Puppets, Reign in Blood, Illmatic, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, Morrison Hotel.
When you are playing a show and you look out and see the faces of these people who you can tell are really into it, how does that make you feel.
Honestly, it is one of the most gratifying parts of my life. Knowing that my music has that big of an effect on kids and it makes them want to release their aggression in a mosh pit or beat the shit out of eachother... That's why I still do what I do. I know that feeling. And I relate with them on it.
what are your views on fighting at shows.
I'm the wrong person to ask about that because you are not gonna get a mature, politically correct answer. I totally condone fighting for good reason. or almost any reason lol. I do it. so I cant say that others shouldnt. But then again fighting is sport to me. I boxed for years and I enjoy it. I dont care about people getting hurt in fights. I believe in Darwinism. "Only The Strong Survive", and "The Food Chain." Dont fight if you aint tough and If you are a wolf, dont fight a lion, and you wont get hurt.
what are your views on kids who talk shit on the internet.
If sticks and stones can break my bones and names can never harm me....What the fuck can typing do?? lol. I encourage these kids to type shit about me. It only blows my name up bigger and gives me more exposure. They know not to ever talk shit to my face in person and to stay dripping with pimples and hate in their mommy's house hiding behind a keyboard. They are dumb, but not THAT dumb. Haters have a role and they will play it. I have MY role. While they wake up early to go to work for 10 hours packing groceries for 6 bucks an hour, I make life changing brutal music, tour the world, make money and dont wake up til mother fuckin' 2 in the afternoon with a hot girl next to me. I Write Rhymes watch movies, do push-ups and chin ups, hit the punching bag eat, fuck and play video games all day.
do you have more hip hop or hardcore metal kids that attend your shows.
Its a mixture I guess. I cant really even tell anymore. I dont even care. As long as they show love, get pumped up and start a pit, I'm happy.
what is some of the weirdest shit you have passed by when on tour throughout the world.
In Belgium, We were attacked by a real life flesh-eating zombie. 28 weeks later style. He chased us for 18 blocks we kept pushing him away, kicking him and knocking him down but he just kept coming. Unhurt and hungry. When we made it to the hotel, He camped outside for about an hour and waited for us until he found a less elusive human meal I guess. He was gone when we checked out the next day.
what are your 5 top favorite cities to play and least favorite as well.
The best shows in my opinion would have to be. Moscow, Paris, Melbourne, Toronto and Auckland. Any city too pussy to book me are my least favorite.
how can the readers from around the world order merchandise and is there way for the readers to still order merch if they do not have a paypal account.
They can use their (or their parent's) credit card or debit/atm card and go to www.myspace.com/mrhyde or www.necrohiphop.com all the available merchandise should be up there. They can also message me on myspace directly and arrange a money order or payment through western union for what they need.
favorite food on tour and least favorite.
Favorite; Veggie burgers with chile con carne or kebab spots for sharma and gyro and chicken skewers. Least Favorite; fast food/anything unhealthy.
what advice can you give to any newer bands starting out being they are a hip hop or hardcore band and having a hard difficult time and thinking about.
Dont bite our style! Be original. Never Quit or let anyone tell you that you cant achieve your goals. And never compromise your art for any reason. Always have a backup plan in case music doesnt work out for you.
what were your thoughts and feelings on the closing of CBGB's in New York City.
I was fortunate to be able to perform there before it closed down. It is such a legendary venue. It should have never been shut down because it gave so many great artists their start and a podium to get the early exposure they needed.
who are the top 5 new hardcore metal bands that you think will make it big in 2008.
I'm not too up on a lot of the "new" Hardcore shit. I listen to a lot of the older classic stuff. But 5 bands that I feel have talent that have not gotten their due respect on a world-wide level yet are; Subzero, Blood clot, 100 Demons, North Side Kings and Moja.
is there anything else that you would like to add that we may have forgotten to ask that the readers might want to know about.
They Might want to know that if they dont have my new album "Chronicles of the Beastman" that they need to go buy it in order to become a complete, fully-functional person, have true inner-psychotic harmony, be one with the universe and to truely be friend to all beast-creatures of the earth and outer planets. Also, as a disclaimer... I had nothing to do with the Huck-o-buck.
Thank You Mr. Hyde for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine
NECRO www.myspace.com/necro
MR.HYDE www.myspace.com/mrhyde
RIVIERA REGIME www.myspace.com/rivieraregime
SABAC RED www.myspace.com/sabac
Q-UNIQUE www.myspace.com/qunique
NEMS www.myspace.com/nemsmurderfest
SEAN STRANGE www.myspace.com/seanstrangemusic