How long have you been doing music?
Well, I started my first band when I was 15 with my best friend Norm, (who is my drummer). It was a Punk Rock band called "Captin Kirk and The Camel Toes" lol....
For the people out there give us a quick background on yourself?
Born in NY, of Irish/Scottish heritage. Both my parents were Professional Ski Racers. My mother was a member of the US Ski Team and Olympic Team. I of course grew up ski racing but then became a snowboarder which then in turn I became Professional at age 16. I toured all over the world competing in Big Air, Halfpipe and Freeride for numerous companies. When I was 19 I blew both my knee's out and it was then I started singing and emceeing in the band TABULARASA which I was front man of from 99' till 06'. Tabularasa did very well in the states, so I never went back to snowboarding, and here I am now living in LA and still making music....Theres somewhat of a BackGround for ya...lol
What mc's influenced you growing up?
First and For Most "KRS ONE", Run DMC, Beastie Boys, Henry Rollins, Jello Biafra, Rakim, and then later it was groups like Wu-Tang, House of Pain, Zach De La Rocha, Onyx and others. I get influence from a lot of music so its hard to say who and what for that question....I got influenced from Music and Life period...
What is your lyrical content about?
LIFE !!! Anything from my daily interations with people to crazy political issues I feel compelled to speek about. I have no boundries when I write....
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Definetly writing recording and touring with my music. I plan to have a good solid body of work out in the world and be well established worldwide. BUT, this is all if the Mayan Calender is wrong...lol...So Im gonna say I see all that in 3 years, that way if the world does end like the Mayan claender says, I'll at least have made a good mark up unitl that point !!!!
In only one sentence how would you describe the sound of Ceekay to someone who has never heard you before?
The evolution of Punk Rock, Hip-Hop !!!
First concert you went to and is this why your doing music today?
Jimmy Cliff (The Reggee musician) Actually at that point I only had dreams of being an Olympic athlete. It wasnt till I blew my knees out that I started to realize my true calling which is music.
Besides myspace is there any other websites to get a hold of you on?
Right now I am building my website www.ceekaymusic.com, but MySpace is my main resourse on the web, and it is the best way to check up on me
and my schedual of events...

Great thus far. I will be releasing my first Solo record in the summer of next year (08') And I plan on it continuing to be a good relationship with Sub Noize...
Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?
I will be touring in Canada with Necro, Psycho Realm and Danny Diablo in January, and then I will be touring in Europe and Japan with Danny Diablo in April and May....All shows and dates will be posted on my MySpace page ( www.myspace.com/ceekaymusicpage).....
What's the biggest show you've played?
Good question. Ive played a lot of big Music Festivals with Thousnads of people each time. But the smallest show I played was at a fish n Chips pub in LA like 10 years ago with Tabularasa, to like 4 people. They had good beer though....hahahahahahaha
What artists/bands do you enjoy touring with?
I just toured with (hed) PE and they fucking RULE !!! Great guys and music. All the Suburban Noize groups are really fun to tour with, but I think my all time favorite purly because I still hold his as a teacher to me is KRS ONE. Getting to tour and rock the same mic the same crowd on the same stage with him was a true honor....
Are there any artists/bands in particular that you prefer to do shows with and why?
Im down to rock shows with anyone. I love music so it dont matter who or what as long as your good people. I dont have time to hate on people or bands. I got love for anyone whos got love for me....
Growing up were you ever in and hardcore bands?
I personally was in Punk bands, but I love Hardcore and it has always been in my collection. I am a huge Agnostic Front fan now that Im in the same crew with them its an honor.
So are you part of the La Coka Nostra family. Do we see a huge tour from this power house of MC's?
La Coka Nostra is made up of people that are all family to me, so yes I am part of the extended family. I am personally doing my solo stuff right now and dont know what LA COKA is doing as far as the touring goes, but I'm sure you'll see all of us on the road soon enough.....
Tell us about Stereo Chemix?
"Stereo Chemix" is a band that Im in which is the first new group outside of Limp Bizkit for JOHN OTTO (Limp Bizkit Drummer) We are both doing the vocal work in the band, so its like a a dual Front man thing. The bad also has my best friend and drummer of 15 years. Norm aka NC3, as well as DJ Apokalypze and FinBarr....The sound is crazy and thats all Im gonna say for now. Watch out for STEREO CHEMIX touring world wide in the near future....
What's next for Ceekay?
Getting this SOLO record to the world and playing shows....I live to tour and play music, so I plan on touring worldwide as much as possible in support of the record !!!
If you could give a kid 5 cds that got you into music what would they be?
1. KRS ONE and SCOTT LA ROCK "Criminal Minded"
2.THE BEATLES "Sergent Peppers Lonley Hearts Club Band"
3. ERIC B. n RAKIM "Paid in Ful"
4. BEASTIE BOYS "Licence to Ill"
5. AGNOSTIC FRONT "Victim in Pain"

What are you currently listening to?
The Transplants, Hed pe, Agnostic Front, Raised Fist and Skindred are some of the Cds Im playing other than my own music.....
Best advice for up and coming MC's?
Follow your dreams. Dont let anyone tell you your not gonna make it or you not good enough. Music is about perseverance !!! There are some
many people who MC and make music, its just theres not a lot of them that can continue to follow the dream year after year no matter what!!!
Ceekay Discography (mix tapes, projects etc)
1. "R. Maris Returns" Vol 1 the Mixtape (Released 2007)
2. "The Introduction" releasing on Suburban Noize Records ( Summer of 2008 )
1. "Land of Entrapment" (Released 1999) Self Released
2. "Trash n Treasure" (Released 2005) by One Entertainment
3. "O.N.E." Tabularasa Full feature DVD (Released 2004) by One Entertainment
Ive also dont numerous apperances on records with groups and Mcs...The latest thing I did was The Remix of "Show of Force" by ICEPICK with
Vinney Paz from Jedi Mind Tricks, which will be on the Re-Release of ICEPICKS "Violent Epiphany" ......
Your on the road, what do you do to kill time?
Sleep as much as possible, listen to music, and of course WOMEN !!!! hahahahaha Im also partial to Jameson Wiskey, so I kill time with that as well....
Last movie you saw?
Havent been to a movie in a long time. To busy in the studio, but I did see the Movie "City of God" a while ago....
Craziest shit you have seen at a show?
Man, I always see crazy shit at shows. Broken noses, blood, naked women (which I always love). The best is seeing how drunk some cats get, I think thats the best part. Seeing someone so drunk they cant even walk, but there still in the pit swinging elbows somehow...hahaha
Best way to get in contact with Ceekay?
MYSPACE !!!! www.myspace.com/ceekaymusicpage
Any last words?
"SEE YOU ALL VERY SOON" !!!!! Much Respect to everyone ....one