Is this the original line up, if not what is the current lineup and position in the band?
We still have all original members but it's just changed around a little bit. When we first started we had 6 members and it was David and Orlando on vocals, Joey and Derek on guitars, Marce on the bass, and Travis on drums. Around March of this year we all made a mutual decision that it would be better if Travis left the band, so at that point Derek got off the guitar and hopped on the drums and that really worked out well. Then around august of this year our bassist Marce had to leave because he was moving to continue in his dancing career. So about a month after that Orlando got off the vocals and picked up the bass. Everything is
working out great now with this lineup and we are in the process of writing and recording a whole new set.
For the people out there give us a quick background on the band?
This band started out as 6 dudes who wanted to play some music, have
fun and play some shows.
What's the meaning behind the name Down Not Out?
All of us were trying to think of a name and were looking at cd booklets and came across outbreaks album. We had a few ideas and we ended up sticking with down not out. It was like the hardcore scene in NM wasn't much at all. It was down. But there was still some stuff going on. So we weren't out just yet.
If you can understand that? Haha
Describe your style/sound?
Its def heavy hardcore. We try to throw in fast circle pits, catchy 2 steps, and hard breakdowns.
How is the music scene in New Mexico?
David - To be completely honest, not to good haha. We do what we can but shit doesn't always work out. Not too many kids are into hardcore here.
Joey - There isn't much going on here in New Mexico. Albuquerque wasn't putting on many hardcore shows at all, so we decided to start booking bands and putting on shows here in our hometown of Espanola. Slowly we have been trying to build a scene here
in Espanola.
Give us a quick discography for Down Not Out?
In winter 2006 we did a horribly recorded demo. Then this summer we rerecorded it with some new songs we are in the process of putting out all new songs this winter.
What influences Down not Out lyrics?
David - At first on our early songs it was more cliche type things. Now on our newer songs its alot more personal. Things like family problems, religious beliefs, failure, and my life as a teenager.
In 5yrs we'll see Down Not Out doing…
Still playing the shack hahah! We are most likely still going to be productive and hopefully have gone on some tours.
What crazy antics go on it the van?
Basically on the way to a show we just talk shit about everything and make fun of everything. Especially each other. We make fun of hardcore matt alot too (a local kid). We just like to have fun.
What are you currently listening to?
Joey - Fight Like Hell
David - Jimmies chicken shack
5 cds that got you into Hardcore?
Death Threat - Now Here Fast
Hoods - The King Is Dead
Terror - One With The Underdogs
Kids Like Us - Outta Control
Throwdown - Haymaker
Any venue you dig playing?
Last movie you saw?
Joey - Blood in Blood out
David - Colors
Best show you would say Down Not Out has played so far?
A summer fest show we put on with Death Before Dishonor, Black My Heart, Fight Like Hell, Colin Of Arabia, and lots of locals.
Any bands in your area you wanna tell us about?
When Down Not Out isn't playing shows what are you all doing?
3 of us are still in high school. So we are either at school, work, practicing, or just hanging out and going to shows.
What bands did you look up to?
On a Warpath, Shattered Realm, Terror, and Death Before Dishonor to name a few.
First concert you went to and is this why you play music today?
Joey - It was On Broken Wings and it has alot to do with being in a band today.
David - Remembering Never and yes it pretty much is.
Anyone in any side projects?
David is in an edge band called XRAMPAGEX.
What bands do you feel are hot right now?
Wintch Mob
Thick As Blood
What would be your dream tour (current or past)?
Joey - Dag Nasty, Champion, and Pink Floyd
David - XTYRANTX, Suffer The Living, and Sworn Vengeance
If Down Not Out was to do a world tour, who would you bring?
Beg for life, Viper:Viper, Speak In Vowels, all the dudes in these bands are great guys.
Craziest shit you have seen at a show?
When we played a show with On A Warpath, during their set a local kids 2 front teeth got broken in half.
Best way to get in contact with Down Not Out?
Our myspace page.
Any last words?
Joey - Check out these bands; Speak in Vowels, Brookside, Fools Die,
Crooked Ways, and Beg for Life.
David - All the way to the back 505 represent.
What do you hope to accomplish in the future with the band?
To keep traveling and seeing the world. To keep eating a lot of awesome vegan food everywhere we go. To hopefully maintain some meaningful relationships with the kids we meet along the way. To keep learning about the world, other people, and other cultures. And certainly, to keep conveying what hardcore and punk music means to us, and to hopefully make some positive impact in the world and in this community along the way.
What do you hope to get across to people with your music?
It all really boils down to "thinking for yourself." That's our message above and beyond anything else. I know people often think of us as some kind of "political/arnarchist, atheist hardcore band," but fuck labels.We don't have a specific platform--never have, never will. I don't write the lyrics I write, nor do I get on stage and say the things I say so that people will heed my words and live by them. I'm not trying to indoctrinate anyone of anything. I just want kids to think about things. I'll be the first to admit, and I'm sure anyone reading this interview knows, that I am a complete jackass of a kid. I don't know shit. I wish I did. I try to know things, but at the end of the day,I'm just another fucked up kid trying to make sense of this world we're all living in. I'm just trying to communicate. As much as I love to potentially inspire some young kid coming into the scene, I also depend on that kid to inspire me. It's a two way street. Nobody has all the answers, and ultimately all we can really do as individuals is think...THINK!...and try to communicate about the thoughts we're having. Maybe something can come of that. I hope so.
In your opinion, what would be the perfect line up for a show?
If it's a show we're playing, it'd probably be us and a bunch of our friends: Dead City (best live sound in hardcore right now period),Wisdom in Chains, 7 Generations, another Trial reunion, and Bad Religion as the headliner. If it's just a show for me to watch, I only want to sit and watch Loreena McKennitt for hours. No one else.Just her and her band. That's all I listen to in the van these days.She takes me away to simpler times of humanity, and I envision myself as some pagan running around in a forest of old Scotland.
Do you have anything planned for the future as far as releases or tours?
As I write this, we're 3 weeks away from one last Eastern US tour for the year, which will also include our third visit to Puerto Rico for one weekend. Next year will be two trips to Europe, a visit to Iceland, and hopefully a return to Asia. We also have to play all of Canada come summertime, because we had to cancel quite a bit of shows there this year due to getting banned from the entire fucking country last January in British Columbia. When the ban is lifted, we are going to pillage!Seriously, fuck customs (of every country for that matter). As for releases, I don't know man. Everything's been such a blur lately since Graven Images came out. I've got a couple new songs written, but we still have quite a bit of touring to be done on Graven Images, so we probably won't have another album out till 2009.
How would you describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before?
For someone who is into hardcore: it's vocals that wish they were Catharsis, with riffs that wish they were Integrity or Ringworm. For someone who isn't familiar with hardcore: It's loud, crazy headbanger shit.
What is one of the craziest things you've had happen while playing a set?
One time there was this midget in S&M gear...
Do you have any shows coming up that you are really excited about?
All shows out of the country.Hardcore can be explain in many different ways by many different people, but what does it mean to you personally?
I know for some people hardcore is an end, or a destination. It's an escape of sorts from the workweek, the daily grind, and after the show,after the weekend, everything goes back to normal. And that's fine. I'm not discrediting that, because to each his or her own, and in some ways I feel that way about it too, but to me, hardcore has always been more of an open door to new places (literally and metaphorically). For me,it's not an exclusive club of dudes. It's not just for the strong, or brave, or whatever. It's for whoever wants to embrace it and get something out of it, and in turn give something back to it. It was because of hardcore that I have been fortunate enough to go to many places and connect with many kids through the energy of the music. I have learned so much through that process alone. I have made so many friends through being involved with this underground. The music itself has always inspired me to seek out my dreams and to seize the day, while the community and lifestyle have given me great company along my that path, and so many memories I don't even know how to begin to tell.Hardcore has helped me to make many changes for the better in my life,be that introducing me to animal rights and vegetarianism/veganism, or by introducing me to a drug free lifestyle, or just by introducing me to new perspectives and ways of thinking. As a young teen, it was hardcore and punk that really got me to question things: religion,social issues, what it means to be human and have the consciousness we have. What do we make of all that? It can be overwhelming, but I think hardcore gave me a base or haven for all of that, because I've found so many people here over the years who share my sentiments. So in that sense, hardcore has always been a movement to me, something that inspires revolution in people one by one. I don't mean any specific kind of revolution beyond that of personal revolution, because revolution is a lofty word and can be taken in many different directions. But the fact is that hardcore has inspired many awakenings in my life, for better or for worse, and because of that I will always do what I can to keep that spirit alive, because though modern hardcore has many faults, I still think it's an incredible and empowering alternative to the hollow western culture most of us are brought up in.
Ryan and Jon were jamming in the band room and decided to record what they were messing around with, and wanted a name to go with it that was both memorable and ridiculous. SixteenYards was born.
who are some of the bands main musical influences?
there's so many to name, heres just a few important ones to us:
Job for a cowboy
Casey Jones
Stand And Fight
Never Back Down
Shark Punch
Quiet Riot
are any members in side projects other than Sixteen Yards?
Yes, our vocalist is in a shitty screamo band,
Our guitarist Chowder is in Man-Fuck,
and together we form the project Verb the Noun
how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?
We've put out 3 demos. we live in concord. we don't get out much.
how long has the band been together?
1 year 7 months and 26 days
what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?
Everything that we see around us that makes us angry, between school, work, and shows we have to deal with a lot of shitty people, and its a constant reminder how pathetic mankind is.
is there a large and thriving scene in the Concord area as well as throughout California?
Definitely throughout California, but in concord theres really only two hardcore bands, us and Murder Practice.
is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?
No this isn't the original lineup. Jon and Ryan started the band as a two-piece in March 06, then Mike joined in the summer of 06, and Chowder joined the summer of 07, we're planning on adding another guitarist in the summer of 08
if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why?
Chowder: B. Spears
Mike: Rod Stewart
Ryan: Johnny from Job for a Cowboy
Jon: Christopher Lee
in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before ?
All-American, Unstoppable Onslaught of Manly BONER Inducing Hardcore.
how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band?
Chowder: "I was bored"
Ryan: "5 years ago i saw Our Turn, Allegience, and The Physical Challenge, at the Grange Hall and liked it."
Jon: "Ive always been into music, but Ryan forced me to listen to DonnyBrook!. i liked it"
Mike: "What was the question? I liked it"
when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player?
RBL Posse
Gravy Train
ya know, the usual.
where do you see the band in 3 years from now?
hopefully signed and touring.
who are some of the up and coming bands from the Concord area as well as throughout California that we should be on the lookout for ?
From Concord Murder Practice is getting big, they're signed to West Coast, but not enough people listen to them. They're an awesome fucking band.
Unchained and True At Heart from San Bruno, Lionheart from the Bay Area and 5 Characters in Search of an Exit are an amazing band but they never get as much credit as they should, definitely check them out.
when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest shit you have seen happen or pass by?
guys ALWAYS hit on Chowder...
and this old, cracked-out lady hella warned us that we were going to get mugged. we didnt.
the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you?
Angry aggressive music that says its okay to just let it all fucking go.
How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise?
Message our Myspace, http://www.myspace.com/sixteenxyardsx
Come to our shows (if thats possible)
What is your most memorable show and why?
Chowder: Juice Zone, because that little brick ledge i could put my foot on, and my first outside show ever.
Mike: Sacto Huge Fest, it was in a fucking warehouse that was converted into a skate park.
Ryan: Sacto Huge Fest, and the sound system was fucking amazing, and sounded so fucking good. The crowd was really into it and it was just a good time hanging around the skatepark that day.
Jon: Our second SFSU show, where at one of our breakdowns the crowd went insane, shouting "Oh Shit!!" and pulling their hair out.
what is your favorite city to play shows in and also your least favorite and why?
Fremont favorite. FOSTER CITY FUCKING SUCKS. we drove 2 hours to get there, brought hella people, and the venue took all the money. And hella creepy girls go there... There was nothing allowed in the venue. no movement, no swearing.. it was pretty fucking lame.
where else besides myspace can the readers go to to findout about upcoming shows and other band related information?
What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up?
For the love of God, tune before you play! and pay attention to your tone, concentrate on song writing, and be persistent.
where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene?
Mike: Salt Mines
Chowder: DEATH metal scene
Ryan: successful
Jon: still in a shitty screamo band...
what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the band when playing a set?
Our old vocalist. Tyler "Tall T" Wing...
why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?
It SHOULD be associated with hardcore shows. Hardcore is about hate and violence. Its fucking annoying when you hear all this aggressive music with all this fake happy lyrics. It's about the real fucking raw aggressive emotions that you feel.
Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?
Playing with Recon and Thick as Blood in Modesto on November 12th
Murder Practice and Frequency Murder in Concord on Nov 16th
Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about?
We don't care about your zany windmills, or how you look hardcore dancing, or why you're wearing your sweatshirt in the 100 degree venue. That's not why you're at the show. Whatever happened to listening to the music and not caring about the fashion? When a bands playing it's not about you.
and stay the fuck away from our stickers.