August 4, 2008

Call To Order interview with Arnaud guitarist for CTO

First off i would like to thank Arnaud and Call To Order for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine

How did the band come to be named Call To Order

we usually order food during rehearsals, and no one wants "to call to order" ...

what are views on fighting at shows

Fighting at shows are never welcome and actually we've never seen a serious one. The pit is usually rough and stormy but always with a good attitude like picking up the guys that has fallen or dancing KiDS without smashing up your neighbors.

how can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise and music
you can contact us by email at or on myspace. We've made some T-shirts recently and we should soon update our website for a merch information.

who are some of the bands main musical influences

Our main influences are bands like Knuckledust, Terror, Madball, Warzone or All out war. But we all are quite open minded (apart from Arnaud) and we listen to various kind of music from gypsy jazz to rap music or grind core that definitely influence us too.

are any members in side projects other than CTO

yeah, Yo (drums) is playing the guitar in a Grindcore band called "Le Syndrome d'Helsinki" from Saint-Dizier and Renaud (Bass) is singing in this band too. Doudou (Lead Guitar) is also part of Deadline, a Punk Rock band from London.

how long has the band been together

The band exists since 2002, but there were loads of changes of line up... The new line-up being together since 2007 and we are now ready !!

how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released

We have only one demo recorded DIY, one song for a compilation and we are now recording a cd DIY (by doudou our guitarist) which might be out in the summer.

what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material

We base our lyrics on everyday life and we always tend to have an engaged view about society problems. Unfortunately, News are an unlimited source of material ... Our lyrics deals with usual themes met in hardcore like politics, working class defense, friendship, unity or any asshole that can get on our nerves .

is there a large and thriving scene in the Saint dizier Troyes Nancy, Champagne-Ardenne area as well as throughout France

Talking about Saint Dizier first, we (our association "Le bruit des fondus") organize shows on our own taking advantage of our rehearsal place. It's quite small but there is no decibel limiter and the smaller it is the crowded it is. In the close area, friends from the associations "Independenza" (Dany) and "Epicer tout" (Michôl) also try to make things moving organizing hardcore gigs. Our region is quite living. I would say that despite the existence of many kick-ass French bands, and many associations organizing big shows and festivals is still quite hard in France. It's usually difficult to attract enough people. Nevertheless, many people do a great job to give our ears good sound.

is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup

The band started with Seb (vocals), Arnaud (guitar), Yo (drum) and Raf (guitar). It stayed for a long time without bass player. Then Raf split and Doudou joined the band to play bass guitar. After a year, Doudou didn't want to play bass guitar anymore so he decided to play the guitar instead. And Renaud joined the band 6 months after to offer his bass player skills. Mac fly (thanks to him) also joined us since a few month to play the guitar when Doudou is over europe with Deadline.

if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why

First it would be our friends ( from Colera, Back From The Dust, FTX, Exit Wounds...) cause we've shared many good times at shows and we always have fun together. But if we could choose it would be Freddy of Madball for his flow or the singer of knuckledust for his brutal voice !! If it should have been possible, we would have chosen raybeez of warzone because warzone is the best band ever.

in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before

We play a hardcore-metal that sounds as original as possible. We don't like to be compared to any other bands thus we just would say we fancy doing fast riffs followed by breakdowns and mosh parts.

when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player

seb would put force of change (RIP) Yo would put hatebreed, Arnaud would put warzone and strife. For Renaud it would be Napalm Death, and for Doudou Johnny Cash. But at the end the driver choose !!

how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band

arnaud : it's when i saw for the first time no redeeming social value !!
doudou : It was in Saint Dizier where I went to my first hxc gig, I found it brilliant. I discovered all the stuff like mosh pit on breakdown.
yo : When I was a kid, I've been watching old video tape of AC/DC that makes me think "I want to be part of a band"
renaud : I begin playing music with my brother so making a band was normally for us !!!

where do you see the band in 3 years from now

(Seb) I'm going to leave the band in a few months to go abroad for work and Doudou is more and more implicated in Deadline. But I'm pretty sure the other dudes will go on with this project or another brand new one. We definitely like hardcore and I can't imagine this will end up that easy.

the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you

Hardcore is a way of life, it's more than just playing a powerful music, enjoying, having a job near and don't give up doing all these things. It's a mean to pass on our ideas. Don't make any money with it but don't lose money as well. Musically speaking... It's a huge strike. But still, to me this term is more than overused. But when we say that our music is hardcore, we must considering that “hardcore” means listening oldschool music like Minor threat, Youth of today and so other many bands. However, it's normal that hardcore evolve with other influences, it's is own evolution !!!

What is your most memorable show and why

I think it was in a venue called "l'orange bleue" (thanks dany). We had the best sound ever, and we had LOTS of fun. Especially Seb who was almost raped on stage by a drunk groupie !!! Another one was the "Hippiepest festival" during which people were so hot that they literally explode the drum set.

where else besides myspace can the readers go to to find out about upcoming shows and other band related information

Shows info are on our website or on some board about hardcore scene that we post infos about gigs etc .. !!!

who are some of the up and coming bands from the Saint dizier Troyes Nancy, Champagne-Ardenne area as well as throughout France that we should be on the lookout for

friends :
by my fists (RIP) exit wounds(modern hardcore) back from the dust (oldschool hardcore) Sabertooth(metal hxc) colera (grind)

france :
fire at will (Toulouse), FTX (Nevers), None Shall Be Saved (Marseille)

and many more !!!

where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene

arnaud : I would have been stuck to the rock scene.
doudou : I would play ska punk
yo : I don't know but I still play music!
renaud : I would play in a band with Converge and envy Influences
seb : rock scene like arnaud

why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation

People usually judge on first look whereas they should take the time to see what is really about. They see young people with tattoos, piercings listening to violent music ... but they never take time to see that behind this, there is friendship, ideas of justice and at first a lots of fun !!!

Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about

Yes we're going to play a couple of time during summer ....first we will play the 12/07 with forty'oz at our place (the local !!) and the 26/07 we will play for the second edition of the Hippiepest festival.

Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about

first thanks to you Sean for your patience and for checking us,
support your scene !! and a big thanks for Mc fly of Back from the dust, and all of our friends. and I would like to thank my girlfriend for the time I spend for the hardcore.