First off i would like to thank Arnaud and Call To Order for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine
How did the band come to be named Call To Order
we usually order food during rehearsals, and no one wants "to call to order" ...
what are views on fighting at shows
Fighting at shows are never welcome and actually we've never seen a serious one. The pit is usually rough and stormy but always with a good attitude like picking up the guys that has fallen or dancing KiDS without smashing up your neighbors.
how can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise and music
you can contact us by email at or on myspace. We've made some T-shirts recently and we should soon update our website for a merch information.
who are some of the bands main musical influences
Our main influences are bands like Knuckledust, Terror, Madball, Warzone or All out war. But we all are quite open minded (apart from Arnaud) and we listen to various kind of music from gypsy jazz to rap music or grind core that definitely influence us too.
are any members in side projects other than CTO
yeah, Yo (drums) is playing the guitar in a Grindcore band called "Le Syndrome d'Helsinki" from Saint-Dizier and Renaud (Bass) is singing in this band too. Doudou (Lead Guitar) is also part of Deadline, a Punk Rock band from London.
how long has the band been together
The band exists since 2002, but there were loads of changes of line up... The new line-up being together since 2007 and we are now ready !!
how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released
We have only one demo recorded DIY, one song for a compilation and we are now recording a cd DIY (by doudou our guitarist) which might be out in the summer.
what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material
We base our lyrics on everyday life and we always tend to have an engaged view about society problems. Unfortunately, News are an unlimited source of material ... Our lyrics deals with usual themes met in hardcore like politics, working class defense, friendship, unity or any asshole that can get on our nerves .
is there a large and thriving scene in the Saint dizier Troyes Nancy, Champagne-Ardenne area as well as throughout France
Talking about Saint Dizier first, we (our association "Le bruit des fondus") organize shows on our own taking advantage of our rehearsal place. It's quite small but there is no decibel limiter and the smaller it is the crowded it is. In the close area, friends from the associations "Independenza" (Dany) and "Epicer tout" (Michôl) also try to make things moving organizing hardcore gigs. Our region is quite living. I would say that despite the existence of many kick-ass French bands, and many associations organizing big shows and festivals is still quite hard in France. It's usually difficult to attract enough people. Nevertheless, many people do a great job to give our ears good sound.
is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup
The band started with Seb (vocals), Arnaud (guitar), Yo (drum) and Raf (guitar). It stayed for a long time without bass player. Then Raf split and Doudou joined the band to play bass guitar. After a year, Doudou didn't want to play bass guitar anymore so he decided to play the guitar instead. And Renaud joined the band 6 months after to offer his bass player skills. Mac fly (thanks to him) also joined us since a few month to play the guitar when Doudou is over europe with Deadline.
if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why
First it would be our friends ( from Colera, Back From The Dust, FTX, Exit Wounds...) cause we've shared many good times at shows and we always have fun together. But if we could choose it would be Freddy of Madball for his flow or the singer of knuckledust for his brutal voice !! If it should have been possible, we would have chosen raybeez of warzone because warzone is the best band ever.
in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before
We play a hardcore-metal that sounds as original as possible. We don't like to be compared to any other bands thus we just would say we fancy doing fast riffs followed by breakdowns and mosh parts.
when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player
seb would put force of change (RIP) Yo would put hatebreed, Arnaud would put warzone and strife. For Renaud it would be Napalm Death, and for Doudou Johnny Cash. But at the end the driver choose !!
how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band
arnaud : it's when i saw for the first time no redeeming social value !!
doudou : It was in Saint Dizier where I went to my first hxc gig, I found it brilliant. I discovered all the stuff like mosh pit on breakdown.
yo : When I was a kid, I've been watching old video tape of AC/DC that makes me think "I want to be part of a band"
renaud : I begin playing music with my brother so making a band was normally for us !!!
where do you see the band in 3 years from now
(Seb) I'm going to leave the band in a few months to go abroad for work and Doudou is more and more implicated in Deadline. But I'm pretty sure the other dudes will go on with this project or another brand new one. We definitely like hardcore and I can't imagine this will end up that easy.
the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you
Hardcore is a way of life, it's more than just playing a powerful music, enjoying, having a job near and don't give up doing all these things. It's a mean to pass on our ideas. Don't make any money with it but don't lose money as well. Musically speaking... It's a huge strike. But still, to me this term is more than overused. But when we say that our music is hardcore, we must considering that “hardcore” means listening oldschool music like Minor threat, Youth of today and so other many bands. However, it's normal that hardcore evolve with other influences, it's is own evolution !!!
What is your most memorable show and why
I think it was in a venue called "l'orange bleue" (thanks dany). We had the best sound ever, and we had LOTS of fun. Especially Seb who was almost raped on stage by a drunk groupie !!! Another one was the "Hippiepest festival" during which people were so hot that they literally explode the drum set.
where else besides myspace can the readers go to to find out about upcoming shows and other band related information
Shows info are on our website or on some board about hardcore scene that we post infos about gigs etc .. !!!
who are some of the up and coming bands from the Saint dizier Troyes Nancy, Champagne-Ardenne area as well as throughout France that we should be on the lookout for
friends :
by my fists (RIP) exit wounds(modern hardcore) back from the dust (oldschool hardcore) Sabertooth(metal hxc) colera (grind)
france :
fire at will (Toulouse), FTX (Nevers), None Shall Be Saved (Marseille)
and many more !!!
where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene
arnaud : I would have been stuck to the rock scene.
doudou : I would play ska punk
yo : I don't know but I still play music!
renaud : I would play in a band with Converge and envy Influences
seb : rock scene like arnaud
why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation
People usually judge on first look whereas they should take the time to see what is really about. They see young people with tattoos, piercings listening to violent music ... but they never take time to see that behind this, there is friendship, ideas of justice and at first a lots of fun !!!
Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about
Yes we're going to play a couple of time during summer ....first we will play the 12/07 with forty'oz at our place (the local !!) and the 26/07 we will play for the second edition of the Hippiepest festival.
Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about
first thanks to you Sean for your patience and for checking us,
support your scene !! and a big thanks for Mc fly of Back from the dust, and all of our friends. and I would like to thank my girlfriend for the time I spend for the hardcore.
August 4, 2008
By Way Of Blood interview with Mark and BWOB
First off i would like to thank Mark and By Way Of Blood for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine
How did the band come to be named By Way Of Blood and is there any special
meaning behind the band being named this?
no not really. i came up with this name like 7 years ago when i was in a bunch of metal bands but always wanted the name for a hardcore band. so when i met jake(guitar) we were like this is the name no matter what.
who are some of the bands main musical influences?
Jake is huge into terror. Ian is a big fan of the bands he know in maine like ignorance and outbreak. myself and Eric are from the mid 90's scene so most of all the mid 90's shit, but newer bands like death before dishonor and hammer bros., crowns of kings, any like real hardcore.
are any members in side projects other than BWOB?
no. we are all kind in the "grown up" world, ha ha. like no time between work and family. but we spend any spare minute doing this band it really has all of our hearts buried into it.
how long has the band been together?
this line up, which would be the only one as far as i can say, it's only been sense march of 08. but about a year before that.
how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently
just our demo. download it and pass it on!!!
what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?
i write based on how the song comes across when it done, and what words come out when i freestyle it when we're finally done writting the music.
is there a large and thriving scene in the Manchester area as well as
throughout New Hampshire?
there are a lot of kids but to call it scene, no way. it seems like you have to be part of the friend group for the or get lucky enough to play a show with a bigger band other wise the kids don't come out around here.
is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?
as far as im concerned yes. eric-bass, ian-drums, jake-guitar,mark-vocals. the first line up was a joke 1 kid was just trying to meet little girls the other kid was into
nickleback and shit it just sucked.
please give the readers a little information about the NHHC scene and how you and other people are trying to make it a more well known scene?
there are way to many "scene kids" so most of the hardcore kids don't bother to come out so they don't have to deal with the high school drama of all that goes with them. but the kids that do come out are there with the right state of mind. you have to earn it around here that makes it very hard cause word of mouth takes time. ya
if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it
be and why?
obvious 1st choice for me would be roger from agnostic front, freddy from madball, brian from death before dishonor any of the guys from the bands the i grew up listening to or have come to resect, but jonny from word for word would be great i love that kids voice and lyrics.
what are your views on fighting at shows?
shit happens but its always better to leave that stuff outside. most times it is stupid but funny.
in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you
before ?
a more pissed mid 90's style.
when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd
we have not toured. YET!
how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be
in an band?
mark-in may of 96 i went to see xproclamationx and ten yard fight at the little vegas in manchester,nh and was blow away by the whole thing. the energy the feeling the passion you could see in the faces of the kids who had been there before and the open arms that i got being the kid.
what are your views on kids that talk shit on the internet and also bitch
about being hit at a hardcore show?
i say, say what you want about hardcore but at least know what your talking about or be willing to say it to who ever your talking about or stay home. if you don't want to get hit stay away from the pit area it not a hard thing to think about.
what is the bands favorite song to cover during a set?
we were talking about doing hold it done from madball but just never went through with it.
where do you see the band in 3 years from now?
we would love to play to any kid who wants to here us so where ever the kids let us go with it.
when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest shit
you have seen happen or pass by?
have not tour yet but an emo kid tripped and fell right in front of my truck as i pulled up to a show to unload. so i beeped and laughed.
who are some of the up and coming bands from the Manchester area as well as
throughout New Hampshire that we should be on the lookout for?
word for word from manchester, spit ya teeth from maine. flesh and blood just broke up but be on the look out for the new band they are starting.
the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown
into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore
means to you?
no uniforms no look just passion for a music and a message whatever that might be. every band has a different message. but if you flat iron your hair ????? thats not hardcore sorry ladies!!
How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering
right now only myspace.
What is your most memorable show and why?
has to be the last show we played. it was with thick as blood and the first show with this line up and these songs. it just showed us that kids don't have to know your music to respect it. made me feel like we are doing what we set out to do with this band. make kids dance and have fun doing it.
what is your favorite city and country to play shows in and also your least
favorite and why?
manchester has worked out well for us even playing to 15 to 30 people.
for someone who has never seen BWOB and is planning on attending a show in
Manchester, NH what can they expect to see?
a band that loves the music they write and are not pretending to be cool. we are just 4 hardcore kids who like to dance and our band reflects that with out being another just heavy band. we are a hardcore band not a tough guy band our mosh band.
Who are some of the bands that you enjoy sharing shows with?
flesh and blood, spit ya teeth, ghost town fury, and thick as blood.
What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe
having a tough time and thinking about giving up?
never give up! ever this is not an easy style to jump into. it takes time for everything. remember why you love this music and it makes it way easier to stick it out.
where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the
hxc and metal scene?
mark- for me it was truly a life saver. i was getting pretty deep into drugs and had i not had such a passion for this music i never would have started a band, and that band was the reason i stopped all that. so truly feel had it not been for hardcore i would be dead, of like an o.d. or some shit.
what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the band when
playing a set?
i called thick as blood flesh and blood! im a retard and should not talk in between songs. ha ha
why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows
and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?
it is violent but its not like a intent to be that way it just is a release for all the bullshit that life hands out. of course there are kids with the meathead mantallity but i think that is like a 5 to 1 kind of odds.
Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers
sept. 13th in henniker,nh. there is not a lot of details yet but just check our myspace they will be up soon.
Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten
to ask that the readers should know about?
give every band a shot to be heard. you may be shocked about a band you may have not heard or have not heard in a while. so don't believe everything you hear about a band. form you own thoughts by hearing the bands for yourself. AND GO TO LOCAL SHOWS!!! WITH OUT LOCAL SHOWS BANDS CAN NOT DO ANYTHING!!! OH YA IF YA HAVE A BASEMENT SHOW COMING UP OR A SHOW COMING UP AT ALL HIT US UP!!! WE WILL TRY TO PLAY ANYWHERE!! HA HA HA
Signs Of Hope interview with Paul lead singer of the band
First off i would like to thank Paul and Signs Of Hope for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine
How did the band come to be named Signs Of Hope and is there any special
meaning behind the band being named this?
I was sitting on a beach pavillion with my good friend Chaz back in year 2000
and we we're trying to come up with a name for the band we wanted to start.
After going back and fourth and rejecting each others suggestions for a half
hour I said Signs of Hope and got an immeadiate "yes" reply from Chaz.
what are your views on fighting at shows?
It all depends on the reason. I would say 99.9% of the fights I have seen at
shows were over something totally stupid. However if we are fighting to defend
our scene from those who are ruining it, then its ok. But that never really
who are some of the bands main musical influences?
Ignite, Ensign, Where Fear and Weapons Meet, and Shai Hulud. The bands I loved
the most growing up have all had an influence.
what are your views on kids who talk shit on the internet and also bitch
about being hit at a hardcore show?
Talking shit on the internet in terms of just being a dick and picking fights is
pretty stupid but I do like the opportunity it gives for people to call out
problems with the scene. There are a lot of groups that like to rule their local
scene and sometimes these are the people who are running out the new kids and
destroying venues. I'm sorry but nobody owns hardcore. I like to see people
speak out against those who think they do.
are any members in side projects other than SOH?
We just got a new lineup but I don't think there are any other notable bands
that any of us play in.
how long has the band been together?
I started writing songs in 2000 but by the time we solidified a lineup and cut a
demo it was 2003.
how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently
We have our 3 song 2003 demo CD. There are about 8 test presses of the demo on
vinyl floating around somewhere but no official copies because Armor Music who
was supposed to press it pretty much threw in the towel as a label immeadiatey
after forming. First and Foremost was 10 songs pressed on CD in 2006 with
Project Detonate (Our old bassists design company whose logo I slapped on the CD
to look somewhat legit) then it was repressed on CD in 2007 with slightly
different artwork on Detonate Records (My label with no affiliation to Project
Detonate). Goodwill Records from Italy released 1st and Foremost on vinyl with
only 9 songs opposed to the 10 that are on the CD. Our new E.P. Titled "Choices
Made" was going to be a demo to label shop with but we had some upcoming tours
and wanted to have it out so we wouldn't be still touring on solely 2006's
release 2 years later so after having been set in stone that we would never
release an E.P. I ended up pressing the E.P. on Detonate. We were also featured
on the Stillborn Street CD volume 2.
what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?
I like to send out some inspiration to our listeners. I can't sing songs about
people I hate or anything like that. Hardcore is the music, the message. If
people don't have anything important to say then they probably shouldn't be
singing for a band. I like to expresss that we as humans are capeable of
whatever we put our minds to and that we should always take every step necessary
in order to acheive our goals. We should never say "I wish I could......."
Because we can. Stop wishing and go out there and get what it is that you want.
Don't stop trying.
i see that you are signed to Detonate Goodwill and Stillborn Records how
have each of the labels treated you so far especially with touring and
merchandise while on tour?
I treat myself the best I can with detonate haha. Goodwill just released our
vinyl and did some promotion for it but it's hard with them being overseas to
get the vinyl here because of shipping costs we wouldn't make a dime if I got
some copies in to sell at shows in the states. Stillborn was gonna release First
and Foremost in 2006. I couldn't wait for the release date thing because we had
a tour coming up and I didn't want to tour without CD's so I pressed the disc
myself. Once again with Choices Made, I spoke with Jasta and he wanted us to
record more songs and make it a Full Length for Stillborn but I couldn't do the
waiting thing again unfortunately because we left for tour litterally a month
after we finished the record in the Studio. We will probably end up working with
stillborn for our next full length recording unless history repeats itself for
the 3rd time.
for someone who has never seen Signs Of Hope live before and is planning on
attending a show in the CT area what can they expect to see?
They can expect to see me going off for sure. I never pay attention to what the
other guys are doing behind me cause I'm so focused on the crowd and my personal
performance trying to display as much energy as I can but I'm sure there are
some guitars going all over the place because I have seen them barely miss
hitting me in the face a few times. There's usually a good chunk of kids setting
the place off when we play Connecticut as well. Always a good time.
is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?
As of right now 16 people have taken the stage for a Signs of Hope set. In 2
days from now our new drummer Mario is flying home for a wedding and we will be
picking up some kid from Iowa who we have never met before, who's name we don't
even know, and that guy is gonna play 4 shows with us and then we pick up Mario
again at the airport in Denver. Signs of hope is on it's 8th tour and we have
never toured with the same lineup twice. I don't know if the current lineup
should even be mentioned because it will probably be drastically different in 2
if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would
it be and why?
Brian Twigg from the band Carry The Torch. I love them, I loved his old band and
I have always loved his brutal voice and the ability to switch from scream to
clean mid sylabol.
in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you
before ?
Fast and energetic hardcore punk with a touch of melody.
when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd
Right now we are driving from Kansas City to Omaha Nebraska and we are rocking
out to Desperate Measures. I had to leave the driver seat to fill out this
interview but I threw on the 1st Stretch Armstrong full length this morning and
yesterday we rocked out to some Judge and Chain of Strength. We also had a hard
block the other day where we played Bulldoze, Merauder, Sworn Enemy, Redline,
E-Town and some other tough bands. And one night we went for the Nu-Metal of
hardcore and put on everything from Throwdown to Bury Your Dead. We also get a
Dialy dose of The Killers and Trapped Under Ice..
how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be
in an band?
I started going to shows as soon as I got my drivers license. It was something
to do. I didn't have anyone to show me bands, take me to shows or even tell me
when shows were so I had to learn everything the hard way. I played guitar and
my friend Chaz wanted to sing for a band, Even though he never did the band was
meant for us to make up for an absence of the style at the time.
when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest
shit you have seen happen or pass by?
Some kid walked up to us with a dead bird in his hand the other day. I've seen
flipped over trucks, robberies, car chases, bar fights, street fights, fires,
ridiculous people, all sorts of things.
where do you see the band in 3 years from now?
Honestly, If we catch a break I want to go full time. I want to tour as much as
I can and get out to some other places we have never played such as Austrailia
and South America.
who are some of the up and coming bands from the Bridgeport area as well as
throughout Connecticut that we should be on the lookout for?
Crowns of Kings, other then them there's not too much going on in CT. All the
notable names from the state have all called it quits recently.
How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering
merchandise? is my email if anyone wants to hit me up. We do
have pics of all the merch on the myspace page as well as the option to buy it
the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown
into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore
means to you?
For me hardcore is all about the message. It doesn't matter what the band sounds
like as long as they have the hardcore mentality. If a death metal sounding band
claimed hardcore and the lyrics actually were, then I would consider them a
hardcore band. If a band sounded exactly like Madball but sang about girls and
broken hearts then I would NOT consider it hardcore.
What is your most memorable show and why?
I drove all night through a blizzard once to see my favorite band play in West
Virginia. They were the only hardcore band on the show but the insane trip to
see my favorite band definitely made it a memorable one. Nothing like getting
snowed in!
what is your favorite city and country to play shows in and also your least
favorite and why?
I love playing El Paso TX. Its just so different from everywhere else and I love
it there. The kids are great. My favorite country to play was Germany. They know
how to party for sure. My least favorite country to play was probably the Check
Republic. I mean the show was cool but there were no hardcore kids there just
metalheads. My least favorite city to play in is New York city. I feel like
there is no scene there and the show draws are minimal unless kids drive out
from Long Island, Poughkeepsie or Connecticut.
where else besides myspace can the readers go to to findout about upcoming
shows and other band related information?
That's pretty much the only place we list shows because we don't get much
traffic through our official website and I don't update it that often. If you go
to our official website and click the shows tab it will just take you to our
myspace page.
Who are some of the bands that you enjoy touring with?
We don't really tour with any other bands but there have been some bands we've
done a few dates with and it was always fun. Bands like At Half Mast from South
Carolina, All Hype and Under Anchor both from Michigan, Kingdom from Philly.
There's some bands we always enjoy running into.
what are your favorite songs to cover during a set?
We have never played a legit cover. Sometimes we'll mess around and play a
popular breakdown but never any full songs with lyrics. I'd much rather just
play our own sruff.
What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe
having a tough time and thinking about giving up?
You have to give it your all. Its very difficult to establish yourself with so
many bands in existance. There were times I was spending all day and all night
on the internet promoting for years. I would definitely reccomend recording the
best demo you possibly can and just burning thousands of copies and passing them
out to everybody everywhere including posting on messageboards and mailing them
out to kids requesting them.
where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the
hxc metal scene?
Dead in a gutter somewhere probably. Hardcore helped me out way more then
anything ever could. Hardcore became my recreation, my life, my advice giver, my
inspiration. And my reason to live. Seriously.
what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the band when
playing a set?
Probably the 1st time we played out of state and screwed up every single song so
badly to the point where we had to stop in the middle of the song. That was back
in 2003. What a mess!
what is the worst injury that any of the band has had happen when playing
My leg likes to pop out of socket every now and then from me landing on my hip
too many times diving/rolling into the crowd. One of our old bass players got
smashed in the face with a guitar cause they were both going off to the music
and didn't see where each other were standing. I hit myself in the nuts by
accident a couple of times too. Good stuff.
why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows
and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?
There is a pretty good amount of violence when big bands play. Most of it is
acceptable within the scene. It is perfectly fine to go off if that's what the
music forces you to do. There are also kids that mosh just to hurt people. That
I don't agree with at all. Yeah hardcore gets a bad reputation but that's to
people who aren't in the scene so who really cares what they think as long as
we're doing what we want for ourselves.
Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers
We're in the middle of a US tour right now. I'm not sure if it wil be too late
or not once this interview gets released but we're doing a string of dates with
Grave Maker at the end of july and we will be on tour till the end of August.
Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have
I have never done an interview with this many questions before. I must say this
is great to get so many new interesting questions aside from the same 10 all the
time. A lot of what I really have to say I express in our songs. Please check
out the jams to everyone that hasn't heard us before and I hope you enjoy them!
August 2, 2008
Awaken Demons interview by Sean WWTO with all of AD

First off i would like to personally thank all of Awaken Demons for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine
How did the band come to be named Awaken Demons and is there any special meaning behind the band being named this
We were searching a "hard name" for our new project. I was looking into my records and I found the record Wake the Demons from Full Blown Chaos and I said: "hey this name is great!" and the other members said: "What do you think about Awaken Demons?" and that's how it comes out. Nothing of special actually. ;)
do you find it difficult touring with bands who are not straight edge or does it not matter at all when on the road
As far as we are on Seventh Dagger records in USA we are not a militant sxe band, we love to tour with sxe and non sxe band, the most important thing is that there must be respect between both the band's beliefs.
who are some of the bands main musical influences
We basically love and are inspired from the most famous 90s hardcore bands like: Hatebreed, Madball, All Out War, Earth Crisis, Merauder, Integrity, Ringworm and more.
are any members in side projects other than Awaken Demons
Yes, our singer, Luca has another project called SHALL I DIE ( and our drummer Raffaele has 2 other side-projects called THE VETERANS and SUPERMARKET ( -
how long has the band been together
Awaken Demons are together since 2005 but the 90% of the band come from 10 years of practice and shows behind their back, of course in the HC/METAL scene.
how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released
Just From Heaven To Hell at the moment, there will be a new record coming out next year maybe.
what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material
It depends, sometimes personal feelings, other times just inspired from something that is happen in life etc etc. Basically important things of course sometimes everything is expressed via metaphorical sense.
is there a large and thriving scene in the Cesena Brotherhood area as well as throughout Italy
We have our small local scene made by friends and cool people but the whole HC scene in Italy sucks because its made by assholes and stupid people.
how did the band come to signing with Demons Run Amok Seventh Dagger and Double X Crossed and how have they been treating you so far
Basically DRA has been the first label to be into our sound than Danny from SxD decided to get us of the SD family because he loves us he is really into us and we are very pround of these both labels because they are doing a lot in the DIY underground HC scene. DXC was supposed to put out the vinyl version but for some delays problems nothing will happen with this release...i dont know about the next one now.
is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup
Yes, I mean just one singer, Alessandro left the band a couple of months ago for some personal reasons, while the rest of the band is original, since the beginning.
what can someone expect to see when attending an Awaken Demons show especially if they have never seen or heard the band before
Good question dude! :) Well, it depends about what the people, who is on the floor, use to do during a hc show. Our sets are full of energy and we always try to do our best to involve people, but like i said before it depends what the people wanna do. I saw a show with Throwdown, Remembering Never, The Agony Scene and Sinai Beach in California in 2005 and, I swear, nobody was it totally depends.
if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why
I'd love to have: (i say I cos i dont know what the other member would like to get...but i'm sume that they'd agree at the 90% with my opinions :))
1) Karl from Earth Crisis because is our favourite straight edge band and they are the meaning of the sxe in the HC scene for us.
2) Jorge from Merauder cos they are Merauder and we are fully inspired by them
3) Dwid from Integrity same as above
4) Mike from All Out War same as above
5) Ice Cube (LOL) this is just a personal guest. Cos is one of my favourite hip-hop artist.
does the band have any plans to tour the USA in either 2009 or 2010
We'll tour this august in the west coast...and we hope to get a lot of attention to give us the chance to come back over there again in the future.
August, 11 2008 08:00 PM - @ The Blackwater Cafe w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros Stockton, California
August, 12 2008 08:00 PM - @ TBA w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros Sacramento, California
August, 13 2008 08:00 PM - @ Studio 99 w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros Bakersfield, California
August, 14 2008 08:00 PM - @ Palmdale Vets Hall w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros Palmdale, California
August, 15 2008 08:00 PM - @ Chain Reaction w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros Anaheim, California
August, 16 2008 08:00 PM - @ VFW w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros Hemet, California
August, 17 2008 08:00 PM - @ House Show w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros 8075 west farm belt, Tucson, Arizona
August, 18 2008 08:00 PM - @ Rock Bottom w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros San Antonio, Texas
August, 19 2008 08:00 PM - @ Total Deskruction w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros Georgetown, Texas
August, 20 2008 08:00 PM - @ Fat Daddys Sound Shack w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros Lewisville, Texas
August, 21 2008 08:00 PM - @ The Factory w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros Oklahoma city, Oklahoma
August, 22 2008 08:00 PM - @ The Way w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros Lubbock, Texas
August, 23 2008 08:00 PM - @ Telos House w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros Albuquerque, New Mexico
August, 24 2008 08:00 PM - @ Dustin’s House w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros Las Vegas, Nevada
August, 25 2008 08:00 PM - @ TBA w/xAFBx, Rhinoceros Reno, Nevada
in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before
How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise
AD: They can write me an email, i work with computer all the day so i always answer fast and ship fast. Or they can just use paypal with our little webstore. Everything is easy for everyone.
when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player
Dude everything, LOL, from Slayer to Jimmy Eat World...we love every kind of music.
how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band
Like i said before, some members are in the scene since 1996 but i don't know what they did to be exposed in the scene and what they made to be in a band...but i can say that i've decided to be in a band because is what i've always wanted to do in the hc scene, since when i've started listening hardcore and going to shows in 1997/1998.
when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest shit you have seen happen or pass by
mmmhh actually i don't remember...but what i remember is something that could be "disgusting" for someone LOL.
Well, in april we were on the road to play a couple of shows in Holland, while we were in Germany we got a very looooooong line in the freeway (like 3 hours in line or something). hahah some AD's members decided to start farting a lot (maybe cos they were stressed and pissed about the long line)....and when i mean a lot, i mean in a terrible way that nobody can understand, really! So the other members were dying because the smell has invaded all the it's been very funny/disgusting. You know, after 3 hours of line people could become crazy :) Yo you can find 2 videos of those moments (of course is in italian):
where do you see the band in 3 years from now
Hope still alive, still playing shows and doing records. We hope to get the attention from more people around the world .
who are some of the up and coming bands from the Cesana Brotherhood as well as throughout Italy that we should be on the lookout for
the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you
Hardcore, real hardcore, is something of pure, true, that you can not find in any other the 70% on the new generation kids dont know what hardcore is, they just listen all the crappy fake death metal bands with tight pants and bla bla bla....that's not hardcore that's bullshit (in my opinion, this is not the whole band's opinion) if i wanna listen death metal i'll listen Cannibal Corpse or Suffocation no the today's bands.
What is your most memorable show and why
I guess our first show hehehe
where else besides myspace can the readers go to to findout about upcoming shows and other band related information
I'm sorry but myspace is the only way to find infos about us. I guess 1 guy on 3 has a myspace profile so is pretty easy for everyone. Maybe soon a website will be up.
what are your views on fighting at shows
It's always a bad thing of course...but it depends what is happening. In Italy you can find different kind of assholes in the pit or in a show so i guess the only way to enjoy a real hardcore show without assholes is to kick them off because they are not part of this thing and they dont deserve it. Of course the problems are always started by this assholes here, so sometimes seems to be right, but fighting without reason is just a fake tough bullshit.
what is your favorite city and coutnry to play shows in and also your least favorite and why
I don't know man we've been in just few country like, Switzerland who is amazing cos we have tons of friends over there, Holland and Italy. Actualy the best shows has been in Swiss and Italy.
Who are some of the bands that you enjoy touring with
I'll let you know as soon as we'll tour with another band. I hope that AFB and Rhinoceros will be cool dudes...i guess it'll be.
What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up
Don't give up!!!!! If the band is italian the problem is 100 times worse because, i dont know why, but people seem to be unbelieving with Italian bands.....but everything can always change cos we have tons of good bands around here.
My advices are: do a myspace profile, print merch, play as much shows as you can, get in touch with people, record a demo etc etc. Another problem is that young bands today think that they'll become famous with 5 months or so, but is not like that. If you wanna get good attention you have to sweat to get it.
where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene
I guess it's be a classic italian guy, but who knows dude.
what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the band when playing a set
Playing a show and get a tech problem before each song, like drum problem, head problems etc etc.
why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation
Because they are violent! I mean if you are not in the HC scene and if you go to a show you see people moshing, kicking and punching everywhere, people who walk on the people's heads and do stage dives etc etc so it's normal if someone think: "what a violence!!". But the difference is that for the hc kinds this is normal so it depends from the points of view.
what is the worst injury that any of the band has had happen when playing show
I don't know, nothing happen to us at the moment (i touch my balls right now. Is a italian warding off ill-luck thing)
Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about
If you live in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma, please come to see us and support us. If you like mosh hardcore you wont get disappointed!
Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about
I wanna thank u Sean Walsh of Worldwidetakeoverzine to give us the chance to be part of this great interview. Please check the latest infos at and buy our merch at Thanks AxD
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