First off i would like to personally thank Nobbi and One On One for taking the time out to do this interview with Worldwidetakeoverzine
How did the band come to be named One On One
Well this story is pretty simple! As the day came, when we had all the members together we realised pretty fast that we need a name! So we were sitting around talking bullshit until a friend of us smashed the name ONE ON ONE into the round! We thought it was pretty cool and so the pact was signed! Furthermore, besides “breaking the law” there is another smash-hit from Judas priest called “ONE ON ONE”
who are some of the bands main musical influences
Well, musically i would say Cro-Mags, old AF and Madball! Maybe Terror too!
According to our attitude, just think about murphys law or something like that!
what are views on fighting at shows
That really pisses us off!!! To many good shows have already been destroyed by all those wannabe-toughguys! They come to the shows for three reasons: showing the audience the latest shirts they bought, the latest dancemoves they’ve learned from the Internet and last but not least to fight for not a goddamned reason! I mean, not one us can say, that he never enraged while dancing on a hardcore/punkrock-show, BUT, we for us always knew where the line was drawn, and these motherfuckers nowadays just stepped over it! All that “violent-dancing-trend-bullshit” pisses us off! What makes me so sick, it not the they way they are dancing, I don’t give a fuck, but my blood starts boiling if see those wannabe-tough-guys kicking there feet into the stomach or the face of a person standing aside! Sure I remember times where I was studded with black spots all over my body! We danced wild too, but we did it together! Nowadays everyone has it’s own little circle where he can show the audience his latest moves, by kicking their teeth in! Well done fool! If this is hardcore I guess I believe in a lie!
how long has the band been together
The band is existing since early 2006!
are any members in side projects other than One On One
Not one of us!
how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released
Well to be true! We released exactly ONE demo! That’s the reason why we are more and more looking forward to finally get the upcoming 7” in our hands!
how did the band come to be signed to Demons Run Amok Records and how have they treated you so far
He wrote us and we said yes! Pretty simple!
They definitely do a great job! They got there ass full of work, but there never was one single moment where they said, that they wouldn’t have time for us, because of the current releases of the other bands or something like that! They’re always there for us, and do a great job! Big shout outs and a big THANK YOU to Marcel, Karsten and Rene at that point!
what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material
Well when I’m writing the lyrics it depends on the feeling of the song and on my own situation! Sometimes I write about problems getting me personally down, thoughts that never let me go, mistakes, anger, frustration, deep wishes on the one hand. Wasted City-Nights or days I won’t forget, cause we always had a laugh on the other hand! Just personal things, you know. On the other day I write about the daily news, which are overstocked with a lot of stuff for hardcore-songs! So much shit - political or socio-political - is happening everyday and if a topic touches me, I snatch it up and write a song about it! Like I said, it depends on the song, and on me!
How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise
They can easily contact us or demons run amok through myspace or our homepages.
http://www.myspace.com/oneononehc http://www.myspace.com/demonsrunamok
is this the original line-up and if not what is the current line-up
This is the current line up! Andi on the drums, Jörg playing the guitar, Daniel on the bass and Nobby on the mic!
is there a large and thriving scene in Ulm area as well as throughout Germany
Ulm is getting bigger and bigger! More and more people are coming to shows, and we hope that there are a lot more to follow! You know, when we where starting out ulm basically was more metal-influenced! Germany definitely has a strong scene! I mean we have a lot of cool bands in almost every bigger city and there is a lot going on everywhere!
if you could have anyone do guest vocals on your next recording who would it be and why
Puh, pretty difficult! There are so many!
Jon Joseph and Harley Flanagan doing a duet would be great, hahahaha!
in only one sentence describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before
Fast and raw hardcore-songs with heavy breakdowns, mixed with the punkrock that runs through our veins.
how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say I want to be in an band
The first time I went to a hxc-show I was kinda speechless! My Friend Ronny who played bass when we started out with ONE ON ONE called me. He was a few years older and had a car already, and he asked me if I wanted to go to a show with him! I said yes, why not! AF was playing and I have never been on a hardcore-show before! I was standing aside and couldn’t believe what my eyes saw, and the headliner havent´t played yet! Then AF hit that stage, ronny grabbed me on the neck and threw me into the pit! Maybe 20 minutes later I found myself standing on the stage with the hole crowd singing along to crucified! From that day on I was sure I was right! More and more shows followed, and I saw all the bands having so much fun playing there songs and being on the road so I said to myself, I need a band! Ronny was with me, but together all we could to was to purse up our lips and whistle the songs we knew, cause we had no instruments and even if we had some, we had no clue how to play them! So we called they guys we knew in our area, who had played in bands before and asked them if they we’re interested in having a band again! They said yes and we had our band!!!
when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest shit you have seen happen or pass by
We were on the road again and there was a really heavy storm going on! And it was a really heavy storm! You weren’t able to sit still in the car. We all tried to fall asleep because we had a hangover, but our heads were bouncing from the left to the right because of the wind. Daniel who was sitting right next to me was scared shitless. He called the whole phonebook to get the latest news about the weatherbroadcast of the region we were about to enter next. And than it happened. Right in front of us there was a car with a caravan blown to the side by the wind. So as you can imagine it was pretty quiet in our car for the rest of the trip! Yes, I guess that was the weirdest thing that happened us on the road. Tightly followed by that two-headed sheep with just one leg and one trunk, taking a shit on the women’s-toilette at a gas-station, singing along “I did it my way”
where do you see the band in 3 years from now
still being on the road and having as much fun as we can, on and off stage!
the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you
to us hardcore means friendship! It means to be wild!
It means to take a firm stand against fascism. It means to keep eyes and ears open about what is going on in our country and in our world! It means to be open minded!
What is your most memorable show and why
There are two shows I never will forget! The first one was our very first show at all! To be true, it wasn’t a show at all, we just played four songs! It was Daniel’s birthday and he played a show with the band he had before he joined us! If I remember right, we didn’t have a name at time! We had maybe three songs or one more, I don’t know! We wanted to surprise him at his show. Sadly our drummer was busy so we almost had to cancel the surprise-gig. We asked his singer, if he could play the drums for us, for four songs and he said yes! He was not a very good drummer, but he did a great job! We met three times, he gave our songs the punkrock-beat and we were ready! Everyone of our friends knew what was gonna happen at that night except Daniel and it was really hard to keep the secret the whole evening! Then the moment came, when Daniel and his band left the stage. Well everyone except his singer who was taken a seat behind the drums! We played two of our own songs, followed by “pride” from madball and “love song” from blood for blood! They audience was totally freaking out, only Daniel was standing aside wondering what was going on! It was great!
The next show I never will forget was a show we played in Berlin. It takes about seven hours to get there by bus! Aubi who played guitar in ONE ON ONE at that time had to work at that day, and that meant, that we were late. We should have been there at seven and we started at 14:30 or something like that! So we said to ourselves, no beers during the whole travel, just to avoid the countless rest-stops! One hour later we started drinking. We stopped at every gas-station to get more beer! A friend of us was driving! He checked us a bus out! It was from the company where his dad was working and I still remember his words: please guys, do me just one little favour: don’t spill beer in the bus! It came just like it had to come! Half an hour later the first beer-fountain hit the ceiling! An hour later one bottle fell down and we had to clean it up with our merch. Then of course we needed every little parking place to take piss! We talking bullshit all the time and we really had a laugh! It was just like an excursion of some inmates of a mental home. I don’t remember how late we were, but believe me, we were late! We arrived at Berlin and all our friends there were waiting for us with some hard-a surprises! We played the show, praying that everything would work out well, and it did! Than some hard-a was brought us to stage so we had to make a little break! We continued playing the rest of the set, stepped off the stage and there they were again: our Berlin friends waiting with some hard-a for us! We danced all night, singing along to cock sparrer and earth crisis. I don’t know how many times we heard firestorm that night, but I guess I’ve never heard it so many times before! We got home at dawn and were spread all over the city! So when we woke up it took us at least an hour just to figure out where everyone was and than it took us another hour to get everybody together at one place! As we slept separated we had a lot of stories to tell what happened to everyone at that night! But they are gonna be our little secret! So much: I will never forget that trip!
where else besides myspace can the readers go to to findout about upcoming shows and other band related information
They should check out http://www.oneononehc.de, http://www.demonsrunamok.de
who are some of the up and coming bands from the Ulm area as well as throughout Germany that we should be on the lookout for
From the ulm area you should check out bravestar and chance to rise!
In Germany you should check out, Crisis never ends, Final prayer, make it count, zero mentality, black Friday 29, settle the score and last but not least troopers!
where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene
I was often wondering about that term, but to be true, I’m goddamned glad that I never found an answer! And I really don’t wanna know it! I mean this is exactly where I belong! Here I have all my friends, thinking like me, feeling what I feel! This is something so unique, something so special and I would trade it for nothing in the world! If take a look outside the scene, there are so many things that you have to have to be something. Since I came to school was never hanging around with the cool guys in my class, you know! Always for the same reasons! At all events I believe that. I didn’t have the latest footballshirts or all the stuff little kids need to be accepted. Later on, when I was 16, I didn’t have a motorcycle, so I was out again! I didn’t have a cool car when I was 18, so once again belonging to “cool dudes” failed! I have never been poor and I am thankful for that! So please don’t get me wrong, my parents gave me everything they could, you know, but somehow it seems like it was never enough ! Yes I had a skateboard, but it wasn’t cool enough. Yes I had rollerblades, but not cool enough. Well maybe all my thoughts in this direction are wrong. And maybe it was just me, my person. I have always been a little different. I mean, when I was nine, I was listening to guns ´n´ roses, while the rest of my class was listening to some other bullshit I donut even remember. And I was a die-hard-fan! I tried to look like exactly like axl rose. Hahahaha, maybe it’s no wonder kids used to call me a freak. But looking back now, I’m really glad, that I have never belonged to them. If I meat one of them today I’m laughing my ass off about them. They are still the fools they always have been. Always on the run for more. I laugh about a lot people and on the other hand I kinda feel sorry for them! They don’t see all the small things which make live liveable! You really don’t need much to be cheerful and content! But being content is pretty hard if you lead their lives I guess. If you always have to be on the run just be “in” or to get all the status symbols just like big and cool cars, brands, the latest fashion which a magazines tells you to be “hip” and all that stuff it’s pretty tough and through my eyes it must be frustrating! They’re always under pressure and I do feel sorry for them! I feel sorry for them, not having the self-confidence to say “this is me, take me as I am or leave me”! I guess they will never be really happy! This is maybe one of the most important things hardcore has mediated to me. Even if I know that there are definitely groups in the scene, who care more about some rare shirts or shit like that, and even if I know, that I’m maybe too naïve and blue-eyed, here I found my place called home. My close friends aren’t my friends because of something I have or have not, they are just my friends. They’re my friends even if I’m listening to bands they hate or doing things they never would. They just take me as I am and this means the world to me. And I know, I can count on them, whenever there is need to! Maybe there are that close friendships out off hardcore too, but I for me have never found one, so I can’t and don’t wanna imagine where I would be have I not exposed to the hxc metal scene
why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation
There always has been violence at hardcore shows and there always will be! Everyone who has joined the scene knew about it and it was ok! Hardcore is wild and it has to be wild!!!! Please don’t get me wrong. If I’m talking about wild, I’m not talking about those kickbox-mickey mouses which are around! I’m talking about a wild show, when all hell breaks loose, and everyone gives everything! I mean, if I want to sit or stand around, I´d go and watch joe cocker, you know! That’s a good music with lovely melodies where I would love to stand around just listening to the words and songs of a great singer. This was gonna be a beautiful evening, it was kinda perfect. Hardcore never has been perfect! When it all started back in the day, people played three chords shouted their throats out, about their personal problems. They where pissed about live, about the government, about everything and the audience wasn’t less. They just didn’t have a band to speak their mind out. So no wonder they started to let their emotions free in dancing violent! When I look back I remember my first hc-show really well. I was shocked and fascinated all in one! All the shit going on in the pit, all the stagedives! I think, this is what made it a kinda interesting, you know! It’s allowed to move wild, to run in circles, to jump into the audience and all that shit! No securities, no laws, no nothing, just being wild! And if then a nose gets broken: Sometimes you loose, and sometimes you can’t win! I mean, we knew it when we stepped in. If not at the first time, we definitely knew what was gonna happen at the second time and we did in anyway! Like I said it was cool, it was interesting! For someone who is not into hardcore, it must look like “there are 100 people just beating each other to the music”! Now wonder that hardcore always had a violent reputation. So I think that’s the reason why, but it’s ok.
Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about
I just can invite everyone to our upcoming release-party on the 07th of July! It’s gonna be a blast.