January 10, 2008

Interview with Ohios In Tha Cut

1: how long has the band been together?
McFly: Officially, almost 3 years. We have a kinda 3 Stooges thing going on where Collin,Slinky and I have been the only original line up. We have gone through 3 singers so far and are on #4 and one 2nd guitarist (Dustin Hysell from Under One Flag). The singer line up has been changed so frequently due to either lack of motivation and poor performance or Justins move to Florida. Dustin H. just had NO time for it.

Sean: For quite some time, also known as In This Corner at one point. I however joined in 2007.

2: how did the band come to be known as in the cut?
McFly: Originally it started off as IN THA CUT because our earlier stuff was a bit more "Thug" and our first singer took it from hip hop/rap culture as being part of the crew "Your in tha cut". Once the new stuff was recorded and we realized our shit was a bit more solid and more metal sounding we changed it to IN THE CUT. (Sorry Alex) (poor dude has our old logo tatooed on his calf)

Slinky: Also this band came from the ashes of Mcfly and I's last band, In This Corner, wich fell apart because of typical lack of commitment issues, So we wanted i title that represented the same ITC letters to let people know we were the same band but with all new material. Then it just became it's own animal and are proud to have a whole new project.

Collin: I remember sitting at the Dube (The Blue Danube, a local "great food, awful service" restaurant), with the then-lineup talking about names, and IN THA CUT made the most sense because of what Slinky said about the initials being ITC.

3: are any of the members in side projects other than in the cut?
McFly: Sean has been trying to get a metal band together.

Slinky: I would like to be in about 35 side projects but i just don't have the time. HAHA But i love this band anyway so i have no prob puttin all my eggs in the ITC basket.

Collin: I'm all talk. You can ask my wife, I talk about projects I want to do all the time. Slow, fast, quiet, loud, heavy, soft, I am all over the place. I have written songs here and there. Will these projects ever happen? Probably not. Ha.

Sean: I dabble in some projects every now and again and sometimes cover for Premonitions Of War when Nate is on tour.

4: is this the original lineup and if not what is the current lineup?
McFly: (sarcastic) SUBJECT TO CHANGE! Hopefully this is it, give or take a second guitarist.

Collin: (laughs)

5: is there a large and thriving scene in the Columbus area as well as throughout Ohio?
McFly: Slowly but surely. There are alot of good bands in Ohio ie. Ringworm,Yesterdays Youth, Under One Flag, For The Proud, Triceratops, Search Bloc, The Come Up, Referance, Trife Life,etc. (There are more but it would take up time, sorry) The kids are building their empire back up here in central OH. I just hope it doesnt loose steam.

Slinky: Yea are scene has a history of coming and going. Alot of great bands that don't get the recognition they deserve on those downward slopes.

Collin: Yeah, Slink is right, sometimes theres 150 kids at every show for a few weeks, and then a few months where there is only 40-50 at a show. Whatever. As long as some people come out and mosh, that's all I care about.

Sean: I think so, it has a lot of history which makes it a honor to be apart of it.

6. in only one sentence describe your bands sound to someone who has never heard you before?
McFly: If you are rich you need to give us money so we dont have to work! Just kidding. We will make you want to kill everyone within 100 yards.

Slinky: Take 100 demons, Death threat, and crowbar, and lock them in a room with a bunch of weed and weapons and see what happens...

Collin: That was a great description, I'd have to say. My description would simply be sludgy metallic hardcore.

Sean: The heaviest shit you've heard. Period.

7: how did the band come to be signed to Demand Records and how have they been treating you so far especially when it comes to touring and dealing with merchandise and booking shows?
Slinky: Our last singer JDR deserves a huge credit for getting us the deal. They have been nothing but cool to us through recording so we're happy to be patient with them in the release of it.

Collin: Josh is a good kid who is real honest. It's unfortunate that our record has been on hold, but at least he is being totally cool and honest about it.

8: when the band is on tour in the van what is usually playing in the cd player?
McFly:Give us a van and I'll tell ya. hahaha! When we go outta town we borrow a van...I'd say Amon Amarth, Integrity, Crobar,Death Threat, some comedians.

Slinky: I prefer the comedians myself HAHA

Collin: We havent toured, nor do we have a van. Haha. But it would probably be Crowbar or some thrash band from Europe or the 80s that McFly is sweating.

Sean: Conway Twitty and Hank Williams Sr.

9: what do you base your lyrics on when writing new material?
Sean: Everyday life, and a few video games.

McFly: I wrote the lyrics to one of the new songs and its about a fallen angel that keeps getting pissed on and cant seem to get help from his creator.

Slinky: We try to have whoever is fronting the band at the time write most of the lyrics so they perform it to the fullest live. Otherwise you just get a nerd like me writing songs about the punisher.( Awsome song tho)

Collin: I play drums and write some heavy guitar riffs.

10: what is your view on fighting at shows and has it caused a problem with finding venues to book shows at throughout Columbus and the entire state of Ohio?
McFly: a few times that has been a problem. I think kids are starting to learn to keep their dicks in their pants now. The stupid hilljack /mullet mentality is slowly running its course. The tension keeps kids from having a good time. If you want to be an old grumpy hard ass come to the old guy bar and I'll fix your ass then, aside from that dont bring it.

Slinky: people who fight at shows are gay.

Collin: I would prefer that people come and mosh hard and sing along than act like gorillas fighting over bananas (thanks, McFly, for that gem). I think that force could be necessary in certain situations, but most of the time at shows its needless and does nothing but get bands and people blacklisted from venues, and gives heavy music a bad name.

Sean: There is a place for everything, however if you want to play a venue more than once, take it outside.

11: how were you first exposed to the scene and what made you say i want to be in an band?
McFly: I wanted to be in a band ever since I picked up a Suicidal Tendencies album. They were the reason I picked up a guitar. I actually got to open for them back when I was in my first band "The Creeps". One of the high points of my life was playing to a shitload of people and turning back to see them backstage rockin out to us. These are my people! This has been my scene for fuckin years before most of these fuckers were getting their asses wiped by mom and dad. But this isnt about what came first? The chicken or the egg. This is about a bunch of people with one thing in common...hardcore.

Slinky: I got into Hardcore through my love of metal yet my feeling of not belonging since i was drug and alcohol free. Metal dudes hate them a straightedge kid. But because of that i found this scene that had heavy music and at least a small excepence of my kind HAHAHAH.

Collin: I'll be honest with you, not too terribly long ago (4-5 years) I was a scenester metalcore dork with girl pants and gay tight shirts with screen printed splatters all over them. I grew up on early 90s metal like Pantera and Prong, as well as late 80s Metallica. A few years ago I got back into LEGIT metal and hardcore. To be honest, the band that made me want to play music was Primus.

Sean: When I was taken to a Morning Again show. So much energy. There is no other feeling like it. Cant be reproduced.

12: when on tour and driving from city to city what is some of the weirdest shit you have seen happen or pass by ?
McFly: In my many years, I have seen some shit that will make you turn white. Too many things. My favorite is going on the road with Joe Knuckles and watching him use the Jedi mind trick on chicks. That dude can get any girl fuckin naked with the wave of his hand!

SLinky: yea, have to go with mcfly on that one. Also I'll never forget when i was in Pitboss and we saw a kid that looked identical to Scott Farkas from a X-mas story.

Collin: In my old band Symphony in Peril, I once watched the vocalist in our band piss on HIS OWN VAN'S windshield in exchange for a vintage Led Zeppelin belt buckle.

Sean: Ive been on tour off and on for years now, but some of the weirdest shit I've ever seen happens in the desert at night(between Nevada and California). Too weird to even mention.

13: who are some of the bands main musical influences?
In The Cut: Integrity, Machine Head, Death Threat, 100 Demons, Slayer, Madball, Sick of it all, Amon Amarth, Deicide (not Collin), Crowbar, the Acacia Strain, Decapitated.

14: how many cds eps 7 inches split cds and demos has the band currently released?
McFly: 2 demos and one full length HOPEFULLY coming out this Feb.

15: who are some of the up and coming bands from the Columbus area as well as throughout Ohio that we should be on the lookout for ?
McFly: The Come Up (Hopefully hitting the studio soon), Yesterdays Youth, or For the Proud

Collin: Other than what McFly said, I honestly don't pay much attention these days.

Sean: Myself, I like Union Of The Fallen a lot. Also I would have to say Under One Flag.

16: the term hardcore has become so overused that any band putting a breakdown into a song is considered hardcore but explain to the readers what hardcore means to you?
McFly: Nothing, thats the best part of it.

Slinky: To me it's always been about everyone in the venue, not the band itself. So if we write music that hardcore kids mosh to and have fun, I have no problem calling us a hardcore band.

Collin: Hardcore is good, somewhat simple heavy music. Some bands do it well, some do it awful, so it kind of gets old to me, because I am a metal head. Hardcore as a "lifestyle" is all about being passionate.

Sean: It is a form of music, but also a lifestyle really. It can produce some of the best times of someone's life and also create some of the strongest bonds between friends that you have ever seen.

17: what are your views on kids who talk shit on message boards and spread rumors about violence at shows or bitch about getting hit when standing near the pit at a hxc show?
McFly: Their parents didnt kick their fuckin ass hard enough. Here is a prescription for Prozac you fuckin cry babies!

Slinky: They are all gay.

Collin: Keep hiding behind your computer screens, nerds. LOL!

Sean: If you wouldn't say it in "real life", don't say it. Its that simple.

18: where do you see this band in 3 years from now?
McFly:Collin will be up to his eyeballs with babies, and starting the next Partridge Family, Slinky will actually think he is an Ork and go on a killing spree during his Fed EX route, I will open my own scotch distilery in Scotland and bathe in Scotch every night before bed, and Sean will still not call any of us back even though he works for Verizon.

Slink: I really can't put it any more accurately then that.

Collin: Dude, I am laughing so hard right now. Perfect. I think that we will be playing shows a couple times a month, practicing on friday nights, and hopefully have another record out (if this one ever comes out!).

Sean: Support for Crowbar and Hatebreed...world tour.

19: How can the readers from around the world contact you about ordering merchandise?
McFly: Myspace www.myspace.com/inthecutcchc

Collin: Hopefully soon we'll have some good merch. Send us money!

20: What is your most memorable show and why?
McFly: My birthday a few years back. I wore my kilt and was so drunk I forgot to come back into a song but just stood there in a drunken daze with a big smile on my face....then I had to break up a fight. Plus the benefit for Anthony.

Slink: We played a benifit show for our friend Anthony that passed away to raise money for his family. Biggest turnout i've seen at a show in some time wich felt pretty good.

Collin: Yeah, that Anthony show was probably the best one in recent memory.

Sean: My most memorable show in the benefit for our fallen friend Anthony David Lataster. RIP.

21: what is your favorite city and state to play shows in and also your least favorite and why?
McFly: Im sorry Indiana, but you fuckin suck. I have been through there so many times it hurts and everytime has just sucked a big fuckin goat ass.

Slinky: I'm not gonna piss anybody off by telling the least favorite But i honestly like playing at home. Nobody seems to give a shit about us anywhere else. Well Akron was suprisingly awsome.

Collin: Columbus. Even though sometimes not that many people come out, but I like being able to be home 15 minutes after we play. As far as least favorite, I am not going to say, because I'll probably get beat up.

Sean: I love to play in Nashville, so much energy. My worst shows were in Colorado I think.

22: What advice can you give to some of the newer bands starting out that maybe having a tough time and thinking about giving up?
McFly: Just realize that even the bad times are good, cause when it sucks and shit goes wrong on the road, in the future they will become good memories and stories...trust me. Unless someone dies, then it just sucks.

Slinky: Stay Drama free and do what you wanna do. Fuck what is gonna sell. Play what you wanna play.

Collin: Don't take this genre that seriously. Hatebreed is the only band that has and ever will make it big playing hardcore. Just have a good time, and have a good job.

Sean: Don't give up. You might think that your band is horrible in your eyes, but a kid half way across the world considers you his heroes. Keep making music.

23: Who are some of the bands that you enjoy touring with?
McFly: We really havent toured, but I would say Yesterdays Youth. They can have a good fuckin time...they are the modern equivalent to Murphys Law.

Slinky: Yea YY are just a bunch of great dudes that love fun. All the For the Proud dudes are great as well.

Sean: I had a lot of fun touring with On Broken Wings and Shattered Realm. Never a dull moment. Ever.

24: where do you think you would be right now had you not been exposed to the hxc metal scene?
McFly: Probably more pissed off than I already am.

Slinky: Either the last man on earth or on death row for attempted genocide of the human race.

Collin: Listening to Korn or Disturbed.

Sean: Dead.

25: what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to the band when playing a set?
McFly: The birthday thing.
Slinky: Always breaking my E string, WHo the fuck breaks there E string besides a clumsy oaf of a bass player like me?

Collin: Playing the first 30 seconds of a song without guitar because McFly didn't know what song it was. Still great to this day. Haha.

26: Where else other than myspace can the readers go to find out about upcoming shows and other band related information?
McFly: Is there anything other than myspace?

Slinky: Get on World of Warcraft on the skullcrusher server Horde side and message Kusek. ROFLCOPTER / dance.

Collin: I had my AIM name on my old band's website. BAD IDEA. Myspace is the way to go.

Sean: Trustkill Shows was always very informative to me.

27: if the band could have anyone do guest vocals on the next cd with you who would it be and why?
McFly: Joe from Wisdom In Chains, he's a good dude and his shit rocks the fuckin party! even though I know the other mother fucks are going to say Kirk from Crowbar.

Slinky: Kirk from Crowbar.

Collin: Amen to that, Slinky.

Sean: Kirk Windstein because he is a huge inspiration and has been making amazing music way before I could even hold up an air guitar.

28: what is the worst injury that any of the band has had happen when playing show?
Slinky: JDR our old singer blackened my eye and swolt dat shit up like a kids inflatable jumping castle.

Sean: Nothing yet, but McFly had a gnarly staph infection that made us cancel a show. That shit had to hurt.

29: why do you think that people always associate violence with hardcore shows and it always gives hxc scenes and shows a bad reputation?
McFly: No, not as much as it used to. I've seen some shit, I've seen motherfuckers almost killed at shows. I feel it has tamed down a bit. No one cares for that shit anymore. I am guilty of my share of violence at shows back in the day, but then I grew up.

Slinky: Again...gay.

Collin: Because a lot of people fight at hardcore shows. It's annoying and pointless.

Sean: Because people are ignorant.

30: who do you predict will win the 2008 world series?
McFly: I am a soccer fan. Chelsea all the way!

Slinky: Columbus Blue Jackets. well we might have a better shot at the series then the cup hahahah.

Collin: I hate baseball.

Sean: Dunno, but you be sure to let me know.

31: Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?
McFly: They pop up here and there. Just visit our myspace to keep posted.

Sean: Go to all of our shows fool ass!

32: Is there anything else that you would like to add that i may have forgotten to ask that the readers should know about?


Collin: Slinky is a huge nerd for that last comment!

WWTO: Thank you McFly and In The Cut!