interview by Dan-o
How long has the band been together?
We have been a band for about 3 years.
Where are you guys from?
Portland, OR.....the Tigard area....
What is the current line up?
Coty(me) on drums
Dylan on acoustic and lead vocals
Ben on lead/rhythm guitar and back up vocals
Andrew on lead/rhythm guitar and back up vocals
Andy on bass and backup vocals
To someone who has never heard you guys, describe your sound....
If Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphy’s, and Against Me were to have sex, we would be what they gave birth to...
Who are some of the bands main influences?
We all have pretty different influences so that would be really hard, so just to name a few... Against Me, The Pogues, Sepultura....... see it’s weird.
How did you guys come up with the name My Life In Black And White and what does it mean?
Dylan thought of the name one night in a cabin before I was in the band. I think the way he came up with it was him sitting outside at night and looking out at the lake and getting all "emo" about the look of the lake and said "my life in black and white", I know it was something cute like that.
Now that were at the tail end of 2007, how was it for you guys?
It was awesome, we went on a few tours, met a lot of really cool people, played with a lot of really cool bands and we put out a pretty good record called "Bottles, Our Breakdowns". it did pretty well.
I see that original bass player Andy Langridge is back in the line up. How did that come about?
We had a lot of mixed feelings about the other bass player that was playing with us when Andy was gone. Honestly, I just didn't get along with him. He had other ideas that we just didn't really agree with. We really think that a band should stay with the original members as log as you can. While Andy was away at school in Arizona we called each other a whole bunch and decided it would be the best idea, it is rad having him back in the line-up.
You guys have released 2 amazing albums on your own by means of DIY ethics, what are some of the hurdles and rewards by taking the DIY approach?
DIY is the way to do it if you have the time and money, which is really hard when you're in the studio and also trying to play shows at the same time. But you get to work more with each other and the engineer, you don't have to deal with more than one person and it’s more personal.
Are you guys currently seeking any label support?
Yeah, we have become friends with Side One Dummy, those guys are rad. They help us out with what they can for now, we will see what happens in the future. I'm not sure what they are thinking, but you never know.
What is the recording process like for you guys?
Its pretty simple, just like the DIY thing, we get to work close with each other and the engineer, so we get the recording done pretty swift and fast. We do the live recording and then use the guitar and bass for scratch tracks.
So what is this "Rock Fest", how did that come about, and how was it?
101KUFO is a local radio station here in Portland, Rock Fest is their annual summer concert. They have two stages, a main stage and a second stage, we played the second stage. One of the ladies that work for 101KUFO just asked us one day if we wanted to do it and we said yes. I think we played in front of 20,000 people or something like that, it was awesome.
Any endorsements or sponsorship?
We are working on that now, we are sponsored by a clothing company called antic, and he is a DIY type of guy so it’s pretty sweet.
With elements of punk, country, hardcore, rock, and metal , it’s hard to categorize you guys in any one style of music. This melting pot of sounds must open the door for a wide range of different crowds for you guys weather it’s at home in the Portland area or on the road. Tell us about your crowd response and are out of town shows different for you guys than playing local shows in your home town?
The crowds are definitely diverse. Here in Portland we get a lot more drinkers that come to our shows, I think just to get us drunk, just kidding, we have a pretty big crowd in Portland. When on the road, we get way more different people at our shows. At one show there was a whole crowd of kids hardcore dancing, it was weird.
How is the local scene of Portland, OR?
Its weird now, sometimes it seems like all the kids care about are there clothes and how much more hardcore one person is than the other, but its pretty good when you can get so many different people at our shows. The way it always has been in Portland, you know how it is.
Do you prefer to play bars or all age venues?
We like both, but our style is really hard to book at all ages shows because there are not as many all ages places here in Portland and we tend to bring the drinking vibe to our shows.
What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you on stage?
Probably cutting my hand open on a broken beer bottle and playing through the night. Then, taking a drink of a beer while playing and cutting my lip open on the ring of the bottle. Somebody earlier that night did that thing when they hit the top of your beer. These both happened with different beer bottles, same night, same show, same stage....I was bleeding all over the place.
Are any members in any other bands?
Me, Dylan and Ben started a joke band called Aborted Fetus. It’s just for fun.
Lets find out a little more about long have you been playing the drums?
20 years.....
How did you get started?
My dad played drums when I was like 5 and then he started singing and my uncle played drums and I loved it so I built my first drum set out of coffee cans.
Have you played in other bands besides My Life In Black And White?
I've played in:
Scouts Honor
When You Die
A Taste For Murder
Any advice for people who are just starting out on the drums?
Don't ever give up, if you can’t figure something out don't just say screw it, keep trying, it will come.
So where would the band like to be in a 5 years?
Touring, doing everything band related and being able to afford taking my wife Irene and my son Cyrus with me.
Are there any bands we should know about?
Two Cow Garage, Emmure, Samsara, Lucero, SID AND FANCY
Since 2008 eight is just around the corner, what can we expect from you guys?
RECORD, RECORD, RECORD, tour,tour,tour!!!
What is the best way to contact you guys?